Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
there's other examples like paper mentioned, gladio and iris doesnt mourn their father, also the first time iris talks to noctis on the phone is way too casual, its like nothing happened or something lol.

other issue is the focus on jared, when noctis said he would avenge him it felt really forced.

the first half definitely could need a few tweaks.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
There should be no exceptions in proper setup. And I can keep giving examples. Clarus' gets killed protecting Regis and yet it's never addressed in the game: Iris prefers to go on a date with Noctis instead of talking with her brother about the family they just lost. The Empire is set up as this massive antagonist to the story, and then they are almost a non issue during the game. We are supposed to believe there's this great war going on between Lucis and Niflheim and that the fall of Insomnia is a significant event, and yet in the game people go on quite happily with their lives (including Noctis), sending you on missions to catch frogs and take pics or go fishing. The dissonance between the movie and game is huge. This coming from someone who really wants the final version of XV to be a better game than it is now.
i get what you're saying now, definitely agree with most of your points.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Even if time was not a factor, the disc limitation would have created the universe aspect regardless.
Multi-disks can still be a thing. I'm not saying that it would have actually been employed, but the idea of separating the game between disks would have been possible.

But yeah, Day 1 patching wouldn't have worked because that would have received massive backlash if people without internet couldn't even play the entire thing properly.

Anyway, the Universe is here and it happened, I'm happy we still got the extra story and it wasn't left to guessing. BUT, now would be the time to help stitch it all back together the right way, even if they are abridged stuff to what was already released, even if it is through massive gb's of update patching.
Likes: FFChocobo18


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Could you give some examples? Cause I can't think of anything in particular.
It's not anything bald or very concrete. It's more like...the general feeling. I can give examples, thinking about it.

There's the obvious disconnect between Lunafreya's physical appearance between game and movie (plus miraculous change of clothes that isn't covered at all in-game). I think it's also that Kingsglaive seemed to be build up so much for the main antagonists (Ardyn, Iedolas, Ravus), when the game's narrative structure completely undermines or ignores them. Then there's the weird "they're magical, so go with it" thing of Umbra and Pryna being puppies during Prompto's Brotherhood episode while their age is consistently adult during the game (seen in the childhood flashbacks with Noctis and Lunafreya). And any emotional connection between Noctis and Regis is barely evident in the game, although it's palpable in the film and anime from different sides.

Of course some of this can be put down to each project's mutual dependence on each other (all parts are needed, or they fall down), but other elements just look like a different creative team who didn't get the memo.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
It's not anything bald or very concrete. It's more like...the general feeling. I can give examples, thinking about it.

There's the obvious disconnect between Lunafreya's physical appearance between game and movie (plus miraculous change of clothes that isn't covered at all in-game). I think it's also that Kingsglaive seemed to be build up so much for the main antagonists (Ardyn, Iedolas, Ravus), when the game's narrative structure completely undermines or ignores them. Then there's the weird "they're magical, so go with it" thing of Umbra and Pryna being puppies during Prompto's Brotherhood episode while their age is consistently adult during the game (seen in the childhood flashbacks with Noctis and Lunafreya). And any emotional connection between Noctis and Regis is barely evident in the game, although it's palpable in the film and anime from different sides.

Of course some of this can be put down to each project's mutual dependence on each other (all parts are needed, or they fall down), but other elements just look like a different creative team who didn't get the memo.
Hit the nail right on the head this one.

This, aside from Niflheim/2nd half issues, should be where the dev team really focuses on from here on out. On top of that and just the overall lack of feeling of loss in the first half of the game. Nobody even misses the people that were killed in Kingsglaive, or for that matter, their homes lmao.
Likes: FFChocobo18


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
Multi-disks can still be a thing. I'm not saying that it would have actually been employed, but the idea of separating the game between disks would have been possible.
No sir, multi-discs could not have been a thing. A lot of the consumer base views paying even $60 USD a lot for a single title (in some countries it's even higher in their own respective currency). Having more discs would have increased the price, which in turn would have produced less sales. We are not in the PS1 era of games anymore where FF titles had multi-discs.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
It is clear by now that Kingsglaive was setting up a story that was quite different from what FFXV ended up being, hence the lack of continuity (e.g. coughing smoke when using the Ring of the Lucii -probably a remnant of VSXIII's death worship storyline- or Luna's role as an oracle being a non-factor in the movie because they evidently came up with that idea late into the game's development), so the idea that the expanded universe is a proper setup for the game is eyeroll-worhty at this point.
I don't recall any "coughing up smoke" being an ability of using the ring, and the only examples of anyone using the ring in the game are Noctis, and in Episode Ignis, none of which contradict anything that happens in Kingsglaive's use of the ring, and Luna being the Oracle was mentioned before Kingsglaive was even revealed back in 2015, also it's mentioned in the game she put her Oracle duties on hold while she was in Insomnia, there's an entire radio segment about it when the party are driving to Galdin Quay.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
No sir, multi-discs could not have been a thing. A lot of the consumer base views paying even $60 USD a lot for a single title (in some countries it's even higher in their own respective currency). Having more discs would have increased the price, which in turn would have produced less sales. We are not in the PS1 era of games anymore where FF titles had multi-discs.
Regardless, it IS possible theoretically, but would unlikely to ever happen lol. That is what I was trying to get at. Would you pay $120 for a game like that? No. Would Square be stupid enough to do it? Probably not. I know they could barely fit the entire game on the disk. I know that the Universe also stipulated from that.

