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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
My most recent buys:

Plus, a whole bunch of Mass Effect 2 and 3 DLCs, which finally went on sale on EU PSN after far too long; three 16GB Vita memory cards; some Vita screen protectors; The Last of Us PSN avatars, The Last of Us t-shirts; and an FFVIII t-shirt.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Bit of an update since the last one, for the heck of it:

And my pre-order is very much down for TFFCC:
I'll start with the non-video game related purchase:

Probably not much use left given my imminent graduation, but it's like a souvenir for a soon-to-be alumni. Regrettably, I didn't actually play hockey as much as I wanted in these last three years for reasons, but I adore the sport, and I'm always going to be seen as that psychopath with the stick.

Onto games and stuff:

At last! I have attained my first ever Tales game! (I'll just let that sink in for you, given that I have just admitted I have never played a Tales game before, and I call myself a RPG fan, lolololol)

I won't be immediately playing it, because there's stuff going on in my life that will inhibit my ability to sit down and play whenever I want, but this had better be good!

My first Atelier game as well! Good job, Livi, I say to myself. You don't exactly have that much time to play games, and here you are purchasing a couple of lengthy RPGs instead of shorter experiences that you will have a chance of completing in the foreseeable future. Dammit, woman!


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 27, 2013
Eorzea (Bulgaria)
Borderlands 2 GOTY + DLC's and Payday 2 (damned steam sales), got my hands on the Song of Ice and Fire books and finally changed my banged up old phone for a Nokia Lumia 520. Planing on getting Diablo III + Reaper of Souls when it's back in stock.
Sep 26, 2013
SNES Games: F-Zero, ActRaiser, Street Fighter II, Illusions of Gaia

Also acquired a NES and Super Mario Bros. 3. Unexpected buy as I usually don't see them at the shops I go to.


PSICOM Soldier

Directly from the Square-Enix Store to my house here in Brazil. That was a long trip for these two.

And yes, I will play XIII-2 for the time just now. I confess that I'm bit insecure in how I feel about this game...
For me the story from XIII had a good ending, no need for a sequel. Surprise me Square-Enix.


PSICOM Soldier
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Aug 19, 2014
San Diego
I recently got a Chromecast! I bought it refurbished and it was totally borked, so I returned it and they gave me a brand new one :)

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
Yeah certain games I gotta go with GameStop so I can pick it up at 10am and go straight home to play it. Bayo 2 is one of those, heh.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
UFFSite Veteran
Sep 28, 2013
The last games I bought were Spyro the Dragon and Ni No Kuni.

I'm stuck with my cell phone for now so I can't be bothere with pics, but I ordered some clothes from Forever 21 & a new pair of boots from JustFab. Just need a couple new pairs of jeans and I'm set for awhile.


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
Lately all I've been buying is clothes, makeup and food, but I guess this counts as a video game related purchase:

:D it's life-sized. My inner 8 year old is so happy right now.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Seeing your pictures is really depressing. Especially considering I won't be able to buy a new game this Christmas because my iPod had an unfortunate trip to the washing machine and had to pay for a new one. No matter, the games I want the most are all coming out on 2015 or after.