In the US, getting exact numbers will be hard to get. A PR statement from SE will cover how many units they shipped to retail. As for the number sold to customers, NPD has become incredibly strict about this stuff so the most you're going to get is not an exact number but a rounded figured posted by creamsurger on GAF. His posts are cryptic but easy to decipher and the reason for this is NPD does hunt down these people. They've already caught one valuable member on Gaf.
NPD results pop up around the 12th or 13th day of a new month I think. As for Europe, not familiar on that one.
lol... if that's how you want to interpret it. If you actually want references to my statements, please feel free to message me and I'll gladly find them for you.
Regardless, I apologize for contributing in derailing the topic.
FF Type-0 HD is now barely in the UK Top 40 after only 3 weeks. It currently stands at 39, having dropped from 12 last week and opening at 3 the week before that. It looks like FFXV: Episode Duscae wasn't strong enough to interest the mainstream. Even games that released long before Type-0 HD have higher positions in the UK Top 40.
The FF brand really isn't as strong as it used to be globally. I'm starting to believe Type-0 HD will not even come close to selling 1 million worldwide. These UK sales even point to actual FFXV not performing well in the region, especially if you recall the low sales of FFX HD and LR FFXIII over there.
With regards to what the UK first weeks sales of Type-0 HD actually were, it was only 31K, which in itself is not very impressive. It's looking like the game won't crack 50K before falling out of the UK Top 40. FFXV: Episode Duscae mainstream appeal just not strong enough. Simple as that.
FF Type-0 HD is now barely in the UK Top 40 after only 3 weeks. It currently stands at 39, having dropped from 12 last week and opening at 3 the week before that. It looks like FFXV: Episode Duscae wasn't strong enough to interest the mainstream. Even games that released long before Type-0 HD have higher positions in the UK Top 40.
The FF brand really isn't as strong as it used to be globally. I'm starting to believe Type-0 HD will not even come close to selling 1 million worldwide. These UK sales even point to actual FFXV not performing well in the region, especially if you recall the low sales of FFX HD and LR FFXIII over there.
With regards to what the UK first weeks sales of Type-0 HD actually were, it was only 31K, which in itself is not very impressive. It's looking like the game won't crack 50K before falling out of the UK Top 40. FFXV: Episode Duscae mainstream appeal just not strong enough. Simple as that.
So whenever I say something valid and with a source to back me up I sound like 1Truth2Lies? Seems like he really was the best poster on this forum before he left.
FFX|X-2 HD sold really poorly in the UK. I think the Japanese sales really boosted the overall worldwide sales figure for the game, too. Unfortunately, the same isn't happening with Type-0 HD, as that's selling really poorly in Japan, even with FFXV: Episode Duscae included. Also, I don't know how well FFXIII sold on Steam on launch, but I know it's no longer selling well, as the Steam version has now been widely pirated with many RePacks available online.
Again - can we please stop talking about 1Truth? Or saying (without proof) that another user is really him? No he wasn't the best poster around, considering how rude he was to users here, but he's gone and he said he wasn't coming back.
FF Type-0 HD is now barely in the UK Top 40 after only 3 weeks. It currently stands at 39, having dropped from 12 last week and opening at 3 the week before that. It looks like FFXV: Episode Duscae wasn't strong enough to interest the mainstream. Even games that released long before Type-0 HD have higher positions in the UK Top 40.
The FF brand really isn't as strong as it used to be globally. I'm starting to believe Type-0 HD will not even come close to selling 1 million worldwide. These UK sales even point to actual FFXV not performing well in the region, especially if you recall the low sales of FFX HD and LR FFXIII over there.
With regards to what the UK first weeks sales of Type-0 HD actually were, it was only 31K, which in itself is not very impressive. It's looking like the game won't crack 50K before falling out of the UK Top 40. FFXV: Episode Duscae mainstream appeal just not strong enough. Simple as that.
Honestly, that's a troubling figure. There was a high demand for Type-0 western release (at least among FF fans) so I expected it to do much better than that. I guess the major factor is that it's still only a remaster of a handheld game sold at full price.
FF Type-0 HD is now barely in the UK Top 40 after only 3 weeks. It currently stands at 39, having dropped from 12 last week and opening at 3 the week before that. It looks like FFXV: Episode Duscae wasn't strong enough to interest the mainstream. Even games that released long before Type-0 HD have higher positions in the UK Top 40.
