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Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
What's worse is that
Noctis may be the one to do it - her loved one:(

I thought the voice might belong to the old Lucian Kings - they sounded a bit like that in Kingsglaive.
It was said that Noctis' family is much like the mafia (from Versus days), but this trailer really takes it up a damn many notches! This truly is the darkest FF in the series from the shady Lucian Kings, to Regis making dodgy deals, even down to the logo being on a black background instead of white. Guys, I think we're gonna play as villains... or as Tornak suggested, we have to redeem ourselves...
I honestly don't remember how the Lucian Kings sounded like, but I think they had some kind of voice effect, yeah. It could be it. Actually, it's a huge possibility, more so than the crystall itself. After all, they've all roughly had the same destiny or position. Noctis seems special in that regard, though.

I don't think its Lucian Kings, voice is really too much satanic for them. Diablos? Ifrit???
I would love Diablos (one of my favourite Summons) to appear in the game, but I reaaaally doubt it. I don't think we're getting much more than the Six (beyond Summons such as Carbuncle. Fat Chocobo and King Tomberry, pls).

Ifrit is a possiblity, honestly. I really wonder what the deal with him and Bahamut is.

Wait, I think I get it. Regis sees a vision of what will hapen to Noctis if he goes alone, that's why he sends friends with him, hoping they prevent it.
That's... very good. I totally see that.

Makes the opening CG scene more impactful.
Likes: LeonBlade
Sep 1, 2016
Wait, I think I get it. Regis sees a vision of what will hapen to Noctis if he goes alone, that's why he sends friends with him, hoping they prevent it.
That's interesting, I didn't stop to think why his friends were absent - I was too busy rooting for Noctis to get to Luna and looking forward to that sweet, sweet reunion... Fuck me....
Jul 16, 2015
I recalled Tabata's comments about de-emphasizing the "Reaper worship" part of Versus. If the above is indeed the case, maybe he changed his mind?
Diabolos isn't a reaper though. Diabolos is like I said depicted on Lucian sigils and seems to be connected to the Lucian bloodline. It may have been Hades in VersusXIII which is a reaper like being.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Wait, I think I get it. Regis sees a vision of what will hapen to Noctis if he goes alone, that's why he sends friends with him, hoping they prevent it.
This is a really good observation. It's easy to assume the dream is from Noctis, but I think it makes much more sense to be Regis' dream.
Jun 7, 2014
This is a really good observation. It's easy to assume the dream is from Noctis, but I think it makes much more sense to be Regis' dream.
It's from the video description
This beautiful yet violent motion picture inspired by the world and story of FINAL FANTASY depicts an “omen” for Noctis’ father, King Regis, of a catastrophic future that must be avoided.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
And to think that after all the footage and videos we've seen thus far... we know next to nothing about the story!

I swear this game is gonna be one epic, adrenaline rushes ride.

Makes me wonder though, out of pure speculation,
could Lucis actually be the bad guys?


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
And to think that after all the footage and videos we've seen thus far... we know next to nothing about the story!

I swear this game is gonna be one epic, adrenaline rushes ride.

Makes me wonder though, out of pure speculation,
could Lucis actually be the bad guys?
re: spoiler: Honestly, nothing would make me happier. But I doubt it. It looks more like the goal is to prevent that from happening.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
re: spoiler: Honestly, nothing would make me happier. But I doubt it. It looks more like the goal is to prevent that from happening.
Yeah that's true.

But gosh how epic it would be if it does actually turn out that
we are playing the game as the bad guys, and that Niflheim is trying to get rid of the Line of Lucis because they view them as "evil".

It reminds me of the old quote "nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so"

Nobody think that they're the bad guys after all. Even in the voice actor videos Ardyn's voice actor said that Ardyn sees himself as a "good guy"


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Yeah that's true.

But gosh how epic it would be if it does actually turn out that
we are playing the game as the bad guys, and that Niflheim is trying to get rid of the Line of Lucis because they view them as "evil".

It reminds me of the old quote "nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so"

Nobody think that they're the bad guys after all. Even in the voice actor videos Ardyn's voice actor said that Ardyn sees himself as a "good guy"
I do have some hope that that will be a theme, though. Like, there will be this internal struggle the whole game.

I LOVE stories from the perspective of the bad guy. Breaking Bad, Dexter, Death Note. I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it if Noctis was the bad guy to end all FF bad guys. But, I think we'll end up settling for a little bit of something like Noctis struggling with this inner beast (maybe that's the voice he's hearing in his head when he see the astrals, not Titan. The voice from the crystal, I mean) and in the end, his friends are the ones that keep him together.
Likes: Jubileus

Prince Naphtali

Dec 23, 2013
Who do you guys think the demonic voice at the end is? Regis seemed to be speaking to the crystal or at least using the crystal in some form. It seems that whoever they are, they want more and more sacrifice... but for what? Is Regis the bad guy here?


PSICOM Soldier
Apr 1, 2016
Who do you guys think the demonic voice at the end is? Regis seemed to be speaking to the crystal or at least using the crystal in some form. It seems that whoever they are, they want more and more sacrifice... but for what? Is Regis the bad guy here?
This sort of ties in with the whole grim reaper motif surrounding Lucis since the Versus days, hmm?


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
This sort of ties in with the whole grim reaper motif surrounding Lucis since the Versus days, hmm?
Diabolos isn't a reaper though. Diabolos is like I said depicted on Lucian sigils and seems to be connected to the Lucian bloodline. It may have been Hades in VersusXIII which is a reaper like being.
To be exact, Tabata said that while the specific motif was removed, but he never said the concept was removed. The Lucians are still highly conscious of death.

The Lucian sigils depict a winged skull, and that doesn't remind me in the least of Diabolos. I think the patron of Lucis, if it has one at all besides the divine Crystal (and possibly the as-yet-nameless Goddess from the artworks), is Bahamut. You can see him giving the crystal to an ancient king on the cover of Cosmogony in the TGS trailer. And the big Reaper in the Versus days was Etro, before the FNC terminology and branding was removed so it wasn't stigmatized as being related to XIII.
Jul 16, 2015
To be exact, Tabata said that while the specific motif was removed, but he never said the concept was removed. The Lucians are still highly conscious of death.

The Lucian sigils depict a winged skull, and that doesn't remind me in the least of Diabolos. I think the patron of Lucis, if it has one at all besides the divine Crystal (and possibly the as-yet-nameless Goddess from the artworks), is Bahamut. You can see him giving the crystal to an ancient king on the cover of Cosmogony in the TGS trailer. And the big Reaper in the Versus days was Etro, before the FNC terminology and branding was removed so it wasn't stigmatized as being related to XIII.
I said this before a long time ago but that winged skull sigil has both a horned skull with elongated chin(just like Diabolos) and a bird that looks like a Phoenix. Seems to be to be some sort of symbolism with death and rebirth. There have been other Lucian artworks with a devilish looking creature with wings and it's definitely not Bahamut. Niflheim has dragon imagery in all of there sigils so Bahamut is most liekly connected with them. Just a side note but that reaper from the versus trailers wasn't Etro. Etro was laying on some sort of bed or something within a frame which had a hooded skull like being holding it which was a reaper. That winged skull thing has also been in VersusXIII trailers just FYI.