Everything FFXV Datamining Related

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
this is sad, i took a more in-depth look at the datamine and some dialogues were so much better than in the final version; i've compiled the most interesting ones.

alternate chapter 2 (noctis and group here dont learn about the incident reading a newspaper but listening to a report on the radio, or at least not only by reading it)

Now for the news on the recent Imperial Military action in Insomnia.
We bring you the latest reports from the crown city.
Pull over, wanna hear this.
Niflheim's forces succeeded in transporting the Lucian crystal out of the Citadel today.
The empire hereby declares control of the crystal.
The crystal is reportedly safe and secure in a military facility well beyond the borders of Lucis.
Meanwhile, within the city, life is returning to normal as the empire continues to provide aid and assuage the fears of local citizens so hard hit by recent events.
Slowly but surely, the people of Insomnia have put the past behind them to build a brighter tomorrow.
You believe that?
Ladies and gentlemen, this just in.
Noctis Lucis Caelum, former Crown Prince of Lucis, has reportedly been found dead.
I repeat, the prince is dead.
Noctis was the only surviving son of the House Caelum. He leaves behind no siblings nor heirs.
His death signifies the end of the royal line of Lucis
What about Noct?
He's dead, apparently.
Just propaganda to discourage any would-be loyalists.
This concludes the news from Insomnia.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for popular music hour, where we bring you all of today's finest musical entertainment.
Without further ado, let's get started with today's first track.
Doesn't bother me too much.
Just wait until they find out they're dealing with a dead man.
(emphasizes the main reason Insomnia was invaded in the first place, the crystal)

alternate chapter 2 (they meet Umbra after the invasion -not before it like in vanilla - and learn that Luna's alive; seems like the three first lines are from a scene of Luna asking Umbra to send the message; the last two lines suggests the bros were in awe with Umbra, maybe after vanishing like a magic dog?)

Go to him.
Tell him that I am alive, and I am well.
...And that he is ever in my prayers.

Hey there fella!
What's your name?
There, in his collar, a note.
You know this dog?
It's a letter...from Luna.
Umbra here is a loyal servent of none other than Her Highness, you see.
Does this mean what I think it means?
It means Luna made it out alive!
It would seem.
Well, not quite the reunion I was hoping for, but at least she's okay.
There you are, Umbra.
Good dog.
Thanks for everything.
Say hi to Luna for me.

alternate chapter 2 (longer dialogue of Noctis and Cor talking in the tomb)

About time you showed up.
Unbelievable. You made it all the way here without backup?
Yeah. You make it sound like a big deal.
It was for us.
There's worse to come.
So, tell me how this works.
Power passes from the old kings to the new through the royal arms.
And now, it passes to you.
To claim the arms is your right and duty as king.
My duty as king of what?
My father never told me anything. Never prepared me for this
He held up that wall with his life—
And the wall slowly brought him to his knees
By the end, he could barely stand on his own two feet.
The cane wasn't merely for show
For all his efforts, the wall couldn't hold back fate.
He had to make a choice: what to protect, and what to abandon.
And he chose to save one prince.
What kind of choice is that?
How many did he sacrifice in my name?
A king is sworn to protect his people.

Your point?
Look at the facts:
The crystal's been taken.
The enemy remains standing.
Many are dead, but more are alive still.
What hope is there for them?
Yes, your father chose to save one prince.
In order to protect his people—YOUR people.

"My" people?
Then why didn't he say something? He sent me off with a smile! I was—
Completely oblivious...
He wanted to tell you, said you deserved to know.
But when the day came, he didn't want to be the king.
In what time you two had left, he simply wanted to be a father.
What gave him the right?
The power of kings goes with you, Your Majesty.
(the crystal and the fatalities are mentioned, Noctis must protect the people that survived, the entire dialogue gives a clearer view of his objective and reminds you of the importance of the crystal which is barely mentioned during the beginning; this is significantly better than vanilla than i dont know why they didnt go with it)

alternate chapter 4

Heat emanates from every stone of this oven.
Everything looks all hazy.
Even the breeze is hot in here.
Heat's making me woozy.
Feeling a tad lightheaded.
Is it possible for me to melt?
How the hell does it get this hot?
We're shielded from the blasts here.
//ALT: We'll be shielded from the blasts here.
We're safe here for the time being.
//ALT: We're safe here for the time being.
They got backup.
Great, more of 'em.
Blasted reinforcements.
Ugly and persistent, worst kind.
That's a nice pile we got going.
Seemingly no end to them.
Enough of this, time to cut and run.
Don't we have somewhere better to be?
Time is on their side.
We should go.
So, your head still hurting you?
Not now.
Only when it shakes.
Earthquakes and headaches.
Guess those kinda fit together.
The Archaean's call would account for the tremors and the pain
The phenomenon seems beyond mere coincidence.
//ALT: Ascribing it to the voice of the Archaean is merely conjecture. Nevertheless, the correlation is undeniable.
Be nice to chat without my head splitting open.
Won't get any better on its own.
Let's pay him a visit so you can tell him how you feel.
Titan dwells amid the Disc of Cauthess, or so the legends say.
No living soul has ever stepped foot in the vale, let alone laid eyes upon the Archaean.
//ALT "stepped in" or "set foot in" They call that place the Forge of Gaia.