The FF brand really isn't as strong as it used to be globally. I'm starting to believe Type-0 HD will not even come close to selling 1 million worldwide. These UK sales even point to actual FFXV not performing well in the region, especially if you recall the low sales of FFX HD and LR FFXIII over there.
With regards to what the UK first weeks sales of Type-0 HD actually were, it was only 31K, which in itself is not very impressive. It's looking like the game won't crack 50K before falling out of the UK Top 40. FFXV: Episode Duscae mainstream appeal just not strong enough. Simple as that.
Honestly, that's a troubling figure. There was a high demand for Type-0 western release (at least among FF fans) so I expected it to do much better than that. I guess the major factor is that it's still only a remaster of a handheld game sold at full price.
The more worrying factor is that it came with FFXV: Episode Duscae. Had the package just been Type-0 HD by itself, these sales would have been bad enough, but for it to also come with a 4 hour playable demo of FFXV and it still to underperform in sales is a very worrying sign. It really speaks volumes about the current state of the FF brand in the UK.
Eh, not even I as a huge FFXV fan would have bought Type-0 at that price for a demo. The same with a lot of my friends who can't wait for FFXV, either. Also I don't want to spoil that magical feeling of finally playing the full game after all those years by playing an unfinished, early version^^
Besides, it's a spin-off and a remaster of a 4-year-old PSP game - what did you expect? Obviously FF is not the brand it once was. SE has to gain the trust back with FFXV, after the whole FFXIII mess and hopefully they will.
Eh, not even I as a huge FFXV fan would have bought Type-0 at that price for a demo. The same with a lot of my friends who can't wait for FFXV, either. Also I don't want to spoil that magical feeling of finally playing the full game after all those years by playing an unfinished, early version^^
Besides, it's a spin-off and a remaster of a 4-year-old PSP game - what did you expect? Obviously FF is not the brand it once was. SE has to gain the trust back with FFXV, after the whole FFXIII mess and hopefully they will.
Another person sugar coating the low sales and making excuses for the game? Shake my head...
You and your friends may not have bought Type-0 HD for the demo (I didn't either, just so you know), but I know people that actually did. That was really the main selling point for it. One of my friends who has been waiting on FFXV since E3 2006 said he only bought Type-0 HD for the demo code and then quickly sold the game on eBay as brand new, as he never touched the Type-0 HD disc. Even then, it only sold for $25, meaning that without the FFXV demo code, the product's value went down by more than half! I'm sure there's many people in the UK that also mainly bought Type-0 HD for the demo. Barely anybody was going to spend $60 on a PSP remaster if it didn't also come with something that had true PS4 worthy graphics in playable form (FFXV: Episode Duscae).
So for Type-0 HD to sell this poorly when the main selling point was FFXV: Episode Duscae, it doesn't look promising for the actual FFXV. The game is going to need stellar reviews and massive advertising campaign to attract the mainstream attention that single-player FF games have not been receiving since the mixed reception of FFXIII.
I'm not sugarcoating. I even said that, yes, the FF brand isn't as strong anymore. The gaming landscape changed and FFXV is the breath of fresh air the franchise needs.
So for Type-0 HD to sell this poorly when the main selling point was FFXV: Episode Duscae, it doesn't look promising for the actual FFXV. The game is going to need stellar reviews and massive advertising campaign to attract the mainstream attention that single-player FF games have not been receiving since the mixed reception of FFXIII.
I actually agree with this, but not with "Type-0 didn't sell -> FFXV = doomed". Nah, I think the hype will pick up again if the actual FULL game comes and reviews PLUS the word-of-mouth are strong enough to get old, bitter fans back on the train again after FFXIII (or maybe even as far back as FFX or FFXII) and new generations of gamers whose only exposure of the series is hearing "lol, FFXIII is shit" on Youtube and everywere else on the internet. Think about it, there are teenagers who never played a good and popular FF since they started gaming on PS3/X360/Wii, while my generation had FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX and FFX in the span of, what, 4-5 years. It will be over 6 years since the last mainline FF when FFXV comes out next year. Not enough new fans gained and too many old ones lost. FFXV carries a lot on its shoulders.
That makes absolutely no sense at all. People would buy a game just for a demo for another one, and somehow that means that FFXV will do poorly? People "wasted" money to play a DEMO of a game, and the full game is somehow in trouble? I'm sorry, but I don't see how this makes any sense.
