Motomu Toriyama's new title just got a big boost

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SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
I just love X, X-2, XIII, XIII-2 and LR. And I quite enjoyed Revenant Wings (it has my longest average play time on my 3DS haha) and Front Mission Evolved.

So you didn't like X, X-2, Last Mission, Revenant Wings, XIII, XIII-2 or LR?
From those, the only one I can say I freaking loved was XIII-2. It was just so stupid and fun I couldn't avoid but loving it. The others: X is serviceable, X-2 and Last Mission were very meh, XIII was... you know, dissappointing and linear, and LR is the only FF game I can say I hate; I haven't even been able of bringing myself to finish it yet, and I've played X and XIII three/four times each.

It's not that I can't play FF games directed by Toriyama, but I think he doesn't bring anything new or helpful to the franchise (and no, to be the guy who has directed more FF games on the franchise doesn't make him a good director per se). His games tend to be linear, with awkward, stereotypical anime characters (Auron is the only character of his who is cool enough to get my blessing) and with questionable direction decisions IMO (all those butt shots on the very fan serviceable X-2, the never ending, 20-hour long tutorial of XIII, the very existence of LR --okay, I can't blame just Toriyama for that, but for the stupidly shallow story? Oh, yeah. I definitely can!, etc..). So, I don't have anything against the guy. I don't even know him outside his job. But I don't like him as a director and don't find him an asset to the franchise. Too godlike. Too self-centered on ideas that, at least on my end, I don't dig.

I even believe that Final Fantasy XII was better than those games you named. Yep, I think it was better than X, X-2, and the XIII games. Revenant Wings? RTS game, not an RPG. I can't compare it to the rest.


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
From those, the only one I can say I freaking loved was XIII-2. It was just so stupid and fun I couldn't avoid but loving it. The others: X is serviceable, X-2 and Last Mission were very meh, XIII was... you know, dissappointing and linear, and LR is the only FF game I can say I hate; I haven't even been able of bringing myself to finish it yet, and I've played X and XIII three/four times each.

It's not that I can't play FF games directed by Toriyama, but I think he doesn't bring anything new or helpful to the franchise (and no, to be the guy who has directed more FF games on the franchise doesn't make him a good director per se). His games tend to be linear, with awkward, stereotypical anime characters (Auron is the only character of his who is cool enough to get my blessing) and with questionable direction decisions IMO (all those butt shots on the very fan serviceable X-2, the never ending, 20-hour long tutorial of XIII, the very existence of LR --okay, I can't blame just Toriyama for that, but for the stupidly shallow story? Oh, yeah. I definitely can!, etc..). So, I don't have anything against the guy. I don't even know him outside his job. But I don't like him as a director and don't find him an asset to the franchise. Too godlike. Too self-centered on ideas that, at least on my end, I don't dig.

I even believe that Final Fantasy XII was better than those games you named. Yep, I think it was better than X, X-2, and the XIII games. Revenant Wings? RTS game, not an RPG. I can't compare it to the rest.
In regards to Lightning Returns story, Watanabe wrote it, not him.

People who don't like The 3rd Birthday always blame Toriyama as scenario director but when people say they don't like eg. LR's story they blame Toriyama when Watanabe had more say over LR's story than Toriyama did in The 3rd Birthday's.


SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
The more I think about it. Final Fantasy XIII is basically what Final Fantasy X is when you suck the life out of it.
For a fact, the endless corridor of XIII was hidden behind a Pilgrimage on X.
And that's Toriyama's signature.

In regards to Lightning Returns story, Watanabe wrote it, not him.

People who don't like The 3rd Birthday always blame Toriyama as scenario director but when people say they don't like eg. LR's story they blame Toriyama when Watanabe had more say over LR's story than Toriyama did in The 3rd Birthday's.
Please, don't tell me Toriyama didn't have any saying on that. Maybe he didn't write the story himself, but he should have had something to say about it, accept or deny elements, give his go ahead, or something. If not, what is he directing a game for?


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
For a fact, the endless corridor of XIII was hidden behind a Pilgrimage on X.
And that's Toriyama's signature.

Please, don't tell me Toriyama didn't have any saying on that. Maybe he didn't write the story himself, but he should have had something to say about it, accept or deny elements, give his go ahead, or something. If not, what is he directing a game for?
I didn't. I'm simply stating that people go on about him in regards to The 3rd Birthday and blame him but not the guy who's directing FFXV.

Toriyama's signature? Lol. That's why Lightning Returns is open-world. And interactive movie was Kitase's idea from memory.


SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
I didn't. I'm simply stating that people go on about him in regards to The 3rd Birthday and blame him but not the guy who's directing FFXV.
Okay. My mistake. I thought you were talking about XIII, not The 3th Birthday.

Toriyama's signature? Lol. That's why Lightning Returns is open-world. And interactive movie was Kitase's idea from memory.
And that's because XIII-2 and LR aren't Toriyama games per se. They are answers to the reception XIII (a game that's a full Toriyama's signature) received: XIII-2 was a correction to every mistake found by the users on XIII, and LR was an answer (and miss-answer) to the very complain of an endless corridor existing on XIII. In short, FFXIII is Toriyama's game and vision; XIII-2 and LR are different answers to the bad reception of those vision, not what Toriyama wanted, but what he was forced to create to correct the mistakes of XIII and to earn back some money from what was invested on that game (and I assume some SE higher-ups have something to do with that).

I insist, then. Gameplay subject to the story? Toriyama's signature. Linear gameplay so that the story won't get lost into subquests and whatnot? Toriyama's signature. Stereotypical anime character that represent a personality element that will help move the story on (Vanille, Rikku...)? Toriyama's signature. Style high above substance? OMG, that's Toriyama personified.

And to end this. I personally cannot believe that a director has no saying over anything related to its creation. You say that the interactive movies weren't Toriyama's idea? Well, I agree. But do you really think he didn't have to check those shorts before they got accepted? Well, I just can't. Even in one of the promotional videos of LR (those who used Lightning voice actress as a narrator) they admitted --while been rather self-complacent-- that without Toriyama, their own legendary hero, none of the Lightning Saga would have been possible, which makes me assume nothing would have been possible without him allowing it. And by seeing how his product end of being... Well, you can get why I don't like him as a director.

Too much pretty lights trying to cover a lot of mistakes and restrictions IMO.


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
Okay. My mistake. I thought you were talking about XIII, not The 3th Birthday.

And that's because XIII-2 and LR aren't Toriyama games per se. They are answers to the reception XIII (a game that's a full Toriyama's signature) received: XIII-2 was a correction to every mistake found by the users on XIII, and LR was an answer (and miss-answer) to the very complain of an endless corridor existing on XIII. In short, FFXIII is Toriyama's game and vision; XIII-2 and LR are different answers to the bad reception of those vision, not what Toriyama wanted, but what he was forced to create to correct the mistakes of XIII and to earn back some money from what was invested on that game (and I assume some SE higher-ups have something to do with that).

I insist, then. Gameplay subject to the story? Toriyama's signature. Linear gameplay so that the story won't get lost into subquests and whatnot? Toriyama's signature. Stereotypical anime character that represent a personality element that will help move the story on (Vanille, Rikku...)? Toriyama's signature. Style high above substance? OMG, that's Toriyama personified.

And to end this. I personally cannot believe that a director has no saying over anything related to its creation. You say that the interactive movies weren't Toriyama's idea? Well, I agree. But do you really think he didn't have to check those shorts before they got accepted? Well, I just can't. Even in one of the promotional videos of LR (those who used Lightning voice actress as a narrator) they admitted --while been rather self-complacent-- that without Toriyama, their own legendary hero, none of the Lightning Saga would have been possible, which makes me assume nothing would have been possible without him allowing it. And by seeing how his product end of being... Well, you can get why I don't like him as a director.

Too much pretty lights trying to cover a lot of mistakes and restrictions IMO.
Yes, Toriyama has a say over everything but so does Kitase. I'm a big Kitase fan too, he's my fav producer but some things could always be his idea and who would say no to the guy who made FFVII?


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
After Hajime Tabata revealed the core team behind Final Fantasy XV, it becomes even more certain that the majority of the core Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy team is working on Motomu Toriyama's new title. This includes the following staff.

  • Yoshinori Kitase
  • Yuji Abe
  • Nobuyuki Matsuoka
  • Daisuke Watanabe
  • Toshiyuki Itahana
  • Toshitaka Matsuda
  • Naoki Hamaguchi
Other staff likely to be working on it include Tetsuya Nomura, Masashi Hamauzu, Naoshi Mizuta and Mitsuto Suzuki.

And now a reminder of that message from Motomu Toriyama translated by goldpanner.


Q4. Aspirations for 2015, or a message for the readers of 4Gamer.

I am currently working hard on the next project.
We will be able to announce it in 2015, so please look forward to that!


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I'm gonna merge this thread into the 'major boost' one. @Sora96 , we can't have so many different threads on your hunches about this one game, dude! It's not even announced.

And, imagine... Square Enix has other unannounced AAA JRPGs that are unannounced! They're a big company. Many of these people are spread around. Nothing's certain!