Oh yeah.
That definitely sounds like the kinda place I'd hang out if I were a god. A god or a king.
Legends of gods and kings.
Does the empire even have any idea the prince is out here?
The empire even know the prince is out here?
All these quakes are getting to me.
The quakes are my only real concern.
You can't worry about everything.
Just gotta hope it works out.
No use worrying about him.
Just gotta hope it works out.
I'm guessing that used to say "Keep Out!"
Your guess is as good as mine.
Can't tell.
I can tell you there's no going back.
No going back, and only danger ahead.
I heard a voice...
You mean... The voice of Titan.
Keep moving if you wanna hear more.
No way.
End of the road.
The road appears to run through.
Then where there's a will, there's a way.
Let's go.
You're not gonna believe this view!
Hurry up and get over here!
So hot...
The view's not bad, but all the heat's making me dizzy.
Yeah. Feels like the astral shard's about to blow.
What was that?
Take cover here!
Hey, you're on fire!
Put it out!
We're not talking sunburns and heat rash here.
Bearing the brunt of a blast could have fatal consequences.
Can't just...wait 'em out?
Out of the frying pan...
Who wants to lead the way?
One blast is all it will take out here on the ledge.
If we don't find cover fast, we'll be toast.
Long way down...
Don't think I can take it up here much longer.
Well, beats the alternative.
You feel that? It's coming... Go there before it gets here!
Whaddaya mean?
Go where?
In! Go in! Highness! We got you.
Come on up!
No time to celebrate.
Here comes trouble!
Ugh, it's infested!
Could be killed!
Let's not lose our heads.
Oh boy... Yeeeow!
No place to hide.
Let's run. The imperial army!?
The hell are they doing here?
Looking for a fight, no doubt.
Well, they found one.
Who wants to explain this?
Hard to imagine they'd follow us here...
You think there's more of 'em?
Hmph. Bring 'em on.
the earth
shall be reborn.

The ground it's crumbling!
Double-time it!
Noct, hurry.
(some differences, but especially reminds me of a past trailer (1:49) where the group takes cover in a rock, a discarded segment; its mentioned that no one has seen the summon, the place is also called Forge of Gaia here; i dont know if "the earth shall be reborn" bit is Titan talking but it could be)

alternate dialogue after Titan

Reckon I'mma have to take her in for a bit.
Yeah, I know.
Do you think there's anything you can do?
I can fix 'er up good as new!
Please give our regards to Cid.
And take care of yourself out there.
Always do.
I'll call y'all soon as she's ready.
Y'all just sit tight 'til then.
What is it?
I think Titan left me with something.
What is it?
Like, a gift.
Yeah, that doesn't really help.
It's hard to describe.
Just something I feel in my bones, a power...a presence.
Sounds like you've received some sort of blessing.
I only wonder what Titan was trying to tell me.
Now that it's dead, we may never know.
He may not be.
Well, whatever this gift is, it's yours.

I know.
(Noctis talks about his gift, theres important exposition here than i dont remember ever happening in final game)

We need to go!
Some kind of problem?
I'm afraid these mountains are unsafe for trespassers.
The army is tending to the issue, yet I must ask you be on your way.
Luthus. Say wha-?
The Archaean's memorial is no more.
There is nothing left for you here.

What about Luna?
Her fate is yet unknown to us.
You would do well to obey your calling.
No man shall be king that the ring does not will.
Don't know about you, but that imperial weirdo gives me the creeps.
Her Highness's brother is not of the empire.
Why's Luna's brother on their side?
What other side is there to be on?
Curious he spoke of the ring.
Well, I'm "obeying my calling" the best I can.
(it seems originally they would meet with Ravus sometime after beating Titan!)

alternate chapter 5 convo

So, the boy has become a man.
Much hardship has come to pass.
And now the covenant is kept—
the Landforger shed his grace on the king.
Yet the might of earth alone will not suffice to carry the Godstone.

The king has traveled far and wide,
but only now does his journey truly begin.
By mortal words and divine will,
the blessings of the Six await.
The Stormsender's temper the king must first enlist.
Would he hold the Godstone once more, this path he is to follow—
The path paved by the Oracle.
Where is Luna?
The eye of the storm.
Can I...see her?
Once the covenant is forged,
the Oracle and ring will await the king at the Walls of Water.

