Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I don't think episode Luna will be a thing. They will fill her character in other ways, like new cutscenes, and being playable\party member in Royal edition.
Honestly, this is the route I think they are going as well. Tabata technically hasn't mentioned actually giving her an episode, but has mentioned wanting to do more with her. However, I can them actually adding new playable sections at various parts in the story.

Kinda like how Gladio got a verse 2 in Chapter 13, I can see them doing a Verse 2 with Luna in any of the chapters from 1-7.

If the leak is holds, then we are gonna get our first decent update to fixing Luna's part in the game
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Feb 19, 2018
Regarding that Glaive out of time quest I originally thought they were gonna attempt to tie Nyx himself into the game (since his death was essentially him running out of time while fighting Glauca and that fits with the title) which is silly but a man can dream to have stronger connections between KG and XV, right? Anyways I'm almost certain now after having read those mission objectives that we're getting Libertus and Bros dialogue regarding the movie events and Nyx so his body in the throne room makes more sense otherwise they wouldn't tease said Glaive as a familiar face (seriously gonna be salty if it's a random side character with little importance aka another Jared type deal lol). Maybe even some dialogue to confirm that Noctis knew Nyx to some degree or knew of him. As it stands Nyx while awesome made the least bit of sense to have in the throne room in that scene seeing as even Ignis only knows him as a random Glaive and can't see to confirm who it is anyway. So I'm hopeful that this quest in particular serves to further strengthen the movie and game connection. Other than that if I'm being honest I never expected Episode Luna but with that being said her potentially being a party member is a pretty good thing in its place. Like I said a few pages back I'm fully expecting her story and added moments to be dispersed throughout the game as enhancements rather than a fully compiled Episode.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Just to further support this claim, Libertus is already a playable AI in Comrades, so it'd be easy to port over most likely

I don't see how it could be anyone else for that side-quest (your Glaive would be cool but I feel like that would be too complicated to implement (especially if you don't have Comrades but get this DLC)


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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
OG says there's conversation lines that do reflect Noctis recognizing the Glaives.

However, with other things there was something regarding a Fallen Kingsglaive and/or a Kingsglaive's Cadaver of sorts. As he's repeatedly stressed to me at the least, there is actually some gaps in the data, and he's actually having a look through a few particular things for me currently to see if that and the Glauca stuff in another section of the data has any relevance that can actually be expanded on properly, and has multiple other references in other parts of the data to make it less inclined to be a potential error, or a fluke.

Just a large point as a general reminder: whatever data is found is clearly unlikely to be complete, and has all potential to be subject to change, or may even be from earlier/scrapped content given OG has found alternative lines for things too.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Just a thought but honestly a great way to improve the first half and give more characterization to Niflheim is to make the other 3 unavailabe Niflheim bases optional bases to take over during the first half. It's like you liberate 2 in the game and then a 3rd in post game but you never touch the other 3. They are still untouched to this day.

Unless, they are *gasp*, planning to actually improve the first half altogether:D


Feb 20, 2018
Regarding that Glaive out of time quest I originally thought they were gonna attempt to tie Nyx himself into the game (since his death was essentially him running out of time while fighting Glauca and that fits with the title) which is silly but a man can dream to have stronger connections between KG and XV, right? Anyways I'm almost certain now after having read those mission objectives that we're getting Libertus and Bros dialogue regarding the movie events and Nyx so his body in the throne room makes more sense otherwise they wouldn't tease said Glaive as a familiar face (seriously gonna be salty if it's a random side character with little importance aka another Jared type deal lol). Maybe even some dialogue to confirm that Noctis knew Nyx to some degree or knew of him. As it stands Nyx while awesome made the least bit of sense to have in the throne room in that scene seeing as even Ignis only knows him as a random Glaive and can't see to confirm who it is anyway. So I'm hopeful that this quest in particular serves to further strengthen the movie and game connection. Other than that if I'm being honest I never expected Episode Luna but with that being said her potentially being a party member is a pretty good thing in its place. Like I said a few pages back I'm fully expecting her story and added moments to be dispersed throughout the game as enhancements rather than a fully compiled Episode.
A fight with Nyx wouldn't really serve any purpose and it would make me feel bad for him tbh, but I did hope that it was a fight with a revived General Glauca. Finally, we would be able to take vengeance on the man who betrayed and murdered Noct's father, the man who was responsible for taking Luna from him aka the second biggest antagonist in the entirety of XV's universe.

Shame that that doesn't seem to be the case... but I wonder what's up with Ulric's Kukris. They're spawning in, in a different way than they did before. Maybe it's just a glitch but it was leading ppl to believe that there would be a different way to get them going forward, and a fight with Glauca would've been the perfect way too get them IMO. Mind you, I wouldn't lock that behind the Royal Edition DLC that's something I'd patch in for everyone to enjoy. Speaking of potential boss fights, I really, really want to see the Diamond Weapon one of these days, ideally in Insomnia. That thing looked so terrifying and powerful, I can't help but too want to take it down :D.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
wow apparently there'll be an art gallery/cutscene viewer! OG initially thought it was from a debug menu but now he found button prompts for them on the archive section; i asked him again about the content on the datalog too


history of one former king's journey (i don't know if thats a topic in itself)

ravus letters


omega reports
and yes while the data is real it doesnt mean everything in there will come to life; having said that, the information he found about comrades was confirmed to be coming in march 6th, so im pretty confident.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
The new luna render really looks like stella in the VsXIII trailer

View attachment 870
Seriously. XD Considering how obvious the connection is, you've gotta wonder if it's intentional.

Also some new coasters.
Hmm... the Gladio-and-Cor, Ignis-and-Ravus, and Prompto-and-Aranea coaster sets each reflect a DLC. I wonder if the Noct-and-Luna set (including its Altissia background) is a hint...