Lali-ho, everyone! A couple of hours after first watching the trailer and one shower later, I've organized my thoughts.
Well, isn't this just fine.
- First matter of notice - the final Luminous Engine. No doubt is FF XV now running on a complete or practically complete incarnation of its own lighting engine. Boy howdy, is it a sight for sore eyes. I daresay graphics this beautiful have never been rendered in any other video game, seemingly testing color theory itself. This also brings thoughts to mind of what scenes previously witnessed look like now, how they've turned out in transition and evolution. This also begs the question: has anything, if anything, been cut from Versus XIII?
- Character designs are ever-changing. Noctis' features darkened notably, Prompto changed the most, while Gladiolus has become a bit more dour himself. Ignis has remained considerably static, but appears slightly more slick. Stella sure is a shimmering beauty.
- Still no updated user/command interface to be shown. Alright, we'll probably have to wait until the demo launches for this - perhaps at Jump Festa if we're incredibly lucky. This is the most disappointing absence in FF XV's latest releases, but by no means holistically detracting.
- FOUR PARTY MEMBERS AT ONCE! Yes, that's right, FF XV will be the first mainline, non-MMO FF to allow four party members to be used simultaneously in combat since FF IX. I am ecstatic beyond reason about FF XV finally reviving this hallmark of Final Fantasy.
- The following games allow only a maximum of 3 party members to be used in battle:
- FF X
- FF X-2
- ...aaand of course, LR: FF XIII stars only that one, female Cloud, joined by the occasional guest character.
- Speaking of gameplay, combat appears to be more refined and finite, far closer to Nomura's attested aspirations for the game. Combination attacks have now been shown to be carried out in real-time, rather than scripted events such as Prompto helping Noctis by executing a soldier.
- Regis' full issue is now "HRH King Regis", and Eldercapt has become Aldercapt - "Emperor Aldercapt" of Niflheim, to be exact! Not much has changed there.
- Ignis' identification of a land-embedded "astral shard" - space? (No, really! My speculation is that "astral shards" are made of clusters of souls of the dead in Etro's Valhalla, and for whatever reason, have found their way to the world of the living in the form of massive crystal shards.)
- All the while, Shimomura's new BGM is ever enthralling. Still, I couldn't help but hesitate in my excitement at the slight bit of Kingdom Hearts influence: particularly when the horns and "clapping" come in. Her rendering of the piano is always stunning and deeply moving, however.
- Initially, I wasn't at all fond of the cave environment. That is, until it hit me: South Figaro Cave. The cave in this new trailer looks just like a traditional FF cave, and reminded me completely of FF VI's South Figaro Cave. The hoard of Goblins only reinforces this, doesn't it?
- For those that are saying it, Stella is NOT Luna. I briefly believed this and despaired about it for some fleeting moments, but swiftly composed my excitement levels and realized that this is almost certainly untrue. To start, changing a major character's name this late into a game's development would be beyond stupid. The scenes in which Luna is mentioned and Stella is referenced then shown, may be consecutive, but are completely different. Noctis mentions Luna while the party is driving at nighttime, while Prompto references Noctis' "date" as the world is apparently going to hell - that date likely being with Stella. I'm betting on Luna being the mysterious black-haired woman. Perhaps a new character entirely, though!
- In a somewhat sadistic way (well, not really
) I'm glad to see Noctis severely damaged. I was concerned about the nearly non-existent damage dealt to Noctis by the soldiers in the E3 '13 trailer, even if he was at a high level. This made me skeptical about the prospective difficulty of the game. I suppose he was placed at such a high level in order to showcase integral features of the game, which supports a point I'm going to make later in this post.
- Oh, and I caught some "inaccuracies" in the subtitles of the new trailer, with my rudimentary knowledge of Japanese. Little nuances like Noctis' "damnit" translating to "it got me"; Prompto saying "pass over this hill to reach the ocean" coming out as "just through here to the coast!" Kind of funny to those that are relatively knowledgeable.
Now ceasing to use bullet points, I'm going to move onto ideas that are best conveyed in a non-condensed fashion.
Tabata seriously hit the nail on the head when referring to this game as a "road trip that focuses on brotherhood". Being that it's only natural for this game to be compared to FF VII, a genre-defining and standard-setting game, the exposition of FF XV is now well defined and apparent. FF VII's exposition features a ragtag alliance of freedom fighters launching a terrorist attack against a corrupt organization. In the beginning of FF IX, a band of thieves steal a princess and make off with her to travel the world. I could easily continue, but my point is made. Typically, the conflict in Final Fantasy games becomes evident extremely early on.
At the beginning of FF XV, Noctis and company are obliged to depart Lucis due to Niflheim's invasion. (If Noctis is highly leveled in the E3 2013 trailer and little damage is being dealt to him, then he must be too high of a level for an early area.) Early areas of the game are inspired by "Western bang-bang movies", which probably means the arid desert region we've seen before. The natural landscapes abundant in the game's expository sections will later turn to more fantasy environments, much akin to VII. As I've said continuously, the stage is set perfectly for FF XV to be the next genre-defining game.
The whole trip down from a royal city, to the bowling greens beyond, and even as far as the ocean's shore is exuding serious FF X vibes for me. I don't know about anyone else, but the apparent "traveling the world to discover oneself" theme is heavily paralleling X in my eyes.
Finally, I don't understand any of the immediate Nomura bashing. The man's work is
done. The characters are creations of his passion, and he has raised them across a game development time spanning over 8 years. In the real world, Noctis is now 8 and 1/2 years old, while Sora is about 14. Nomura's brainchildren are fleshed out and complete. The man simply cannot afford to spend an entire year plus on something with which he has completed his work. This is the same reason why Kitase departed this past February: moving on to greener pastures. Nomura must now go down to the beautiful oceanside metropolis of Osaka, in order to devote himself to something that will surely take over 3 years to complete. While it is disappointing on some level to see him depart from FF XV, it can't be helped. This is what is best for Square Enix's games. All Tabata needs to do is lock it and park it, so to speak.
On a personal note, I've never read Hamlet (darned dodgy school curriculum :/). I plan on doing so on my own initiative, prior to the release of the game, because of how it draws on the Shakespearean classic. I never want to deprive myself when it comes to knowledge.
"It's been a long time coming...
Almost there."
TL;DR - I came.
Please be excited.