That is definitely not another magitek soldier. You can see his little red pom pom on his head. Storm saw him as well. I admit he can be hard to see but it definitely isn't anything else.
Edit: Now that I'm looking at it more I can't be sure anymore damn you lol. Still looks like moogle to me but who knows I can't zoom in close enough to really see. It really looks like a pom pom on top of the head. The cactaur isn't up for debate though lol.
Hey, seeing a cactaur in there means they are confirmed (which they weren't confirmed before). Plus, we already know Moogles will be in the game after the Twitter poll. So, no worries either way, right?

As for the Twitch stream, I had no problems at all watching it. This was at Twitchcon, people's personalities are going to be present no matter what you do. They're not going to just get someone from SE to play, that would go against the whole point of going to Twitchcon. Now they have two more broadcasters with hundreds if not thousands of followers to promote this game after getting to play it on stage. Not only that, the amount of broadcasters in the crowd as well who will be talking about this. It's a fantastic PR move, something that can only be done NOW and not several years ago when Twitch wasn't as big of a thing. SE is moving with the times, and it's a good thing. No one annoyed me on stage at all, it wasn't cringy to me... and this is coming from someone who has seen a lot of cringy stuff before.
As for the stream itself, it was incredible. That forested area looked beautiful, and seeing new enemies was a breath of fresh air. Seeing how they pick you up for example and add new hazards to playing against different enemy types just shows the wide range of encounters you will get into. But, I was really blown away by the area itself. It just reminds me of Final Fantasy seeing a lush forest full of oversized insects and plant creatures trying to kill you.
The Death spell looks amazing and fun to use, I wonder how you pick which spell to use, perhaps with the analog stick or something.
As for the graphics, it looked incredible. At this point, the game looks absolutely beautiful and no one should have any complaints anymore about this game after seeing the improvements they've made.
Seeing this new footage got me hyped again after just sort of being in a lull waiting for the game. And this is on the tail end of playing FFXIV Patch 3.4 getting hyped like I do every patch, the fact that XV can still excite me while still experiencing new content in XIV means they're doing a good job of marketing.