If the king is wise, he will hasten to her...
for covenants come not without cost.
You'd at least heard of Messengers?
In legends.
Yes, those—the Oracle's divine escorts.
So we're off to pray for thunder and lightning?
If we're to ever have any hope of overcoming the empire, we're going to need a little help from above.
Until the crystal is restored, let the storm rage.

chapter 8-9 longer dialogue with camelia

Once the rite is complete, we'll give them all we've got.
We knew we'd have to take on the empire sooner or later.
Then it's settled.
Per the agreement, we will guarantee the Oracle's safety... ...insofar as it does not endanger our people.
Once the empire attacks, I cannot—will not—be held responsible for her.
Abandoning her at the altar?
There's nothing to stop her from running.
And nothing to stop me from going there now.
Except the terms of this agreement.
I won't let you jeopardize the lives of my people.
Yet we're supposed to take a deal that'll cost hers?
It's hardly a death sentence.
The girl can fend for herself.
Against an entire army?
If you'd prefer, I could deliver her to the empire right now.
You wouldn't...

You've quite the penchant for picking on Lucian men.
And you the penchant for eavesdropping.
A skill I acquired here—
My ears are all that's kept me in business.
Certainly wasn't your manners.
There is a play, once you know all the angles.
We move our king to the fore to keep the pawns out of harm's way, while our pieces offer support from the back rank
Of course, our dear queen here is in no position to abet the enemy.
She has an ostensible allegiance to maintain, which is why she's alerted her imperial superiors to your presence.
She did!?
It's nothing personal.
She wishes to keep the empire in check as you do, but can't afford to tip her hand.
Should we prevail, she benefits by having her masters cast out of the capital.
And should we fail, she ingratiates herself with them by having delivered the king.

I'd hoped at least His Majesty would understand.
I am First Secretary of Accordo.
My loyalties lie with my people, and nowhere else.
The liar-in-chief in a land of snakes.
In her role, honesty is a luxury that can be ill afforded.
You'll engage the empire as agreed.
How you do so is up to you. But don't forget: the Oracle is in our custody.
If you value her safety, you'd best behave yourselves.

Same to you.
We'll take care of the empire, but if you pull anything before the covenant— we'll take care of you next.
I can't promise something I can't help.
Of course.
You certainly opened up to them, though.
What can I say? I have a soft spot for the young and tragic.
They've lost Regis, they've lost the crystal…
Was it so long ago the last Oracle was taken from them?
We've seen the empire go mad these ten-odd years.
That we have.
Holding my walls won't matter when the whole world crumbles.
(i like how it paints Camelia as a way more ambiguous person, and that Luna being in danger is pointed out)

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
alternate chapter 9 scene (Ravus talking with Ardyn)

The wedding day arrives, but alas, without the bride.
Of course, we've come for the Hydraean, and you've gone to such lengths to prepare.
Merely my duty.
Ah, but for an outsider to lead the imperial army must be a battle in and of itself.
You've spoken to Lady Lunafreya?
That obstinate secretary, standing in the way.
While you rush off to slay the Hydraean for your poor sister's sake.
I know the price of the covenant.
First the Archaean, then the Fulgurian, and soon the Hydraean!
Tragic...yet were the bond to be severed...
The Oracle is not your concern.
...the world would be the daemons' for the taking.
Your presence is not required.
And then there's this.
My arm, what of it?
The pitiable fate of one spurned by the light...
And you wished only to be its champion.
Meanwhile that recalcitrant vagabond is chosen.
I understand more than you can know.
You do seem rather...well-acquainted.
Acquaintances are the means by which I keep an ear to the ground and an eye on the heavens.
One doesn't live to my age without making a few friends.
We suffered great losses slaying the Archaean, and this battle should prove no different.
Should the chancellor insist on staying, I must insist on appointing guardsmen for your safety.
Most kind of you to care for my...well being.
(way longer and detailed talk, vanilla is simply too vague and short)

chapter 9 missions

now the really sad part

The Summit
Bound by Destiny
The Trial of Leviathan
Listen to Luna's address.
Search for survivors.
Head to the rendezvous point.
Board the imperial assault craft. (really similar to the Pocket Edition setpiece right?)
Sever the cables attached to Leviathan
Dodge Leviathan's attacks.
Join Gladiolus.
Stop Leviathan's tidal wave.
Defeat Leviathan.
(you have to first defend Leviathan from the empire by cutting the cables, which is a point never explained in the game, what are those cables? why do they matter? but then its clear that the empire wants to kill the summon before noctis is able to take the blessing, then after the mess is done (or before) you need to search for survivors... what we got is a straight corridor and qte-fest, an extremely rushed setpiece)

chapter 13

The King’s Light is yet faint.
When it shines the equal of the Stone, I, Bahamut, shall pledge my blade unto him.
Enter now into Reflection.
Gather unto the ring the Light that will purge the scourge of the stars.
When the time is come, the Usurper shall know defeat at the hands of kings true.
The Chosen shall embody the Stone, the mortal will...returned to naught.
Returned to naught? I just...fade away?