Type-0 HD didn't sell very well because it was a port of a PSP game that a vocal majority of people wanted localized, and so they released it on the next-gen consoles to both bundle it with XV to get more sales, as well as establish a base for the full release of XV. If anything, the fact that people bought Type-0 HD for the demo should tell you that it did its job.
As for "sugar coating", that's just how it is... This is a PSP game that had minimal effort put into it to put it on the next gen systems, honestly what do you expect? Yeah, it's a several year old game that wasn't even that highly regarded to begin with outside of its combat system which arguably is pretty fun and involved. Again, what do you really expect...? It wasn't supposed to be amazing sales wise to begin with, why would it be? It was primarily a platform to launch the XV demo on top of.
The game is going to need stellar reviews and massive advertising campaign to attract the mainstream attention that single-player FF games have not been receiving since the mixed reception of FFXIII.
The game is already highly regarded as one of the most anticipated RPGs of all time, there's already a lot riding on this game as it is. It's not like Type-0 HD's sale have done ANYTHING to effect this in ANY WAY. I mean... outside of the demo being bundled with Type-0, I don't see why anyone would even associate these two games with each other, because they have no connections whatsoever in terms of sales.
As for the mixed reception of XIII, that's pretty obvious, but fans already knows that XV is nothing like XIII. As for the general public, it should already be pretty apparent to anyone that was going to buy the game that somehow doesn't know much about it looking at the combat system alone. As for those who somehow don't know a single thing about this game, they will figure it out sooner or later once they start promoting the game near its release. It doesn't really matter what XIII has done, it was one game when it's all said and done, no one had to play the sequels. Actual fans of Final Fantasy will know that the series is constantly changing and they'll be looking forward to the changes in XV.
Final Fantasy XIV (the MMO) is doing fantastically well despite completely flopping on its initial release with 1.0. They had their first fan festival (I went to it), and they're launching their first expansion in a few months from now. When new MMOs like Wildstar have come out, people always have come back to XIV. It's not often an MMO is allowed to die and come back to life like XIV has, and that shows that SE can make great games and own up to their mistakes.
So, while XIII left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, it's not like people have lost hope in SE by any means... XV will do just fine.
God damn! The in-game graphics of FFXV look fucking shitty for a PS4/Xbox One game! The world looks way too fake and artificial. The trees don't even blow in the wind, for fuck sake! When these videos first came out, I thought that maybe it was just the video resolution, but now I'm seeing them in 1080p, I can see it wasn't. What an awful sight to behold.
This is what Luminous Studio is capable of? This? These shitty in-game graphics? You've got to be fucking shitting me...
I really need Hiroyuki Ito and FFXVI to show me that this once industry leading IP is still relevant, as I'm rapidly losing all hope in it.
The more worrying factor is that it came with FFXV: Episode Duscae. Had the package just been Type-0 HD by itself, these sales would have been bad enough, but for it to also come with a 4 hour playable demo of FFXV and it still to underperform in sales is a very worrying sign. It really speaks volumes about the current state of the FF brand in the UK.
I, for one, was one of those people who bought Type-0 not because of FFXV: Episode Duscae. As a matter of fact, like what @Koozek said, I don't want my experience with it being spoiled, I gave the demo code to a friend of mine, he played it and said he is sold on the game.
We also live in an age where if you want to experience a demo, you can just go on YouTube, no need to pay $60+ to come with a game you might not have any desire for. I personally think with a couple of good reviews at the beginning with XV, it might do relatively well.
buddhafied pretty much encapsulated the current gen of gamers pretty well.
That's the deal for most people I know who didn't get FF Type-0.
Why shell out $60 for the demo when you can get the experience online? I think more than playing the demo, people just wanted something... 'tangible' to show that the game is actually "real". Considering FFXV's development-hell history.
And in regards to the demo and those who have played, it's been majorly met with praise and slight criticisms (as an early concept demo would be.) but nothing that'd completely turn anyone off from buying the full game.
So the March 2015 NPD sales reveal that FF Type-0 HD sold 210K. For comparison sake, Lightning Returns: FFXIII sold 240K in the February 2014 NPD. So even with FFXV: Episode Duscae, it couldn't top the sales of Lightning Returns in NA? Can we now admit Type-0 HD was a sales disappointment? Even in the UK, the game has completely fallen out of the UK Top 40, while games like Assassin's Creed Unity (a game released in November 2014) are still charting. Over in Japan, are now selling it at 55% off the RRP, meaning it's now cheaper than the PSP version of the game, which has no FFXV demo.
