Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 20, 2018
She has more than just battle animations. She has full voice files for every single move a party member can do when fighting.

And we do know through dialogue and voice actions in the battle files
That she summons Bahamut

He states that Noct has a ton of emotional dialogue a vastly underutilized character in the main game. Take what you will ;)
You seem to be well informed of the content of the Royal Edition ... Is it known that there are 3 kings as bosses, do you know or do you have information if the other 10 kings will appear in some way?
Likes: Cloud_CR


Apr 11, 2015
So I have not played FFXV yet, but was the ending, character development, etc. really all that bad? 'Cause Tabata says he's still thinking about how to close out the game, and it's 2018. lmao


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
So I have not played FFXV yet, but was the ending, character development, etc. really all that bad? 'Cause Tabata says he's still thinking about how to close out the game, and it's 2018. lmao
character development for the main characters and villain was great, but really really poor for the supporting cast.

the ending is basically one of the most praised elements of the game (probably my second favorite FF ending), i don't think tabata will change it, just the lead-up.


Apr 11, 2015
character development for the main characters and villain was great, but really really poor for the supporting cast.

the ending is basically one of the most praised elements of the game (probably my second favorite FF ending), i don't think tabata will change it, just the lead-up.
Okay thanks for clearing that up. I was a little confused as to why they're still focusing so much on this game. So it's not really that FFXV is super bad, just that the next game is probably taking a while. xD


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Okay thanks for clearing that up. I was a little confused as to why they're still focusing so much on this game. So it's not really that FFXV is super bad, just that the next game is probably taking a while. xD
the original version was lacking in many areas, but they explicity said they were going for a "game as a service model".

i think if the game was bad it would have the same destiny as ME: Andromeda, but the fans keep asking for more and if they plan to do even more dlcs and free updates that means its paying off for them.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
So I have not played FFXV yet, but was the ending, character development, etc. really all that bad? 'Cause Tabata says he's still thinking about how to close out the game, and it's 2018. lmao
Log story short:

-Ending itself was fantastic
-Side cast development felt underutilized
-First half didn't have enough build up & focus to the main story + second half went too fast
-The main cast, a.k.a. chocobros were great packed with wonderful banter throughout the journey
-Combat while not as difficult as it could have been (yet) was fun
-Basically what Storm stated

Overall while you'll currently get mixed impressions (for now), its best if you give it a shot either through the royal edition or once the DLC episodes are all released and bundled in an inevitable pack.
Likes: Rin and Storm

Takeshi Sendo

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Guys I cant wait for the RE edition to comes out. It seems it will be much better than we previously imagine, Ive been reading all of that pages and the news about the DLCs are AMAZING.
I want to believe those future DLCs are going to be about finishing the second half by expanding places such as Tenebrae, Cartanica, Gralea, etc.

Im so fucking excited now, one question by the way, do you think will we be able to set the boat in certain places or it will just be driving it by the sea (yes, I read about going to the angeguard island but idk if we can just go there by walking)?

Thanks and again, what an amazing thread you guys are making.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
@Paperchampion23 thanks again for the rough translations!

I’m so happy they’re willing to do 4 DLC’s and even extend it into 2019 to ensure the best quality too.

Name one other developer who were willing to support their game to this extent post release.

I must say though, I’m not happy that they’re continuing to build upon the alternative ending. Why? For what purpose?

It was a “what if” scenario wasn’t it? Why waste resources on that for?
Feb 2, 2017
@Paperchampion23 thanks again for the rough translations!

I’m so happy they’re willing to do 4 DLC’s and even extend it into 2019 to ensure the best quality too.

Name one other developer who were willing to support their game to this extent post release.

I must say though, I’m not happy that they’re continuing to build upon the alternative ending. Why? For what purpose?

It was a “what if” scenario wasn’t it? Why waste resources on that for?
I understood it as what was revealed in there, namely, the Ardyn's backstory. I don't see them doing anything with the ending itself.


Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
Translations coming.

