Who is your favorite Final Fantasy character?

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Clan Centurio Member
Oct 4, 2013
World B
I haven't played all of them, but I've watched them played (YouTube FTW), so I suppose that could count. I like most of the main crew from XIII (feel free to hate me), even if Hope seemed a bit whiny until that bit in the Gapra Whitewoods, Snow was your stereotypical, over-confident hero 95% of the time, and Vanille was annoying to hear. Yeah, that's my main gripe with Vanille. I don't have much of an opinion of Fang, and my overall favorites of the bunch are Sazh and Lightni- *sounds of gunfire*. I know there's a bunch of hate for Lightning, but personally, I don't think she was that bad of a character if you take her backstory into account.
Likes: Sapientia
Oct 5, 2013
I'll have to say Mewt from FFTA. Then Vanille.

I feel like these characters mess up big time in a lot of ways, but try to run away initially.

I like that Vanille tries to put on a dumb girl act and being all cheery when in fact she feels like ditching. And Mewt...I love his design and his predicament and FFTA has a special place in my heart so.
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Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
Cant believe I missed this thread^^

Favorite FF character is a very tough call. I´ll have to split this into three categories : male, female and villains (Top 5 for each). Since I want to make these lists more detailed I will not post it all in one post but will instead use one post per category.


1. Cloud Strife ( FF VII)

While there is a lot of characters that I really love, still none are a match for Cloud. He was my first character ever in the Final Fantasy series to play, he is a swordfighter (which I am generally a great fan of), he has a really amazing design (particularly in Advent Children) that feels very heroic and iconic and he is one of the most tragic and tormented protagonists in FF history. Not only can I really invest myself emotionally into him, he also is an incredibly badass fighter and in my opinion might be even the strongest FF character there is. And his journey from the little boy from Nibelheim to that fighter is an incredible one, while Cloud at the same time has the looks, the power and the presence of a truly iconic hero and there is a reason why he is the most famous male face of the franchise. Because Nomura created a character here who simply combines it all and then some. Plus someone who mows down enemies with a sword that I couldnt even hold with 3 hands while being the embodiement of cool on a motorcycle just deserves the top spot by default.

2. Tidus (FF X)

While some are not the biggest fan of him because of his initial ineptitude and rather non-heroic attitude, I think he is one of the most authentic and brilliant characters ever and I wouldnt love Final Fantasy X as much as I do if he were any different. Tidus is essentially us. He is not a hero at first, he is afraid, lonely and can barely hold a sword. Just like I would be if I would be thrusted in such a world. Which made me connect to him on a much deeper level than I did with any other FF character ever. he gradually learns about Spira, just like I did. he fell in love with Yuna just like I did and he overcame his fear and faced his destiny. He did become a hero but it happened gradually through experiences and out of necessity. And for love. The love for his beloved Yuna and his father. And ultimately for Spira. Tidus is a character that I really BECAME in the game instead of just having this adventure with him. Plus he isnt the typical brooding type character but its hyperactive at times and also pretty damn funny ("Moonflow baby here we come") - while also very sensitive and emotional and ultimately a pretty badass swordfighter in the end.

3. Snow Villiers ( FF XIII)

Some might be very surprised to see Snow here. But he is an awesome character and most importantly he is a LOT like myself. He fights for what he loves without any consideration for himself, he commits himself to what he believes in and even if he makes mistakes, they are his to make and he would never do it any other way. Snow is a character with a lot of passion and heart, who would die to protect those close to him and though he is a fun-loving , wisecracking guy who often comes across as stubborn or immature he is also a pretty badass fighter with a lot of power. I always thought his design was pretty cool and one of the greatest voice actors of all time, Troy Baker just gives him a lot of presence and depht. Most of all I love that Snow is a very fallible character but one who always gets back up and who will never stop fighting for those he loves. Of course the downside of embracing your feelings like this is that if you lose the ones you love (like Serah in his case), it will cost you your heart and all what made you whole and what drove you will be lost - as Snow himself experienced the last 500 years. I can really, REALLY feel with a character like that because I am like that myself. And its characters that I can invest myself in like that and who at the same time are also a lot of fun that I really love. And thats why Snow is the 3rd on the list.

4. Squall Leonhart (FF VIII)

There is no way, Squall would not be on this list. He was the first character in a videogame that I ever felt a really emotional connection with. Much like Cloud he is a very powerful but immensely tormented character, whose entire soul was nearly turned to stone by the loss of a loved one (Ellone) and then he became the cold person that he became known for in an effort to never have to hurt like this again. That was something I could enormously relate to, even back in 1999. Its a very human and sad thing and its something that I have gone through myself in life. Though I embraced anger and wrath instead of turning myself cold like that but its all about being so hurt that you will do ANYTHING to never suffer like that again.