(My life for the power to save the world...)
I'll do it.
I'm not ready.

Wait, no! Lemme outta here!
The Light waxes full, O King.
Go forth to the throne and cast out the darkness, that the Stone's Light may reign.
(Wow i dont know how this would play out after "let me outta here", but thats interesting; also Bahamut says he shall pledge his sword to Noctis when the ring is full, which makes me believe its kinda his Trial for him(he only get the Mark of the Draconian after waking up with the ring full remember?).

EPISODE 13 and 14 alternate descriptions

Immediately after Noctis was pulled into the Crystal, he was confined and/or imprisoned within an odd space.

All of the Phantom Swords (Royal Arms) collected thus far are scattered around.
Noctis isn't aware of the situation of the Imperial capital, or of his friends.
Angelgard, so strongly protected that none may enter, not even Ardyn. Noctis continues to wait collecting moonlight for the Ring, earnestly hoping for the safety of both his friends, and the world.

When the moon has all but disappeared, an exit appears within the prison, and he hears the voice of a god that says "The time has come". By the time Noctis has gotten all of the power of the star, and has left the prison finally, ten years have passed within the world.
(this alludes to this art with Noctis, his weapons, and the moon shining above; the moon was the source of light energizing the ring, the ring needs light, literally)

(basically the only place on the planet which was still receiving light, which makes sense since its the most daemon-free area and thats the reason Gentiana calls for the comrades to maintain it that way for all this time)

EPISODE 15 alternate description

Noctis arrives at Hammerhead, and he's greeted by his friends. In the parking lot, there is a serviced Regalia.

The party have one last camp, before they drive the Regalia for their homecoming to Insomnia. As they head through the empty streets, they stop in the plaza in front of the Citadel. A horde of Daemons awaits them.
(this was already known, you would ride the regalia to reach the citadel which makes way more sense.)

some random in-game conversations (including the bros talking about Afrojack lol)

He's green behind the ears, thinks the world revolves around him.
He's still a good kid.
You neglected to mention finicky, awkward, and recalcitrant.
Little harsh.
Not if he is to be king.
You miss home?
Nope, can't say that I do.
What about you?
I like it out here.
You don't have to worry about acting like a prince.
Your Highness acting unprincely!? Perish the thought!
All of Lucis celebrates your betrothal, Your Princeyness.
Hey, watch it.
I like it out here.
You don't have to worry about acting like a peasant.
You're acting like an idiot.
You should try it sometime. Once you're married, it is game over, buddy.
Game's already over, far as I'm concerned.
It ain't over 'til it's over!
Take a load off. There's nothing you can do.
Is this Afrojack!?
Turn Up the Speakers!
Shall I leave this on?
Hell yeah.
Bet you're feelin' the need for speed.
Like I've got The Spark.
Then what're you waiting for?
Rev it up!
He's Unstoppable.
Who is?
Who else?
Yeah, this beat is Dynamite!
You got that right.
Think he'll be on again?
You can count on it.
Gotta say, I had no idea he was popular outside the city.
Hardly surprising.
His is an appeal that transcends borders.
Something the prince could learn from.
One of these days I'm gonna hear him live.

the full dialogue or variations of it, from TGS trailers conversations

I caught that sideways glance, Ignis.
Someting's up!
It just moved.
It's moving!? What!?
Step on the gas and get us out of here!
One step ahead of you
It's a "thing"?
Whoa! That thing is huge, and it's looking right at us!
Can anyone explain what the hell that is?
I can hardly believe it myself.
It appears to be an adamantoise.
You mean they're real?
Everyone knows that's just a fairy tale!
Yeah? Why don't you tell him that.
So, the peace accord fell apart.
At the signing ceremony, no less.
Snakes planned it that way all along
Can we ever go back?
They either don't know, or don't care.
I'll make them care.
We need to keep our heads down for now, at least until we know what we're up against.
So we stay on the road?
Like we have a choice
Not a preferable one, at least.
We'll go where the winds blow, 'til they carry us home.
Hey Noct, it's man's best friend.
She sent you, didn't she.
With a letter.
Any news?
You crossed the sea to bring this to me.
The sea?
Turns out Luna is in Altissia.
I trust she's well
Sounds like you've got a date waiting!
She say anything else?
Says she's got something for me
Some good news for a change!
We can cross the sea from Caem.
It'll take some arranging.
We'll have to leave the car behind.
So be it.

all taken from sylva's datamine

i wonder if there's audio or just text data in there.
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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
all taken from sylva's datamine

i wonder if there's audio or just text data in there.
Sylva's got some audio, and some other stuff apparently, though not all of it is present in English. He also said he has the original Bahamut scene working with Noctis yelling, hasn't uploaded it yet though.

