A lot of what you just posted is untrue, though. I think you're taking advantage of 1Truth2Lies not being here to defend himself. I just read his entire post history on this forum (he only made 123 posts, so didn't take me long) and I don't see any of your complaints. You're definitely twisting history here, and I've seen far worse trolls on internet forums. Out of all his posts/threads here, I never saw him twist info to suit his needs. All his stuff was always accompanied by a valid URL sources where available and he then applied that info to his belief that Ito was making FFXVI. I also saw no vulgar language from him unless he's been offended beforehand. He never outright posted a thread with vulgar language; not once. He only made replies to users with vulgar language when he was provoked. The same applies with him mocking or talking down to other users; he only did these when provoked. Going by his post history, it seems you all gave him a very hard time here, not the other way around. It's no surprise he packed up and left. I wouldn't say you guys drove him out, but rather he was the bigger man and walked away saying, "This just isn't worth it. I'm out."
This brings me to the recent accusation of sounding like I'm 1Truth2Lies. If I really remind you that much of him, it might be best that I don't join this forum. If he left due to the manner of you guys responded to his threads, even when he made excellent threads like that FFXVI one, I doubt I'll get pleasant responses either.
This will be my last post on the 1Truth2Lies issue, anyway. I don't want to derail my own thread. However, I strongly believe it was a mistake to lose a user that was really keen and passionate about assimilating and presenting info on Ito potentially directing FFXVI. As it currently stands, you have nobody else to fill in where he left off. That's not a good thing, in my opinion.
Going by his post history, it never got that far. Not even close to it, in fact. People are merely trying to make him sound like a worse poster than he was.