My favorite band has a song that deals with this too and there is line from that song that comes to mind:

"I wanna be so cold that everyone will freeze to death, never want to love again so I will never lose again"

FF VIII really was the first FF to delve into such emotional realistic issues, issues that happen to us in real life. FF VIII was a coming of age story and it was really about the things we go through ourselves and how we deal with pain and loss. Some strangely call Squall an emo, which I dont understand at all since he is the exact OPPOSITE of an emo (Emos live out their pain and dont hide it). Others say he doesnt have much of a character development. What? Squall goes through enormous character development over the course of the game. His love for Rinoa finally allows him to break through the cold that has encased his heart and find warmth again. Squalls story is a very emotional journey of a traumatized character who learns to allow himself to love again. And that is a story that really captivated me on a personal level and it was the first time ever felt with a character like this in a videogame. And this connection is what made me a FF fan in the first place. But despite this Squall is also a superb sword (well Gunblade) fighter and the kind of heroic, superior badass blade-wielder that I love in a FF game. Definitely one of the greatest videogame characters ever created. And that Lionheart Limit Break is the single most awesome special attack in the history of Final Fantasy.

5. Adelbert Steiner (FF IX)

Again another unexpected character I guess. While others go with Auron, Vincent, Zidane or Vivi at this point I carry a torch for the Captain of the Pluto Knights. Steiner is once again a sword fighter and I always love those. he is also incredibly funny and ultimately has a big heart even though he hides it too often behind his sense of duty. Steiner is on a very captivating journey as well in FF IX. One where he has to discover for himself what right and wrong really are and that he must learn to make his own decisions, independent of duty and orders. He also has this really awesome relationship with Beatrix that I really love and despite his clumsiness and stiffness he is a really strong fighter. He didnt become Captain for nothing. Ultimately Steiner to me is probably the most entertaining of all FF characters but he also has a really personal and important journey and some great character development. And he is easily the best physical attacker in the game. And any character who can be such a choleric that he jumps several meters up and down when he is pissed, totally need to be in the top 5. Sorry Monkey-Tail, you aint got nothing on the Captain ;)

To be continued in Part 2: Female Favorites
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soup or mann

PSICOM Soldier
UFFSite Veteran
Sep 29, 2013
In the past I would have said Cloud Strife. But after playing Crisis Core, Zack fair has become my favorite. You just can't help but love his character and care about him so much by the end of the game.
Likes: Sapientia


Oct 10, 2013
That's a hard question. Many Final Fantasy characters grew on me, each one because of different reasons.

For females I like (in no particular order):
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII: When I started Final Fantasy IX, I was reserved towards her, but as the plot progresses so did Garnet. Also, I like the love plot with Zidane which didn't seem forced like in other Final Fantasy games.
Yuna: Her bright spirits, gentle nature, and loyalty to her friends and her beliefs are something that shape my personality actually.
Oerba Dia Vanille: Despite how many people dislike her, I think it's mainly because of her battle cries, she rubbed off on me with her bright personality and gentleness, but also with her deep feeling of regret from the past.
Paddra Nsu-Yeul: Yeul is just all-wonderful girl with tragic story which is just touching. She spoke some of the most beautiful words I heard in a video game: "Everyone is smiling. This is the future...I wanted to see."

For males I like (in no particular order):
Zidane Tribal: He's like this super-cool guy. His total cheerfulness is something that really makes Final Fantasy IX shine. Like with Garnet, I like the love plot which didn't seem forced like in other Final Fantasy games.
Shuyin: I know: shock, but he is one of those few Final Fantasy villains who has decent, or should I say, 'good' or 'understandable' motives which drive him to destroy the world. His love story with Lenne is something that I really like and appreciate.
Caius Ballad: Has similar motives to Shuyin, but is...what's the word? A kick-ass.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 5, 2013
Before XIII, my favorite character was Cid (FF X). However, now a days my favorite character is Vanille.
Seriously. Now let me explain...

