*after regaining my senses*
Love the rapport exhibited through the dialogue. Definitely sounds organic. I'll be very interested to see how those relationships will be tested further along in the game. Doubly interested to hear the English version & see if that same emotion will be carried over.
Lots of anti-aliasing in the trailer, but its probably a slightly older build for the demo. Other than that, I'm really digging the facial & physiological animations, especially Prompto's face, as he's trying to change the radio station. Large, gorgeous set pieces submerge in both grand & claustrophobic environments scream open-world.
Battle system appears a bit sluggish, but that could be due a number of reasons (old build, beginning of game, etc.) I do hope the enemies will possess some form of self-preservation, but the swift attacks, dodges, teamwork, & weapon variety look fun as hell. Smaller swords are wielded swiftly while larger blades take on a more lumbering appearance. Loving it.
And that pic of Noct & Crew pulled over, grilling food, watching the sunset. *drools* Love the fun-natured take on XV. It's a nice departure from the dark, dire atmosphere the previous trailers were giving off.
I'm satisfied.