Considering he got the Episode Ignis one also working, I'm inclined to believe him.

Also, the bit about the land being reborn is out of Titan's dialogue. I asked him about this before, apparently all of the gods had their gibberish originally translated into something.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Sylva's got some audio, and some other stuff apparently, though not all of it is present in English. He also said he has the original Bahamut scene working with Noctis yelling, hasn't uploaded it yet though.

Considering he got the Episode Ignis one also working, I'm inclined to believe him.

Also, the bit about the land being reborn is out of Titan's dialogue. I asked him about this before, apparently all of the gods had their gibberish originally translated into something.
I would like to see the original Bahamut scene, if Sylva does upload it at some point.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
I would like to see the original Bahamut scene, if Sylva does upload it at some point.
You can try nagging him, if you want. He says his internet is bad to get things uploaded easily, but from my understanding it's mostly the same but just some different animations, expressions, voice over and options.

He did say something about Bahamut's voice, but I don't remember. Would need to go over to Reddit or something to message him about stuff.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
You can try nagging him, if you want. He says his internet is bad to get things uploaded easily, but from my understanding it's mostly the same but just some different animations, expressions, voice over and options.

He did say something about Bahamut's voice, but I don't remember. Would need to go over to Reddit or something to message him about stuff.
I see, don't worry, Sylva can take his/her time is he/she wants, I'm not going to make him/her feel annoyed for the sake of seeing unused content in action, I'll be patient.
Likes: Storm


Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
all taken from sylva's datamine

i wonder if there's audio or just text data in there.
Sheesh, this game man.
What's with the trend of all the great assets and ideas being swapped with so obviously inferior ones. Really makes me wonder what was the reasoning behind that. Especially considering that some of those cutscenes were already finished way back in 2014.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Sheesh, this game man.
What's with the trend of all the great assets and ideas being swapped with so obviously inferior ones. Really makes me wonder what was the reasoning behind that. Especially considering that some of those cutscenes were already finished way back in 2014.
Yeah, and some of the scenes in the data have several of the cutscenes we saw at launch were more fleshed out, Ravus and Ardyn's talk at the beginning of chapter 9, for example, but in the final game, it was cut down, I really wonder why the full version of the scene, as well as others, went unused, and not to mention, even Episode: Gladiolus had cut story content, and that irritates me, a little mad, even, as I viewed the final version of it to bring nothing to the story to the table, but the cut content in it had shown me it could have, and that's a shame in my opinion.
Feb 19, 2018
Yeah, and some of the scenes in the data have several of the cutscenes we saw at launch were more fleshed out, Ravus and Ardyn's talk at the beginning of chapter 9, for example, but in the final game, it was cut down, I really wonder why the full version of the scene, as well as others, went unused, and not to mention, even Episode: Gladiolus had cut story content, and that irritates me, a little mad, even, as I viewed the final version of it to bring nothing to the story to the table, but the cut content in it had shown me it could have, and that's a shame in my opinion.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was just bad feedback that they got like how people complained about the game being too difficult and as a result we got a game full of one shottable enemies once you get to level 2 (obvious exaggeration but you get the idea). Also a trend I noted with this game more than any other is that most of the people that got to meet the devs provided horrible feedback and didn't know how to ask for improvements that truly mattered. Instead it was always gushing about fan fictions and ships they'd like to see in the game hence why we now have an alternate ending being made. Tabata even straight up said that the dev team wanted to improve combat for the game but no one they met ever told them what they'd like added, improved, or fixed which made the Armiger Unleashed difficult to craft because they were just going off of what they thought the fans would like rather than what they knew they would like. Overall I think the development and post launch support suffered a bit due to the devs just not being able to talk to the right people and I wouldn't be surprised if certain criticisms were made of the plot being too complicated or bogged down with exposition which is why we got these much more in depth lines replaced with such inferior and bare bone versions.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
now for the gameplay stuff...

duties and jobs


[Item Duty]
[Recovery/White Magic Duty]
[Magic Support/Defensive Duty]
[Magic Attack/Offensive Duty]
[Exploration/Investigation Duty]

DJ [Driving Duty]


unused skills and hints at older mechanics - really big list with tons of unused stuff, didnt include everything because theres a lot
some comments from the FFXV staff as well, my own will be inside ( )

//MF 11/18: is listed elsewhere as "Knightswords," but since these are all heirlooms of former rulers (and not all swords), I wonder if "Royal Arms" might be more appropriate in those situation.

list of some summons attacks / magics


//MF 11/19: Prefer "Gambit" or something a little snazzier, but I worry the FFXII crowd might disapprove. (so yeah "Gambit" was considered as the name of this discarded element)

looking at it im pretty sure those were techniques / skills planned for Duscae's battle system; most of them unused

//Arrow Shower
Rain a hail of arrows down upon enemies' heads.