The original game would have had to release in parts (its probably why Versus 13 would have been 3 different games), but you could technically "on-disc" everything. It's just what is acceptible vs. what is not.

Bandai fucking released 4 .Hack games that all were tecnically the same game but should have been packaged together, but instead you had to pay $200 to get them all separately back in the day, then another $150 for the GU sequels.

I definitely know the difference don't worry ( I was one of the idiots who used his chore money every 6 months to get one of those 2nd/3rd/4th part .hack games in order "complete" the story back in the day).
Likes: FFChocobo18


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Regardless, it IS possible theoretically, but would unlikely to ever happen lol. That is what I was trying to get at. Would you pay $120 for a game like that? No. Would Square be stupid enough to do it? Probably not. I know they could barely fit the entire game on the disk. I know that the Universe also stipulated from that.

The original game would have had to release in parts (its probably why Versus 13 would have been 3 different games), but you could technically "on-disc" everything. It's just what is acceptible vs. what is not.

Bandai fucking released 4 .Hack games that all were tecnically the same game but should have been packaged together, but instead you had to pay $200 to get them all separately back in the day, then another $150 for the GU sequels.

I definitely know the difference don't worry ( I was one of the idiots who used his chore money every 6 months to get one of those 2nd/3rd/4th part .hack games in order "complete" the story back in the day).
I agree, I wouldn't have minded having the game in multiple parts as long as they were in the same package, and had enough story to keep me hooked, and I would've been fine with that, and I'm fine with the FFXV we've got, it's got flaws, but it's still a lot of fun and has great moments, and the team is working on improving it, and this may be a chance for that to turn around in FFXV's favor. This is just my opinion, of course, but we'll see what happens when all of the DLC/story updates come out, and they could've left this game like Square Enix did to Xenogears, but thankfully, it didn't.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
As @T.O.T mentioned that scenario would have drove the cost of the base game up to an unfeasible degree, which wouldn't sit well with a lot of people i feel.
I know, read my last comment on it. I didn't mean to say that like it was what I believed in. Versus 13 was technically supposed to be 3 games. I know they wanted XV to be one, full game. It would have been impossible to do so without driving up costs for multi-disks. Its not impossible physically, just as a consumer standard it is. That was all I was getting at.

My point is, with all of this DLC and fancy updates, they should 100% fix the connective tissue between Kingsglaive, Brotherhood and the base game, as well as actually adding story elements from it.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
As @T.O.T mentioned that scenario would have drove the cost of the base game up to an unfeasible degree, which wouldn't sit well with a lot of people i feel.
Since XV's commercial performance was the deciding factor as to whether the series would survive or die... I think they made the right choices in the end. Now we'll get XVI, and they'll likely take a different approach learning the lessons of the previous console generation.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
OG has said there's actually cutscene script variants, there is also quite a bit flagged as unused and other things pending voice over.

I'll ask him about the Glauca bits, and other things. He'll probably tell me there's nothing file-wise to look for again, though I'll remind him to look in the retail one too, for whomever asked a few pages back.

He mentioned that the Comrades data mentions classic FF job class names, kind of weird it doesn't actually use them as it would solve a lot of confusion in my opinion.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
OG has said there's actually cutscene script variants, there is also quite a bit flagged as unused and other things pending voice over.

I'll ask him about the Glauca bits, and other things. He'll probably tell me there's nothing file-wise to look for again, though I'll remind him to look in the retail one too, for whomever asked a few pages back.

He mentioned that the Comrades data mentions classic FF job class names, kind of weird it doesn't actually use them as it would solve a lot of confusion in my opinion.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
OG has said there's actually cutscene script variants, there is also quite a bit flagged as unused and other things pending voice over.

I'll ask him about the Glauca bits, and other things. He'll probably tell me there's nothing file-wise to look for again, though I'll remind him to look in the retail one too, for whomever asked a few pages back.

He mentioned that the Comrades data mentions classic FF job class names, kind of weird it doesn't actually use them as it would solve a lot of confusion in my opinion.
That's interesting. I don't expect anything to come out of the Glauca bits, but we'll see.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Well, aren't VII remake going to be released in parts anyway? Ugh, are they even going to release physical copies? I would be happier if XV was too, instead of having DLCs all the time :/
At this point, I'd be happy we are getting the support and it never happens again with another mainline title. If they want to make a massive game with 200 gbs worth of assets and content, best to wait for the technology for it or just be a shtick and release the game in parts. Idk
Likes: FFChocobo18