Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Gives me hope for the above ground being substantial (if you can drive the car) the part they showed was linear but it is entirely possible the DLC doesn't start there and it's linear just to get to the HQ.

I think the underground us going to be a maze type dungeon in a way, and then you have to use the Keys to unlock shutters that open up other parts of the city
Yeah, we could get an underground maze, that would be pretty nice, I did say I wanted some upperground sections with the city, and underground areas, with potential of puzzles, but we'll see what happens, but so far, things in that game-play video is nice.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Yeah, we could get an underground maze, that would be pretty nice, I did say I wanted some upperground sections with the city, and underground areas, with potential of puzzles, but we'll see what happens, but so far, things in that game-play video is nice.

Yeah, I think it'll like this with the map (totally a guess):

-Start above ground
-Go find Cor underground
-Unlock areas by traveling underground through that station (at first)
- Eventually unlock the Car which allows you to not have to travel through the station directly anymore, as well as hopefully travel to some other parts of insomnia (hopefully).

@Storm yeah there's a Magitek model that in the bestiary, says is the one that attacked Insomnia
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
You guys a the real deal, such beasts! Im totally in, so f****** excited!

The only thing that Im doubting is about so much underground stuff, maybe its me.

I think a big underground may signify a big above ground, if I'm getting my point across. Other things the leak showed were places called:

-Esterway Park (sounds likes near a highway lol)

-The Vesperway (sounds like an actual highway loooool)

-Kingsglaive HQ

-Exit 5D (really sounds like it''s part of a highway)

And quite a few more relating to the citadel and other places. Also, the list is likely not complete. Id just say reserve judgement until we see ourselves


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Id be totally cool with some Lunas stuff taking place in Altissia, as long as they do more with her in other places.

I'd rather it be episodic covering differing parts of the story than just one area, especially with her because she practically teleported everywhere to do everything.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
I think a big underground may signify a big above ground, if I'm getting my point across. Other things the leak showed were places called:

-Esterway Park (sounds likes near a highway lol)

-The Vesperway (sounds like an actual highway loooool)

-Kingsglaive HQ

-Exit 5D (really sounds like it''s part of a highway)

And quite a few more relating to the citadel and other places. Also, the list is likely not complete. Id just say reserve judgement until we see ourselves
He says Exit 5D is one of the train station exits. I went and checked in-game too. The one over near the Citadel is Exit B2 off the top of my head. There are signs which point out that Vesperway is towards and/or in the direction of the Citadel, Esterway is towards Hammerhead.

He said he'll have a look for more regarding Luna, but he made note of potentially two sections with her. He did say it could potentially be alternative dialogue, as he's pulled a bit of that and has sorted it out. He's apparently sorting out lists at the moment to double-check as to whether or not he's missed anything as what we've gone over in the topic is what I understand, what he had already figured out at the start of the month.

Takeshi Sendo

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
I think a big underground may signify a big above ground, if I'm getting my point across. Other things the leak showed were places called:

-Esterway Park (sounds likes near a highway lol)

-The Vesperway (sounds like an actual highway loooool)

-Kingsglaive HQ

-Exit 5D (really sounds like it''s part of a highway)

And quite a few more relating to the citadel and other places. Also, the list is likely not complete. Id just say reserve judgement until we see ourselves
You wont have any idea how much I appreciate all the work you guys are doing, every one of you.
I want to ask you something, do you think expanded Insomnia will have roads between the core places? Roads to walk or driving I mean.

You have to know about me that my English is shit, when you told me about highway what it means for you?

Thank you SO much friend.


Feb 20, 2018
He says Exit 5D is one of the train station exits. I went and checked in-game too. The one over near the Citadel is Exit B2 off the top of my head. There are signs which point out that Vesperway is towards and/or in the direction of the Citadel, Esterway is towards Hammerhead.

He said he'll have a look for more regarding Luna, but he made note of potentially two sections with her. He did say it could potentially be alternative dialogue, as he's pulled a bit of that and has sorted it out. He's apparently sorting out lists at the moment to double-check as to whether or not he's missed anything as what we've gone over in the topic is what I understand, what he had already figured out at the start of the month.
Very interesting. It seemed pretty obvious that 5D was going to be one of the train station exits but the Vesperway & Esterway stuff definitely sounds interesting. Could Esterway be the name of the bridge that leads into Insomnia?

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
He says Exit 5D is one of the train station exits. I went and checked in-game too. The one over near the Citadel is Exit B2 off the top of my head. There are signs which point out that Vesperway is towards and/or in the direction of the Citadel, Esterway is towards Hammerhead.

He said he'll have a look for more regarding Luna, but he made note of potentially two sections with her. He did say it could potentially be alternative dialogue, as he's pulled a bit of that and has sorted it out. He's apparently sorting out lists at the moment to double-check as to whether or not he's missed anything as what we've gone over in the topic is what I understand, what he had already figured out at the start of the month.

As it should be if we use the Keys the unlock parts of the map, but i mean it does (Exit 5D) sound like it is connected to a highway of some sort as well.

And Esterway part closer to hammerhead? That kinda gives me hope that the map may allow you to travel to parts not too close to the citadel.

I just can't see the use for the new regalia being used anywhere other than here, it has to mean something about traveling to parts of the city.

On Luna's stuff, what were the 2 parts? Did he see any changes to Ardyn's and Ifrits fight too? I think I found an update to ifrit's fight for the Royal edition in the event files but I'm not sure. Ardyn himself needs more.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
You wont have any idea how much I appreciate all the work you guys are doing, every one of you.
I want to ask you something, do you think expanded Insomnia will have roads between the core places? Roads to walk or driving I mean.

