Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Clan Centurio Member
Jul 30, 2016
I'm pretty damn amazed at the fact that we just watched Xbox One footage. Sure, the lower resolution is noticeable (not as crisp, a bit blurry), but it's such an amazing improvement from what we've seen a few months ago.

Also, the Death spell is an end-game spell that most likely comes with restrictions or caveats that they haven't revealed yet.


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Graphics looks amazing even on Xbox. I wish they put the players who actually can play GAMES, those two guys is beyond casuals.

Still don't get Death magic, it has no cooldown holy shit.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Never EVER market/show-off your game by letting people who have not played the game and do not know how to play, play in front of an audience of considerable amounts.

The content was mind blowing and beautiful. The showcase made it a pain to watch.
I hate to use the word 'cringe' so all I'll say is it made me uncomfortable and agitated watching it.
Muting helped lessen that.

But still absolutely spot freakin' on point with what content was shown. The graphics look gorgeous. The art-style, monster variations, spell particle effects, weather, shaders, animations, lighting, sense of scale and adventure, location variety and not forgetting the ear-gasmic soundtrack all coming together perfectly!

Jul 16, 2015
Never EVER market/show-off your game by letting people who have not played the game and do not know how to play, play in front of an audience of considerable amounts.

The content was mind blowing and beautiful. The showcase made it a pain to watch.
I hate to use the word 'cringe' so all I'll say is it made me uncomfortable and agitated watching it.
Muting helped lessen that.

But still absolutely spot freakin' on point with what content was shown. The graphics look gorgeous. The art-style, monster variations, spell particle effects, weather, shaders, animations, lighting, sense of scale and adventure, location variety and not forgetting the ear-gasmic soundtrack all coming together perfectly!

The most shocking part of this is that this was one the XBONE. That is fucking insane. The graphics look so much better than anything they have shown over the last two years. I am really impressed here.


Clan Centurio Member
Jul 30, 2016
Never EVER market/show-off your game by letting people who have not played the game and do not know how to play, play in front of an audience of considerable amounts.

The content was mind blowing and beautiful. The showcase made it a pain to watch.
I hate to use the word 'cringe' so all I'll say is it made me uncomfortable and agitated watching it.
Muting helped lessen that.

But still absolutely spot freakin' on point with what content was shown. The graphics look gorgeous. The art-style, monster variations, spell particle effects, weather, shaders, animations, lighting, sense of scale and adventure, location variety and not forgetting the ear-gasmic soundtrack all coming together perfectly!

I'm seriously pissed at both streamers that they can't put their ego aside for a few minutes. They should realize how many people are eager to see some decent XV footage and instead one is goofing around making bad jokes and not paying attention, while the other thinks that the stream is about him and his moment to show how badass he is and therefore not even practice the game he'll show off in front of thousands. These are supposed to be entertainers with audiences.

SE is at least equally to blame for it, but I've given up on criticizing their choices when it comes to marketing the game.

Having said all that, the new areas and monsters looked amazing. This game is promising to be something else, I tell you what...
Aug 13, 2016
Really liked the new area and enemies they showed off. Got to hear some more of the soundtrack, just a shame it was being spoke over most of the time! Thought the fire effects in the forest area looked stunning and we finally got to see some ring magic.

As a side note, I'm not overly keen on the lady promoter. I felt sorry for Matt Kishimoto when she made a joke about his performance at E3 and i thought she was quite condescending towards him. You can tell his hearts in the right place and he's obviously passionate about the project. I also notice a lot of the players seem to focus on offence, instead of mixing it up with good defence. I'd be looking for a good opening to attack against a boss character, instead of going all out like the twitch streamer was doing.

The Duscae region has also come a long way since the episode duscae demo and running on Xbox One as well! Just two more months to go!


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Man, those players (especially the first one) behaved and played so fucking obnoxiously. And badly.

The game is looking great even in One. What an improvement from GC.

When I'm finished I'll expand a little bit, but holy shit, Death looks brutal. I love how gruesome it is.

I hope there are more Ring magics. They're called Arcane.
Likes: Storm