From those, the only one I can say I freaking loved was XIII-2. It was just so stupid and fun I couldn't avoid but loving it. The others: X is serviceable, X-2 and Last Mission were very meh, XIII was... you know, dissappointing and linear, and LR is the only FF game I can say I hate; I haven't even been able of bringing myself to finish it yet, and I've played X and XIII three/four times each.
It's not that I can't play FF games directed by Toriyama, but I think he doesn't bring anything new or helpful to the franchise (and no, to be the guy who has directed more FF games on the franchise doesn't make him a good director per se). His games tend to be linear, with awkward, stereotypical anime characters (Auron is the only character of his who is cool enough to get my blessing) and with questionable direction decisions IMO (all those butt shots on the very fan serviceable X-2, the never ending, 20-hour long tutorial of XIII, the very existence of LR --okay, I can't blame just Toriyama for that, but for the stupidly shallow story? Oh, yeah. I definitely can!, etc..). So, I don't have anything against the guy. I don't even know him outside his job. But I don't like him as a director and don't find him an asset to the franchise. Too godlike. Too self-centered on ideas that, at least on my end, I don't dig.
I even believe that Final Fantasy XII was better than those games you named. Yep, I think it was better than X, X-2, and the XIII games. Revenant Wings? RTS game, not an RPG. I can't compare it to the rest.