It has been about one year since release. How about we look back on everything up until now?
Tabata - We sure came a long way. The Royal Edition was originally planned to be the conclusion and finale to FFXV, so for now it feels like we have accomplished what we had set out to do at first.

――本編発売後に配信されたDLCの中でも、昨年の12月13日に配信された“エピソード イグニス”は、エンディングの分岐があり、とくに話題になりましたね。
Even among the DLC that were released after FFXV, Episode Ignis that was released last year on December 13th introduced a divergence in the ending, which became quite a topic.
寺田 “エピソード イグニス”では、本編の内容を補完するだけではなく、運命に抗い、戦うイグニスを描きたかった、という思いがありました。
Terada - In E.Ignis, we didn't just want to add to the story of the game, we wanted to illustrate Ignis where he refuses and fights against destiny (fate).
田畑 単に本編の裏側をなぞるのではなくて、“イグニスのゲーム”にするためですね。イグニス自身の運命を描ききるために。本編はひとつの結末に向かって進むゲームとして作っていますが、“エピソード イグニス”は、プレイヤーがイグニスとなって、その運命に立ち向かうゲームにしようと。
Tabata - It's not simply looking into alternate possibilities, it was to make it ''Ignis' game''. In order for Ignis to define his own destiny. FFXV was created with the intention to run towards a single conclusion, but with E.Ignis we wanted to make a game for players to become Ignis and fight against fate.

So as a result, the alternate ending was born.
寺田 ええ。“運命に抗う”という内容にすることは早い段階で決まっていたので、その結果、どのような結末を迎えればユーザーの皆さんにいちばん喜んでいただけるのか、何度も筋書きを変更してたどり着いたのが、あのエンディングなんです。
Terada - Yes that's correct. The ''opposing thy fate'' theme was decided early in the development and with that we thought about what kind of ending would make the users most happy. Along with many revisions to the script, it became ''that'' ending.

So that means the conclusion wasn't decided from the start?
寺田 “どこまで描くのか”というのが難しくて。ユーザーの皆さんの想像に任せるのか、こちらで描ききってしまうのか、というさじ加減が悩ましく、最後の最後まで調整しました。
Terada - ''Where do we draw the line'' was the difficult part. Do we leave it to the imagination of the fans? Do we do everything? Such considerations became a hurdle and we made adjustments and changes until the very end.

As a result, there were much praise from the fans. There are even some who say, ''This is the true ending'', but in the official perspective, where and how does that conclusion stand?
田畑 あくまで本編が正史で、あのエンディングは“if”の展開です。
Tabata - Simply, the main game is canon and 'that' ending is a 'if' scenario.
寺田 シナリオの分岐を2周目からの要素にしていることが、それを示唆しています。イグニスは本編で、ノクトが命を懸けて世界を救うことを支える選択をしました。もうひとつのエンディングは、その展開をもしプレイヤーが変えられたら……ということに重きを置いて作りました。
Terada - This is shown in the split of the scenario. In the main game, Ignis chooses to support Noctis who put his own life on the line to save the world. But what if the player chose to change that fate... and so we made E.Ignis with emphasis on that.

In the 'if' scenario, the final confrontation with Ardyn isn't depicted. How does Noct save the world without paying the price?
田畑 あー、そこね(笑)。それはですね、今後の展開のためです。
Tabata - Ahh... that (laughs) That, is for the development to come. (What? What?? WHAT!!!!??!!?)
寺田 そこは意図的にフワッとさせていたところで……(苦笑)。“if”のルートでも、世界を救うためにノクトの力が必要なことに変わりはないのですが、あのエンディングに焦点を当てるために、アーデンに関してはあえて語らなかったことがあるんです。それについては、今後配信する“エピソード アーデン”などの展開で、踏み込んでいこうと考えています。
Terada - We intentionally left that part ambiguous........ (bitter laugh) Even in the 'if' route, the fact that in order to save the world Noct's power is needed, hasn't changed. In order to focus on the theme of the episode, we purposely decided not to focus too much in regards to Ardyn. In that regards, we are thinking about furthering the development in that part around Episode Ardyn that will be released soon.