Square Enix may have shipped 1 Million worldwide for Type-0 HD, but I fully expect only 500K to actually sell through to consumers at the RRP. The rest will only sell with a major price cut by the retailers. If that doesn't work, they'll just send the excess stock back to Square Enix.
All things considered, the FF brand is on decline. FFXIII Trilogy got a mixed reception that really hurt the brand. FFXIV ARR may be critically acclaimed and a great game, but it only has 500K subscribers worldwide, which is just 100K more than FFXI at its peak. This is despite FFXI peaking at a time when broadband wasn't as widely available as it is now and not everybody even having internet connections in their homes. Now we see with Type-0 HD that the game itself and FFXV: Episode Duscae were not enough to draw in the masses. I honestly see it having less sell-through numbers than Lightning Returns. Square Enix should really be worried about FFXV at this point. All signs point to it being sales disappointment. Only stellar reviews and a massive advertising campaign will ensure it's achieves over 5 million worldwide, IMO.
So the March 2015 NPD sales reveal that FF Type-0 HD sold 210K. For comparison sake, Lightning Returns: FFXIII sold 240K in the February 2014 NPD. So even with FFXV: Episode Duscae, it couldn't top the sales of Lightning Returns in NA? Can we now admit Type-0 HD was a sales disappointment? Even in the UK, the game has completely fallen out of the UK Top 40, while games like Assassin's Creed Unity (a game released in November 2014) are still charting. Over in Japan, are now selling it at 55% off the RRP, meaning it's now cheaper than the PSP version of the game, which has no FFXV demo.
Square Enix may have shipped 1 Million worldwide for Type-0 HD, but I fully expect only 500K to actually sell through to consumers at the RRP. The rest will only sell with a major price cut by the retailers. If that doesn't work, they'll just send the excess stock back to Square Enix.
All things considered, the FF brand is on decline. FFXIII Trilogy got a mixed reception that really hurt the brand. FFXIV ARR may be critically acclaimed and a great game, but it only has 500K subscribers worldwide, which is just 100K more than FFXI at its peak. This is despite FFXI peaking at a time when broadband wasn't as widely available as it is now and not everybody even having internet connections in their homes. Now we see with Type-0 HD that the game itself and FFXV: Episode Duscae were not enough to draw in the masses. I honestly see it having less sell-through numbers than Lightning Returns. Square Enix should really be worried about FFXV at this point. All signs point to it being sales disappointment. Only stellar reviews and a massive advertising campaign will ensure it's achieves over 5 million worldwide, IMO.
So the March 2015 NPD sales reveal that FF Type-0 HD sold 210K. For comparison sake, Lightning Returns: FFXIII sold 240K in the February 2014 NPD. So even with FFXV: Episode Duscae, it couldn't top the sales of Lightning Returns in NA? Can we now admit Type-0 HD was a sales disappointment? Even in the UK, the game has completely fallen out of the UK Top 40, while games like Assassin's Creed Unity (a game released in November 2014) are still charting. Over in Japan, are now selling it at 55% off the RRP, meaning it's now cheaper than the PSP version of the game, which has no FFXV demo.
Square Enix may have shipped 1 Million worldwide for Type-0 HD, but I fully expect only 500K to actually sell through to consumers at the RRP. The rest will only sell with a major price cut by the retailers. If that doesn't work, they'll just send the excess stock back to Square Enix.
All things considered, the FF brand is on decline. FFXIII Trilogy got a mixed reception that really hurt the brand. FFXIV ARR may be critically acclaimed and a great game, but it only has 500K subscribers worldwide, which is just 100K more than FFXI at its peak. This is despite FFXI peaking at a time when broadband wasn't as widely available as it is now and not everybody even having internet connections in their homes. Now we see with Type-0 HD that the game itself and FFXV: Episode Duscae were not enough to draw in the masses. I honestly see it having less sell-through numbers than Lightning Returns. Square Enix should really be worried about FFXV at this point. All signs point to it being sales disappointment. Only stellar reviews and a massive advertising campaign will ensure it's achieves over 5 million worldwide, IMO.