Leviathan's battle... was a hot mess tbh. I don't take these encounters as battles themselves, but a modern interpretation of previous (especially in PSX) set-pieces. Still, it was pretty messy and not very fun, and I felt it was as long as it should have been, all things considered. Also, visually striking at times; at others, quite plain. Still, nothing too bad, no big complaints here.
I really liked Levi's voice and attitude. But I feel as if I didn't know much about the Six yet. Hopefully I'll learn more about them (personality, general history, relationships...) beyond what's told in the Cosmogony book.
Oh, and Luna's dead :/ I mean, she's been more a device for the plot/Noctis than a character, as we barely see her and doesn't interact with Noctis (as adults) even once, beyond the speech and Noct being K.O... but I still feel (a little bit) sad. Maybe it's mainly because of all the wasted potential, though. Well, and the dream sequence: it was really beautiful and well done, I admit.
I reiterate everything I've been saying: the story moves at a glacial pace and, when big things are supposedly happening, it's not even that impressive or interesting. A shame, again, because the potential this story has (for a JRPG, I mean) is enormous. However, if I take it as a "the player's POV is mostly Noctis', who has a more mundane (so far) path, while the world is going to shit around him, and that's eventually going to catch him", I don't hate it as much, but it's still very dissapointing.
It's not horrible, but you can really tell how rushed the development of the game was. Which is all more impressive that they managed to do something as good as this, anyways: some weird decisions and general open-world nitpicks aside, the gameplay is phenomenal, and the world feels alive and big.
The whole Altissia area was handled poorly, as you barely spend time there (canon-wise, although I haven't seen any sidequest beyond hunts and the like) and the city (and the world), so very fucking soon, goes to shit. The city is GORGEOUS though, especially at dusk and night (can't get enough of this game's lighting: I hope Luminous is used in the future, or at least its lighting system) and has a presence that feels big, although is quite cramped and mace-like at the same time (even the guys say so lol).
So, yeah, story-wise: you don't spend time with Luna AT ALL, which makes it harder to care about her even if, as I said, I felt some of the sadness directed at the player. The concept of Noct being helped by the Protectorade's Prime Minister is cool, but it doesn't really feel
that important (I admit though, that the whole preparation, with the music and all, reminded me of VIII and such when you were about to tackle on an important mission).
The ending was rushed too: wake up in a bed, see Ignis blind, be mopey a little bit and that's it. Seriously, what the fuck happened to Ignis. Ardyn, I'm assuming? I wanted to see it... I don't know if the DLC could be placed here, tbh.
Oh, and fucking Weskham

I really wanted to see more of him, as he's got a great design (and, I think, he's the only black named character in the game beyond that Leide's restaurant owner) and I'm very interested in Regis' old days (how and where they fought, when Cor joined, why Cid and Regis broke apart...). I don't know if any of this will be answered, mind you.
And now that I think about Cor, what a dissapointment too. Barely in the game, doing unimportant stuff (in regards to the plot) and just stays there chilling in Caem.