While on the surface Vanille seems like a airhead who has never been responsible a day in her life, she is actually deep. This is a girl that grew up in the time of war and in order to protect her world, she took powers from the Fal'cie. She trusted everything to what can be summed up as gods to help her people. Granted, when the going got tough in the war, she ran away. But tell me, if you were told by a god you had to destroy an entire planet, wouldn't you be scared and try to run away? It's human nature. That's what makes Vanille so great. She has such real, human characteristics that I haven't seen in characters in a long time. She did what she could to save the billions of people on Cocoon. You could say she was being irresponsible. I see that as her trying to do what she thought was right. At the end though, she was able to save Cocoon AND give the people a new world.
She's kind, considerate, and tries her best. Isn't that what we all try to do in this world?

Make whatever comments you want about her sounds or whatever you don't like about her. You obviously aren't taking the time to look deeper into her character to see there is more then meets the eyes if that's what you really care about. (I hope that didn't sound mean... o.o)

Also, I love Cid from X simply because he is a badass that can't be messed with. :D
Likes: Kaimi


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY

Alright after I covered my male favorites in the last post (hope you enjoyed the way I did that^^), lets move on to my female favorites. Not few people say that the women are the true stars in the franchise, especially since the change from Squaresoft to Square Enix and looking at this list of insanely gorgeous, strong and captivating women - I find it hard to disagree.

1. Yuna (FF X)

She is my ultimate queen of Final Fantasy, no scratch that, of gaming, no scratch that again, of all of japanese fiction. I am in love with Yuna and I have been since I first laid eyes on her back in 2001. I have never felt so close to a video game character before or ever again. She just has it all - she is so beautiful that it makes me lose my mind (look at that new Yuna art SE released for the Remaster!), she is very graceful, very selfless, has great strength and love is what drives her the most. Love for her father, love for her friends, love for Spira and ultimately of course her love for Tidus. She also has a great emotional journey that made me feel for her and with her every step of the way. I laughed with her, I cried with her and I changed the world with her. She also has amazing character development throughout her story where she learns to break out of her shell and enjoy herself, life and love more. She is not a dark character, Yuna is all about fighting for happiness. Thats why ultimately none deserved it better than her as well. While some claim that she was out of character in FF X-2 I wholheartedly disagree. Yuna had learned a great deal on her journey, one of the most important things was to be free of constraints and live her life in ways that make her happy. With SIN gone, Spira saved and no summoners needed no more she can finally shed her burdens and be free and happy (Though that happiness was of course severely dampened by the loss of Tidus - but once she was with him again, she could finally have the life the way she wants it to be) and in the company of Rikku and Paine she was free and happy - until she was reminded of what she had lost or until she was alone and there was nothing to distract her from the aching of her heart.

Whenever I see or imagine Yuna and listen to the orchestral version of "To Zanarkand" I tear up every time - because thats how much I still love this character. And thats why there is no way, anyone else would be No.1 in this list

2. Tifa Lockhart (FF VII)

Tifa has always been probably the biggest female star in the FF series. There are numerous reasons for that. She is of course unbelievably gorgeous (The fact that most erotic FF-fanart such as Hentai involves Tifa is not really a surprise) and has probably the greatest character design of every female character in the series or gaming (The only one who I think can match that in terms of beauty, popularity/desire and iconography is the classic Lara Croft) but she is also one of the strongest female characters ever created, who can be a fighting machine that would put both Neo and Bruce Lee to shame. Add to that her amazing heart and gentle nature and you get one of the greatest fictional characters ever created and the main reason besides Cloud Strife that the world of Final Fantasy VII became this popular and successful. I really, really love Tifa to death and if it werent for Yuna she would definitely be the No.1. What an amazing character.

3. Claire "Lightning" Farron (FF XIII)

Oh yes, you bet that Light is on this list. Personally I dont understand the intense dislike for Lightning among some "fans" at all. She is a classic character who shares a lot of similarities with my male favorite Cloud Strife. Both served as soldiers in a rather malicious organization, both heavily changed their character and identity (though unlike Cloud, Light was doing it consciously) and both are extremely superb swordfighters. Lightning could easily be Clouds sister if they would exist in the same universe. I also dont get the intense dislike for her whenever she shows more of her feminine, beautiful and sexy side like in some of the Lightning Returns - costumes .These costumes are not really supposed to reflect her actual character but are supposed to just make her look great and specifically provide fans with an oppertunity to enjoy her in a look that they normally wouldnt be able to: Nostalgic, fun, sexy, badass....Its not really that much different from what FF X-2 did. I dont remember such an outcry with those costumes back in 2003. And I think Lightnings additional costumes are just really awesome and fun.

