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Squirrel Emperor

Sep 26, 2013
NO, FREAKING WAY! Congratulations! Happy to know there are other people here who also caught amiibola :D
Kinda I guess. I do want them but I’m not actively searching for them like the hardest of hardcore collectors are. It’s not worth it. I don’t think anyone who was waiting in line at Gamestop on Thursday was thrilled about it. I got my Ness pre-ordered but I wasn’t jumping in joy about it. It’s just not fun anymore.

The only rare amiibos I have are Shulk and soon to be Ness. I missed out on Captain Falcon, Pit, Little Mac and Rosalina. Who the fuck knows if I'll ever get my hands on them.

Nintendo has to fix this shit before the bubble bursts. People are starting to give up and move on. It’s absolutely pathetic. These things sell out in minutes and those who aren’t bat shit nuts about the figures will miss out and never see it coming (like Jigglypuff pre-orders popping up out of nowhere without warning).

The most annoying thing about all of this is not knowing when rare amiibos will be back in stock. Nobody is talking. It's dumb.
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Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Nintendo has to fix this shit before the bubble bursts. People are starting to give up and move on. It’s absolutely pathetic. These things sell out in minutes and those who aren’t bat shit nuts about the figures will miss out and never see it coming (like Jigglypuff pre-orders popping up out of nowhere without warning).
I actually read a few good articles on this today, one being this one:

It's a very good article with constructive criticisms/suggestions. I have been loving Nintendo since Famicon and continue to have most, if not all, their systems even through the dark ages with hardly any 3rd party games. Wii U turned out to be an awesome system and I have had no problem promoting it; however, this amiibo situation is honestly turning me off from their business model quite a bit.

I can understand they could have underestimated the demand for the amiibo (I don't know how they can, but let's just say they did); I can understand they don't know how to properly distribute toys (which is ironic consider they were a toy company before video games); I can understand the port strike had certain affect to the shipment (yet nothing other than amiibo shipment seemed to be affected by it); but they have done an absolutely horrible job in keeping demand and even acknowledge the failure on their end. It's simply not the way how business should be run in 2015.

What really upsets me, to be honest, started with the Gold Mario amiibo. Up until then, I still wanted to believe the whole issue was just a simple under supply and over demand, but the introduction of the Gold Mario was solely to drive the demand and hype of the amiibo. It showed me, in my opinion, Nintendo wanted this to happen all along. I find it very heartbreaking when the company that took the time and policy to ensure their multiplayer interface is clear of profanities and inappropriate messages, will allows its customer base to fight over little plastic figures like a dog-eat-dog world, not to mentioned encouraging/rewarding scalpers.

Disappointing is the word.


Apr 11, 2015
Bloodborne! First Souls game for me. Died twice so far, have gotten lost many times. The fact that the game's in Japanese doesn't help at all. :p

Squirrel Emperor

Sep 26, 2013
By following a couple Amiibo accounts on Twitter, I learned about what Amazon was doing on Friday with wave 4 Amiibos and managed to snag Lucina, who apparently only lasted 30 seconds. I wasn't expecting to get her. I just wanted to see if I was fast enough, but it sounds like I was more lucky then fast. The option to place an order never seemed to have appeared for some people who were refreshing the page to death. I tried the same with Robin and never saw the option to place an order for that character. People were pissed. Hell, Lucina was trending on twitter at one point because of it.

Just got her in the mail today. Perfect condition. Should be getting Ness very soon too.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
UFFSite Veteran
Sep 25, 2013
Canon PowerShot S120

Last game purchased: Besiege early access on Steam. Pretty fun.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Don't judge me. I bought Pokémon Typing for the awesome bluetooth keyboard. Works with PS3/4 flawlessly. I'm not sure how I'll get through Kid Icarus. My hand/wrist was wrecking after chapter 1 :/
May 26, 2014
I'm not sure how I'll get through Kid Icarus. My hand/wrist was wrecking after chapter 1 :/
That's just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to get worse on higher difficulties/later stages. It's a shame too. Uprising is otherwise a solid game. It's just too bad that it literally physically hurts to play it. Good luck. Maybe try resting the 3DS on a flat surface and controlling the circle pad with your index finger?
Likes: Azuardo


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
That's just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to get worse on higher difficulties/later stages. It's a shame too. Uprising is otherwise a solid game. It's just too bad that it literally physically hurts to play it. Good luck. Maybe try resting the 3DS on a flat surface and controlling the circle pad with your index finger?
Looks like I'll have to try some alternate method for sure, or just play with extremely long breaks... Although the fact I haven't gone back to it for weeks since I first played it isn't a good sign. Not finding any urge to play it again after that carpal tunnel nightmare.
May 26, 2014
Looks like I'll have to try some alternate method for sure, or just play with extremely long breaks... Although the fact I haven't gone back to it for weeks since I first played it isn't a good sign. Not finding any urge to play it again after that carpal tunnel nightmare.
I know that pain, man. I know that pain. And some of the later chapters get quite long...

I remember reading somewhere that it was originally planned to be a Wii game, and I can only wish that it actually were. The controls would have worked so much better on Wii or Wii U.
My Cloud PAK finally arrived a few days ago and I have to say, he's quickly become one of my favourites. The detail is amazing and looks so true to his Advent Children model.

I also splurged on the PlayStation flash sale yesterday and bought Bound By Flame, Telltale's Game of Thrones season pass and a couple other games. Hooray for more things cluttered my backlog! I decided not to pick up Mind Zero though, because if/when I do get it, I'd prefer to have a physical copy.