You have to know about me that my English is shit, when you told me about highway what it means for you?

Thank you SO much friend.

It's no problem man! Glad to have more people enthused about the games future. Somehow this board and thread has survived really well and even got people back into the game.

Anyway, I think the highways may mean that we will get a bit more of insomnia than we are expecting. At least a scene involving Talcott or someone driving you over the main Bridge and to the Wall's entrance would be sublime.

I want to see more of the outer city, not just the citadel. While the Keys and underground don't exactly give me hope for that (It'd be too far of a walk), having the car in Insomnia would, especially if it's all just optional content.

That's the biggest thing I'm hoping for, more than any cutscene, is just to be able to explore more of the setting.
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Feb 20, 2018
I want to see more of the outer city, not just the citadel. While the Keys and underground don't exactly give me hope for that (It'd be too far of a walk), having the car in Insomnia would, especially if it's all just optional content.

That's the biggest thing I'm hoping for, more than any cutscene, is just to be able to explore more of the setting.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
As it should be if we use the Keys the unlock parts of the map, but i mean it does (Exit 5D) sound like it is connected to a highway of some sort as well.

And Esterway part closer to hammerhead? That kinda gives me hope that the map may allow you to travel to parts not too close to the citadel.

I just can't see the use for the new regalia being used anywhere other than here, it has to mean somethung about traveling to parts of the city.

On Luna's stuff, what were the 2 parts? Did he see any changes to Ardyn's and Ifrits fight too? I think I found an update to ifrit's fight for the Royal edition in the event files but I'm not sure. Ardyn himself needs more.
He says there's prompts for gates that are locked, and particular keys work for the sections they're labelled for. There was a conversation about being given one, or finding another. I can't remember, I'll have to check.

The numbers would actually also correspond with train lines for the station, and which exit number it is. So it could be referencing platform 2, exit B, platform 5, exit D and so-on. It is absolutely a train station. Someone on the FFXV sub took a lot of photos of signs in Insomnia, so here is one to show you what I mean:

The underground probably connects up with the shutters/gates, which would make sense I guess.

And going from the other photos in the same topic, I would assume so about the Esterway. Where they started the stream earlier had a lot of space, so we could but I don't really think so. OG said something about in Comrades needing to go to Hammerhead via shuttle to do the quests for the bros, but he's not said anything much about other areas aside from Insomnia and noting conversations, quests and other things.

So I really don't know about going out in WoR as he's not said anything about that.

OG said he's noticed three or so things with Ifrit, as well as a Comrades sort of event or dialogue prompt if you trigger a game over during that from Ardyn. However, he also said the original version, including Shiva's original dialogue before the last update is still in the data too, so he said that with knowing the change from the previous update, he thinks it's best to wait and confirm as he doesn't want to jump to conclusions.


The Luna parts he saw were split up, one was before the Kings bit, and another thing was kind of mashed in-between things. He said that where it is floating around doesn't really mean much on that sort of thing, so it's pointless to ask as the event IDs are already in numerical order.

Takeshi Sendo

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
I dont want to be hyped but its too late now.

My dream would be Insomnia as you say with its roads, highway, places, underground and the ultimate detail being able driving around the city.

I read you yesterday and you talked about point warps that it would mean the mapa being even bigger than we thought.
Man I cannot wait anymore!


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
He says there's prompts for gates that are locked, and particular keys work for the sections they're labelled for. There was a conversation about being given one, or finding another. I can't remember, I'll have to check.

The numbers would actually also correspond with train lines for the station, and which exit number it is. So it could be referencing platform 2, exit B, platform 5, exit D and so-on. It is absolutely a train station. Someone on the FFXV sub took a lot of photos of signs in Insomnia, so here is one to show you what I mean:

The underground probably connects up with the shutters/gates, which would make sense I guess.

And going from the other photos in the same topic, I would assume so about the Esterway. Where they started the stream earlier had a lot of space, so we could but I don't really think so. OG said something about in Comrades needing to go to Hammerhead via shuttle to do the quests for the bros, but he's not said anything much about other areas aside from Insomnia and noting conversations, quests and other things.

So I really don't know about going out in WoR as he's not said anything about that.

OG said he's noticed three or so things with Ifrit, as well as a Comrades sort of event or dialogue prompt if you trigger a game over during that from Ardyn. However, he also said the original version, including Shiva's original dialogue before the last update is still in the data too, so he said that with knowing the change from the previous update, he thinks it's best to wait and confirm as he doesn't want to jump to conclusions.


The Luna parts he saw were split up, one was before the Kings bit, and another thing was kind of mashed in-between things. He said that where it is floating around doesn't really mean much on that sort of thing, so it's pointless to ask as the event IDs are already in numerical order.

Damn I didn' know that! Regardless this sounds sick. I need to find those insomnia pics haha.

And thanks for info! This is looking to be (along with Comrades) a pretty big deal in terms of expansion


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Earlier this week we spoke with Takeshi Aramaki, Technical Director & Lead Programmer, and Kenichi Shida, Game Design & Development Manager, all about Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition. We asked about the Assassin's Creed Festival event, and sadly they confirmed that "it may be difficult to get that one working again", presumably down to licensing issues. Which is a shame, since it allowed players to dress Noctis and gang up in some awesome outfits.

However more hopefully, they did add that "we’re currently not looking to redo any of the limited time events we’ve done so far, but we are looking at some new collaborations and new different kinds of events, which are all in the works, and we should be able to reveal them sometime soon!"