Lightning is the embodiement of the two defining traits of every great female FF-character: Strength and beauty. She has both in spades but I also really invest myself in her character emotionally, which to me is always the key in a FF game really. She is going through changes and growth over the course of her story and despite being very strong , behind it all she is also very vulnerable and full of regret, often at the edge of despair. Of course she is flawed. Any good character should be flawed, otherwise they wouldnt be neither interesting nor human. But I think much of the criticism about her really just stems from the mere fact that she is THE ultimate face of the brand Final Fantasy XIII and not so much about her actual character. Some people just hate her by default because she gives them a vent for their disappointment and frustration with FF XIII.

There is also a lot of jealousy involved. Because Lightning has become one of the most recognized and iconic Final Fantasy characters of all time (Something that Noctis has yet to achieve) and is probably the most recogizable female FF character besides Yuna and Tifa. And her story now spans three games. But that wouldnt be the case if Lightning wouldnt be popular and iconic - and no matter how her detractors work to make it seem the other way, she is incredibly popular and iconic. In Japan she was voted the most popular female FF character of all time. You didnt have that level of fame with Terra, Rinoa, Garnet or Ashe. And that is for a very good reason.

I put Lightning on 3rd place in this list because to me she is a genuinely endearing character who is beautiful, strong and is on a journey for hope, salvation - and ultimately just wants to be free and smile again. To have her family back. And as someone who lost almost his whole family himself, I can more then relate to that. She is the best thing to me in the entire FF XIII - universe, to the point where the games decreased considerably in quality when she wasnt there and delivered the most when she was. The FF XIII games do have their downsides - but Lightning definitely isnt one of them (not to me anyways) - she is the biggest jewel of that universe.

Plus Ali Hillis, who voices her has such an incredible, fascinating voice and way of voicing her. Definitely one of my most favorite VA performances of all time. There is a lot of grace, strength and hidden emotional nuances in Alis voicework for the character that makes every scene she is featured a highlight. And Ali is a really cool person too.

4. Aerith Gainsborough (FF VII)

Aerith really is the Gwen Stacy of Final Fantasy. A character with such an iconic and almost sacred status that became more beloved and important after her actual death. Again Aerith is a character of immense beauty and strength and much like Yuna with a story that is so fulll of tragedy, loss and powerful emotion. her musical theme "Aeriths Theme" always goes straight to the heart and is by far the best emotional piece in the FF VII soundtrack.

While many like to see Aerith with Zack and Cloud with Tifa, I always thought of it in much more complex ways. To me Tifa was never really a love interest for Cloud but rather like his sister. They have a very Luke/Leia-esque relationship to me with a very powerful love between them but its family love. In Advent Children Cloud, Tifa, Barret and the kids are even referred to as a family. To me Cloud true romantic love has always been Aerith.

I know that Crisis Core turned a lot of people into Aerith/Zack - shippers and they do have a point. Aerith and Zack shared a great and tragic love, indeed. But so did Cloud and Aerith. The relationship between these three is really complex and multi-layered. Its all complicated also by the fact that Cloud basically BECAME Zack. But Aerith didnt just see only Zack in Cloud (only initially) in my opinion. After a while she saw behind that and she undoubtedly touched something in Cloud. She made him care again (There is a similarity to Squall and Rinoa to be found here) and this in my mind developed into a really great but ultimately also tragic love. Her death GREATLY affected him as we can see in Advent Children. Also it should be noted that Cloud already loved/cared Aerith well before he ever knew she had been with Zack (I am still not sure if he ever found out about that). Aerith really is probably the most angelic character in FF history who embodies the light and life itself (as the opposing force to JENOVA who embodies the opposite) and she touched both Zack and Cloud with that light and love. These three are forever linked with another in their hearts and that is somethining about the whole VII-saga that incredibly touches me. The two brother-like friends, the woman they love and who loves them. Together these three form the ultimate sword of light in the battle against darkness. This was really symbolized in the extended version of Advent Children. When in the end she and Zack can finally rest and Cloud can finally smile, that really to me was the ultimate symbol of their relationship with each other. Aerith really is light and love itself, she is beautiful, graceful and her death tore my heart apart back in 1999 (when I first saw it). It was like the light was taken away and everything was plunged into darkness. And thats what it was like for Cloud too. Even more so because he couldnt save her and burdened himself with guilt over it. Which only helped to solidify my opinion. She is the great love of two brothers and always will be. And there is no way she would not be on this list.