//Dancing Blade
Split sword and unleash a multi-blade combo after performing a warp-strike. (this one might have been converted to The Wanderer's sword warp-strike)

//Guardian Arms
Conjure a sword to pursue an enemy after the initial attack. (this would have been totally useful, especially for flying enemies, sabertusks or mesmerizers which are fast asf)

Throw a shuriken, then press the attack button again to warp to the target.

//Earth Shaker
Launch weapon at an enemy, then unleash a slow yet powerful warp-strike. (going by the description it reads like The Conqueror's warp-strike)

//Gaia Barrier
Thrust shield into the ground and conjure a wall to take cover behind. (reads similar to one of Gladiolus skills in final game)

//Swift Crosswind
Instantly warp toward an enemy and deliver a crushing blow.

//Divine Light
Summon a magical sphere to hover in midair, then pierce the enemy at lightspeed.

//Trinity Strike
Conjure three holograms who unleash three warp-strikes in sequence.

//Lonely Moon
Warp toward an enemy and perform a sudden slash. Press the attack button again to unleash a combo.

Call upon all the weapons of the Armiger to deal massive damage.

Cancel a dive strike and walk in midair (costs MP). Can follow up with an attack. (this is so edgy and i would love it :()

//Bonus Round
Increase the number of shots that can be fired before reloading.

//Sturdy Shield
Conjure a shield while defending (costs large amount of MP).

magics not used

//Air Anchor
//FFVI: Damages or instantly dispatches an enemy (inapplicable?)
Renders an enemy off-guard and pulls them toward the user.

//MF 12/9: FFVI - Causes an enemy to self-destruct upon moving (inapplicable?)
Occasionally drains HP from the enemy.

Occasionally drains MP from the enemy.

Occasionally poisons the enemy.

Occasionally stops the enemy.

Occasionally weakens the enemy.

Occasionally inflicts doom upon the enemy.

Passive skills and bonus effects (maybe obtainable on the ascension?), screams gambit system to me

//Auto-swap: Sword
Automatically switch weapons within several frames after a successful Ravage attack.

//Auto-swap: Greatsword
Automatically switch weapons within several frames after a successful Ravage attack.

//Auto-swap: Polearm
Automatically switch weapons within several frames after a successful Ravage attack.

//Auto-swap: Dagger
Automatically switch weapons within several frames after a successful Ravage attack.

//Auto-swap: Firearm
Automatically switch weapons within several frames after a successful Ravage attack.

//Auto-swap: Shield
Automatically switch weapons within several frames after a successful Ravage attack.

//Auto-swap: Machine
Automatically switch weapons within several frames after a successful Ravage attack.

Automatically uses a potion when HP drops below half.

//Last Resort
Automatically uses a potion when in danger.

Automatically uses an ether when MP drops below half.

//Stasis Savior
Automatically uses an ether when in stasis.

//Stratagem Bonus: Defense
Fills the Stratagem meter faster while on the defense.

//Quick Charge
Reduces the time needed for charge attacks (machines only) (!!!)

//Stamina Boost
Reduces stamina expended by sprinting and hanging. (hanging!?)

Prevents bloodstains. (yeah bloodstains were a thing in the game, see here; there are still an item to remove them on vanilla but the visual effects are way less pronounced)

Increases allies' attack.
//MF 11/25: Labeled as "Cheer," but legacy-wise ???? has been "Boost." Admittedly, though, "Cheer" sounds more Prompto-esque.

//Dying Wish
Provides allies with status boosts after going down in battle.

Occasionally offers Advice even when not assigned to the Supporter role.

//JP Reassignment
Assigns JP to another role.

//JP Reassignment II
Assign JP to another role.

//JP Reassignment III
Assign JP to another role.

//Dagger Toss
Throws a dagger.

Sacrifices self to revive Noct and replenish his HP when he goes down in battle.

//High Five II
Recovers HP by high-fiving an ally. (lol)

//High-risk Pic
Takes pictures even while in danger.

//Brutal Headshot
Occasionally deal huge damage with a headshot.

Be decisive.(wtf)

//High Ground Directive
Issue directives after warping to high ground.

//Stealth Warp
Temporarily gain Stealth status after warping.

//Strategy Damage Up
Increase damage dealt during Strategy operations.