So that means the story updates from now will expand?
田畑 はい。アクティブユーザーの皆さんが、これ以上の本編の穴埋めを求めているかというと、そうではないと思いますし、作る側としてもそれでは『FFXV』は完結させられないと思うので、これまでのエピソード配信とは異なる、新しい展開を考えています。その先駆けとなるのが、ユーザーアンケートでもっとも希望が多かったアーデンのエピソード。それから、ATR(『FFXV』の配信番組)で言っていた通り、ルーナのエピソードもあるかもしれません。2019年にかけて、4つのエピソードを制作することにしました。
Tabata - Yes. If I were to say that the fans wanted more and beyond to fill the gaps of the main story, I don't think that would be the case. Even in the development point of view, I think if we did that, FFXV will never be able to come to a conclusion. So we are thinking about new developments that are different from the DLC's up until now. The spearhead of this goal is Episode Ardyn which was highly sought out for in the survey. And as so, as mentioned in the ATR, there might also be a Episode Luna. Continuing up to 2019, we have decided to make 4 episodes.

That is great news!
寺田 今後の追加シナリオでは、キャラクターをもっと好きになってほしいですね。“エピソード イグニス”では泣いてくださった方も多いそうなので、つぎは笑顔になれるようなエピソードをお届けしたいと思っています。
Terada - In the story updates from now, we want players to love the characters more. It seems like there were many who cried in Episode Ignis, so we want to make the next epsisode where people will smile.

What is the intention behind the release of the Royal and Windows Editions?
田畑 『ウィンドウズエディション』は、『FFXV』をPCで遊ぶために再構築したもので、『ロイヤルエディション』は、これまでの開発の集大成。これまで配信されたものをすべてまとめることで、まだ遊んでいない方にも、手に取っていただきやすい作品になっていると思います。
We have rebuilt the game to be enjoyed on PC for the Windows Edition and as for the Royal Edition, it is the compiliation of all the updates up until now. By compiling all of the additional contents, we think it will be a product that is easy for first-time players to head into.

For the current FFXV users, there is an additional DLC ''Royal Pack'', which includes content only included in the Royal Edition correct?
田畑 はい。『ロイヤルエディション』では、最終マップの王都インソムニアを拡張したりと、追加要素を多数用意しています。いままで遊んでくださったユーザーの皆さんにとっても、価値のあるものになっていますよ。
Tabata - That's correct. In the Royal Edition, we have expanded the final map of Insomnia, not only that, we have also prepared numerous additional content. For everyone who continued to enjoy the game, it has become something that has a lot of worth.

In the expansion of Insomnia, does it also include additional events?
田畑 “オンライン拡張パック:戦友”からつながるストーリーイベントなどを収録しています。
Tabata - We have included story events that are connected with the Comrades DLC.
黒田 “オンライン拡張パック:戦友”で描いた10年間の後に、ノクトたちが帰ってくるところから話がつながっているんです。“オンライン拡張パック:戦友”にあった王の剣たちの拠点があります。クエストも追加していますし、それに伴ってシナリオも増えているんですよ。
Kuroda - After the 10 year skip as depicted in Comrades, it is connected from when Noct and his friends return. There is also the perspective of the Glaives from Comrades. There are additional quests and furthermore the story has also been expanded.

That is great news for the users of Comrades. Also, will the contents of the main story change with that?
黒田 アーデンに挑むというメインストーリーの大筋は変えずに、道中の遊びを増やしています。途中で、歴代王たちが立ちはだかってきたり。本来ノクトの味方であるはずの歴代王が、なぜ行く手を阻むのかというところが、ストーリーの中で描かれます。
Kuroda - Without changing the eventual confrontation with Ardyn, we are adding more content for during the journey. Like the Past Kings blocking the path for example. Originally the Past King of Lucis were suppose to aid Noctis, but why they are hindering ones path, will all be explained in the story.

Continuing here.

I'm at work, so I'll translate whenever I have time.

I'll be back in 50 minutes.
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