What's worse is that
I thought the voice might belong to the old Lucian Kings - they sounded a bit like that in Kingsglaive.
It was said that Noctis' family is much like the mafia (from Versus days), but this trailer really takes it up a damn many notches! This truly is the darkest FF in the series from the shady Lucian Kings, to Regis making dodgy deals, even down to the logo being on a black background instead of white. Guys, I think we're gonna play as villains... or as Tornak suggested, we have to redeem ourselves...
Noctis may be the one to do it - her loved one
I thought the voice might belong to the old Lucian Kings - they sounded a bit like that in Kingsglaive.
It was said that Noctis' family is much like the mafia (from Versus days), but this trailer really takes it up a damn many notches! This truly is the darkest FF in the series from the shady Lucian Kings, to Regis making dodgy deals, even down to the logo being on a black background instead of white. Guys, I think we're gonna play as villains... or as Tornak suggested, we have to redeem ourselves...
I don't think its Lucian Kings, voice is really too much satanic for them. Diablos? Ifrit???
Ifrit is a possiblity, honestly. I really wonder what the deal with him and Bahamut is.
Wait, I think I get it. Regis sees a vision of what will hapen to Noctis if he goes alone, that's why he sends friends with him, hoping they prevent it.
Makes the opening CG scene more impactful.