Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Red Wings Commander
Feb 21, 2015
I think he means like in classic FFs you can't go to other areas until you unlock a specific vehicle / town is being blocked by guards etc.
Which would fit into the way Tabata described it.

Sounds like it's gonna be a classic FF style progression system, without the overworld since it's real time open world ofc.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I think he means like in classic FFs you can't go to other areas until you unlock a specific vehicle / town is being blocked by guards etc.
Which would fit into the way Tabata described it.

Sounds like it's gonna be a classic FF style progression system, without the overworld since it's real time open world ofc.
No, they bolded "Big areas interconnected", that's what I was asking about.

And yeah, it does sound like that, I'm excited.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Yeah, I think it won't be, they'll be much more expansive, plus having the car will help a lot. The world map of FFXII is one of my favorite parts about XII, so this idea carrying over to FFXV is a step in the right direction in my opinion. I was hoping that XIII would do that from XII -> XIII but... yeah... we know how that turned out.
Totally agree with this. My only grip with XII's world was how obvious the areas were interconnected (the little dots didn't help) so my "immersion" was kind of damaged in that regard (the rest is amazing, one of the most detailed and best designed worlds in a game).

With XV making this transition more natural AND being set in a modern-ish world that mixes classical and contemporary styles (like VIII, my favourite world in the series), exploration could be delightful if they manage to make it meaningful and fun enough. The ATR with the driving video gave a very comfy look at this world and how travel could work, making it actually look like a trip to the seaside with your friends. That's pretty cool, hopefully that's actually present in the game.

And the cities, oh, the cities! What we've seen of certain settlements like Lestallum really remind me of VIII, again, and we've only seen a few so far, all of them are very distinct. So yeah, that's the aspect I'm more excited about.
Likes: LeonBlade


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
FFXV trivia: In both E3 2013 & TGS 2013 trailers Ignis is never seen fighting nor his UI seen in the team UI. Maybe hinting that will not be available in that portion of the game.
Likes: Koozek
Sep 26, 2013
Isn't the escaping scene and the Noctis and Luna's meeting at the party scene have been removed? I heared the signing ceremony is still there.
I mean if Noctis and co are fighting through Insomnia that would seem to me to be the escape scene. The Duscae and trailer dialogue indicates that Noctis and his party aren't in Insomnia at all when Niflheim attacks, which would mean most or even all of the footage of them fighting through the streets is no longer in the game. Though I'm certain we return to Insomnia at some point, and if it still is in the early game I will be SO RELIEVED. It's probably the thing cut from Versus I miss the most.
May 26, 2014
Calling the two battle modes as a sort of difficulty setting doesn't sound right to me. It's just simply a choice of style of play for the player to choose on their behalf.
I'm actually glad there's no "Choose difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard etc." kind of setting.

Introducing the two battle modes just makes the game accessible for action based players and strategic base players. Hallelujah ladies and gentlemen. :chocowalk:
The way they described it makes it sound sort of like choosing between active and wait in previous FF games, which, in my experience, is very much akin to choosing between two difficulty settings.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Reminds me of my time transitioning between FFX's battle system to FFXII's battle system...... But the problem in the transitioning was having to be quick and decisive in my actions when playing FFXII compared to FFX where my turn gives me all the time in the world...... That was like a "training wheels" sort of moment for me back then. lmao
What? FFXII is extremely easy of a battle system... How was that challenging in any way?

Is it the same as what FFXV is going for though?
Uh... no...?
Oct 19, 2013
I only realized a while ago that people actually played older FFs on "Wait" :D Isn't a substantial part of the thrill of boss battles lost that way? Normal battles in FFs were mindless button-mashing 95% of the time anyway, but at least bosses could be tense if you had to think quick on "Active".
Likes: Noctis_Caelum