5. Beatrix (FF IX)

Beatrix is such a really great character and by far my most favorite FF IX character. Again you have the combination of beauty and strength, especially evident in her character. She is probably the most supreme fighter in the universe of FF IX and she can appear cold and ruthless if necessary but as the game later revealed she has an enormously great heart and sense of justice and what initially seemed to be a superior and fearsome enemy turned out to be a most gentle and honorable hero. And her lovestory with my other favorite FF IX character Steiner was just so endearing and to me a much better lovestory then the one between Zidane and Garnet. They are just so wonderful together. I absolutely LOVED tha part where they would fight side by side against the invading monsters and in that moment it was really just about them belonging together. But like any great female character on this list, Beatrix also knows how to kick ass. Just ask Zidane and the gang ;)

To be concluded in Part 3: Villains
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Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 9, 2013
No.1 Favorite character for me is Tidus, he's probably one of the easiest protagonists to follow since he's in a world he has no knowledge of (much like the player) and you kind of want him to succeed in his battle against Sin.
Likes: Casval


Oct 25, 2013
My Favorite Male characters are Zack, Tidus and Auron. FFX was my first Final Fantasy game so yeah the characters from X really grew on me. It's actually a draw when i have to pick between Tidus and Auron. And Zack for for his attitude and his story. My Favorite female characters are Lightning and Tifa. Both for their looks i suppose xD


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 26, 2013
My favorite male characters would have to be Vincent Valentine (FFVII) and Kain Highwind (FFIV). As for female characters, definitely Tifa Lockhart (FFVII) and Terra Branford (FFVI).
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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 27, 2013
Sector 7 - Midgar
Ah, there's no doubt in my mind, my heart sits clear and still as the answer to this lies clear before me <3..

Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)

There's a soothing, effervescent, gleeful innocence to the last of the Cetra that resonates with me, she represents everything that is pure, beautiful, joyous, innocent, and ultimately doomed. Her character drew me in quickly as I started playing Final Fantasy VII, I was new at playing videogames at the time and I was quite perplexed with the darkness of the world presented in the game, the inner struggles of Cloud, the hoplessness of the situation Barret and Tifa were facing, everything was dark, looming, menacing.

And then she appeared, with a Pink dress, a Bright smile and a basket filled with flowers, she met Cloud in that church and from that moment I fell in love, and when she was ripped away from me, at the time I felt I got to know her story deeply and connected with her I felt something I never felt playing a game before, I felt actual hurt, I felt betrayed by my emotions and ultimately I felt dread, facing the world of Final Fantasy VII again without her by my side.

And no other character in any game has touched me the way she has, so the answer to this question was and will always be quite simple.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Nov 17, 2013
South Africa
Many great characters to choose from.. I would have to say auron is amongst one of the best but without a doubt the best character would have to be Caius.. Leon described him perfectly earlier, and ya, def Cauis.. unfortunately I havnt got the chance to experience Zack's character


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
It's very difficult to choose if we're talking main playable cast, but in terms of the supporting cast for me it is Beatrix, forever and ever. She's incredible. Really lovely piece of character work.


UFFSite Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Rosebud, SD
Man, it is really hard to narrow it down to just one. There are so many well developed and strongly characterized casts in each game that to simply choose one would be doing a disservice to the franchise. So, I will name one or two in each game I've played, at the very least.

FF I - Paladin, Black Mage
FF IV - Kain, Cecil
FF V - Bartz
FF VII - Red XIII, Tifa
FF VIII - Zell, Squall
FF IX - Amarant, Vivi
FF X - Auron, Wakka
FF XII - Balthier, Gilgamesh


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 18, 2013
Well, my absolute favorite character is Kuja from Final Fantasy IX. I guess I have a knack for egomaniacal, narcissistic, over theatrical, effeminate, daddy issued, planet destroyer bastards.
Simply charming, and oppressive. The presence that Kuja exhales each time he is on screen, from the first time he is on screen at the end of the first disc is just superb... Dat Immoral Rhythm, dat Dark Messenger. Dragon tamer, child molester ahah. First time I played the game I thought for the longest time he was a woman! Takes a special man to do that.
Overall I just love the theatricalness that he borrows to the game, taking it to a whole new level in my opinion and Final Fantasy IX would most definitely suffer a lot without him.

Honor Mentions:
Red Mage
Quina (yea,, I love ffix)
Cid Raines :(
Likes: APZonerunner


SOLDIER Second Class
Nov 22, 2013
Vanille. No matter how her voices can be annoying, you can see her hiding her sorrow and acting like she won't mind anything.
Likes: Kaimi