Break for All Jobs
Can perform breaks as another job. (meaning breaking appendages would be the task of a particular job only)

//Earth Shaker
Earth Shake: Fire a machine at the ground to create a circular shock wave that breaks -free-for-all technique you know you want it lv.3

//Earth Shaker +
Earth Shake +: AoE Up


//Jump twice (Break)

Highwind: Jump three times (Break) (Aranea's technique) (job-exclusive technique you know you want it lv.4)

//Vault +: Jump over and behind a large enemy (Aranea's technique)

//Vault: Jump over and behind a small enemy (free-for-all technique you can learn right away lv.1)

Tranquil Mind
Tranquil Mind (Cor's technique): Draw and dodge an enemy attack, then deal a devastating counter (job-exclusive technique you know you want it lv.4/5)

//Polearm Throw Break Attack
Deliver a long-distance break attack with a polearm throw

//Venom Strike: poison attack (this one was available for Ignis on Ep Duscae)

//Arctic Wind: machine attack that expends a small amount of ice element.

//Chakra: focus your inner essences to recover SP (free-for-all technique you know you want it lv.3)

//Convert: Can change MB element. Unlocked by learning Flamethrower, Arctic Wind, and Thor's Hammer (job-exclusive technique you know you want it lv.4/5)

//Desperado: Blow yourself up to deal damage to surrounding enemies (job-exclusive technique you know you want it lv.4)

//Absorb the element of the surrounding area into your weapon 1

//Pyrology Apprentice: fire magic increases elemental saturation in area

//Caster JP Reassignment 1
JP earned as Caster assigned to another job 1

//Tend Others
Able to use items on others. Learned upon unlocking Healer.

//Physics Master: fire, ice, and lightning element attack damage doubled - 10 years later (i think this was supposed to be an exclusive passive bonus for older Noctis)

//Throw Item Negate Noct's Danger
Throwing an item negates Noct's danger status (10 years later)

//Ring Magic: companions are healed with Holy (it was a healing spell, glad they changed it)

//Ring Magic: Toad

//Economize 1
Chance of using an item at no cost 1 (wow using items had a cost?)

//Economize 2
Chance of using an item at no cost 2

//Pinch Rescue No SP Cost
Rescuing a friend costs 0 SP -free-for-all technique you know you want it lv.3 (and so did rescuing)

//Perfect Shield Block Enemy Bounce
A perfectly timed block with a shield sends enemies sprawling
so basically you would assign roles to your party members (caster, healer...) at some point in development, give directives or strategy operations based on a gambit system... this feels better and more in-depth than what we got in the end (tactical and even with healing limitations), of course execution is another story

gaah this game, would be cool if some animations of older skills were still in the data; ill take another look at other sections

I wouldn't be surprised if it was just bad feedback that they got like how people complained about the game being too difficult and as a result we got a game full of one shottable enemies once you get to level 2 (obvious exaggeration but you get the idea). Also a trend I noted with this game more than any other is that most of the people that got to meet the devs provided horrible feedback and didn't know how to ask for improvements that truly mattered. Instead it was always gushing about fan fictions and ships they'd like to see in the game hence why we now have an alternate ending being made. Tabata even straight up said that the dev team wanted to improve combat for the game but no one they met ever told them what they'd like added, improved, or fixed which made the Armiger Unleashed difficult to craft because they were just going off of what they thought the fans would like rather than what they knew they would like. Overall I think the development and post launch support suffered a bit due to the devs just not being able to talk to the right people and I wouldn't be surprised if certain criticisms were made of the plot being too complicated or bogged down with exposition which is why we got these much more in depth lines replaced with such inferior and bare bone versions.
this rings so true that its hard to disagree, even the changes from Duscae to final battle system were too big, but i think the rewrites were mostly due to save time and meet the 2016 deadline. (3 years and a half wasnt enough for a game of this caliber)
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Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
now for the gameplay stuff...
These really hurt. It's crazy how many cool ideas left unrealized.

And on the topic of that
I wouldn't be surprised if it was just bad feedback that they got like how people complained about the game being too difficult
Million times this. The whole feedback thing really was to the game's disadvantage, imo. They clearly had fully conceptualized the game's mechanics, but then the Episode Duscae's survey came out and everyone was asking for manual weapons switching thinking it will be a deck with 8+ weapons like in E3 2013 trailer.
Instead we got the limited amount of 4 with no proper progression to Noctis's abilities, kind of a monkey's paw situation.
Also, the focus group and playtesters obviously weren't people who felt at home with action games, but more traditional FF players, I imagine.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I distinctly remember Tabata stating when he took over the project that the gameplay, or atleast the button mechanics, were "too complicated" and he was going to simplify it. I remember the interview being around the time Episode Duscae came out.
that was before it

i think he was more specifically talking about the whole "holding the button for auto-defense" deal.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 21, 2018
when i read the gameplay stuff that they didnt use i almost cried, because it was the mental image i had for this game gameplay, and i feel they removed most of the amazing stuff just to make it more casual and acessible to a newer audience, and that the thing i hate about ff15, with has the bones to be a great game but was bogged down to get new user in the franchise
Likes: Noctis_Caelum


