Translations coming.
It has been about one year since release. How about we look back on everything up until now?
田畑 随分と走ってきましたね。『
Tabata - We sure came a long way. The Royal Edition was originally planned to be the conclusion and finale to FFXV, so for now it feels like we have accomplished what we had set out to do at first.
――本編発売後に配信されたDLCの中でも、昨年の12月13日に配信された“エピソード イグニス”は、エンディングの分岐があり、とくに話題になりましたね。
Even among the DLC that were released after FFXV, Episode Ignis that was released last year on December 13th introduced a divergence in the ending, which became quite a topic.
寺田 “エピソード イグニス”では、本編の内容を補完するだけではなく、運命に抗い、戦うイグニスを描きたかった、という思いがありました。
Terada - In E.Ignis, we didn't just want to add to the story of the game, we wanted to illustrate Ignis where he refuses and fights against destiny (fate).
田畑 単に本編の裏側をなぞるのではなくて、“イグニスのゲーム”にするためですね。イグニス自身の運命を描ききるために。本編はひとつの結末に向かって進むゲームとして作っていますが、“エピソード イグニス”は、プレイヤーがイグニスとなって、その運命に立ち向かうゲームにしようと。
Tabata - It's not simply looking into alternate possibilities, it was to make it ''Ignis' game''. In order for Ignis to define his own destiny. FFXV was created with the intention to run towards a single conclusion, but with E.Ignis we wanted to make a game for players to become Ignis and fight against fate.
I'm at work, so I'll translate whenever I have time.
I'll be back in 50 minutes.