Who is your favorite Final Fantasy character?

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Well, my absolute favorite character is Kuja from Final Fantasy IX. I guess I have a knack for egomaniacal, narcissistic, over theatrical, effeminate, daddy issued, planet destroyer bastards.
Simply charming, and oppressive. The presence that Kuja exhales each time he is on screen, from the first time he is on screen at the end of the first disc is just superb... Dat Immoral Rhythm, dat Dark Messenger. Dragon tamer, child molester ahah. First time I played the game I thought for the longest time he was a woman! Takes a special man to do that.
Overall I just love the theatricalness that he borrows to the game, taking it to a whole new level in my opinion and Final Fantasy IX would most definitely suffer a lot without him.
Kuja's an incredibly underrated villain, really. Big thing about him: He actually succeeds! He summons Necron, he destroys the world! The heroes just succeed in reversing it, but he has far more success than Sephiroth, etc. Bested only by Kefka.


Dec 29, 2013
I personally like Auron from FFX even though he wasnt the nicest at times he was always calm cool and collected and I like that in a character.
My favorite is definitely Rikku, her beauty and enthusiasm always caught me and I had tons of fun using her in both X and X-2. A lot of FF characters have been memorable to me like Cid Highwind, Balthier, Locke and even Vanille, but Rikku has stayed at my personal top ever since I first played FFX.

EDIT: What the hell I can't believe I forgot to mention Gilgamesh, Bartz and Kefka....