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
when i read the gameplay stuff that they didnt use i almost cried, because it was the mental image i had for this game gameplay, and i feel they removed most of the amazing stuff just to make it more casual and acessible to a newer audience, and that the thing i hate about ff15, with has the bones to be a great game but was bogged down to get new user in the franchise
hm more or less

i think ppl complained too much about Duscae's battle system, and they really took that at face value and reinvented it.

but yeah it kinda hurts because on paper it seemed better, i still think the final battle system is fun but it lacks the satisfaction of having a tactical aspect, difficulty and so on (at least we can change characters now i guess)...
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
definitely theres a ton of passive abilities but the gist of it is what they imply

the final game (excluding controllable members) is still vastly automated when it comes to the other characters and it seems in the past you would have way more options to alter their roles in battle, also the abilities imply limited healing instead of "infinite resources" (using items would have a cost) and abilities would only be usable by certain roles.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 21, 2018
and on top of that magic seemed to be more composed in the cut gameplay stuff, and companions had roles which altered the way they played, it looked like a lot more complex, and strategic
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
more story that got changed, the translation is a bit fragmented here

Chapter 14

Noctis is catching up after the 10 year gap.

What about the world? What about Ardyn?

Is everyone waiting for him (Noctis)?

Will you be a god? Will you be a king? Will you be a normal person?

(Confusion about this decision) I'll die after this?

But if you do not, how do you live? (Repeats the same question as before).

A flashback from Umbra of Lunafreya in Tenebrae, prior to leaving for Insomnia. She expresses that she'd like to be with Noctis once more.

Noctis is encouraged to go to the throne, and to defeat Ardyn. Asked once more for what path will be taken (choice prompt box likely here), and then makes a comment about finishing it all.
by using google translator on the full text (if anyone wants to translate everything...), it totally reads like Noctis thoughts during his sleep! he sees a vision related to Luna even!

wouldnt be surprised if Ep Noctis has something to do with this in the end.

Noctis and Ardyn conversation, includes some details of the past, also chapter 14

Noctis discusses seeing things through, including apologizing to Lunafreya (related to previous vision).

Ardyn discusses being Noctis' ancestor, and then discusses the past. 「兄弟」 is getting used instead of a singular as seen in some of his retail lines, or the "Lucian King" comment from Ardyn, and that he mentions a lack of respect.

The colour black being an important and/or formal colour of Lucis is brought up, and that the Crystal wasn't the current colour it is now, but rather a pure blue. (The standard Final Fantasy crystal colour). The crystal's colour changed when Ardyn touched it, or at least so it would seem.

Discusses his immortality briefly.

Ifrit shows up, there's some chatter in there. A comment about a puzzled ad-lib (voice over) is left within brackets, and then there's the lines for after Ifrit.

However, Ardyn is now on the throne and it is here that he introduces himself by his official name of Ardyn Lucis Caelum, and reinforces his intentions.

Cor is missing, there is propaganda about his execution. Loqi appears

Chatter about gathering to prepare, including contacting Meldacio Hunter HQ.

Noctis calls, and it is confirmed that Cor has been captured by the Nifilheim Army.

There is a newspaper that has a headline of Cor's execution across it.

What are you gonna do?

A strategy to rescue Cor.
There won't be any action without any verified information, and as per usual they will gather intelligence and draft a strategy.

Comments about being lucky to have escaped an explosion at the North Duscaen Blockade means that this is Loqi, and his survival was to be brought up more-so than suddenly appearing with Caligo.
It's a trap, and being regarded as a rematch.

More preparation chatter, as well as the radio broadcast from Ravus about the blockade, the earthquakes and Insomnia. Noctis intends to go into the base alone, and then it goes into the next part.
There's another one after, and that whilst troops are being deployed both Noctis, and Prompto are mentioned by name as being involved in things.
Verstael's research is being tested again.

At the end, there's a comment about the recapture and/or recovery of Insomnia being close.

Then it goes into there being a roar sound near Noctis, and Leviathan appears. Noctis mentions this being a trial and/or Revelation, and that he accepts it. Then the following text goes into a jumble instead of being structured properly like the rest above. Not sure if this is exactly the same as Chapter 9, so I would recommend checking it after the fact.
going by the dialogue it would happen around chapter 4 or 5.

there are other unused sidequests descriptions, i would look for them when i have time
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