Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Chocobo Knight
Aug 10, 2015
@RetroPS4 amazing post, people say that XV is so much more different than Versus and Tabata has changed the whole thing, but its much more similar than people think.
Thank you! I personally have gone back and fourth on how much the game has changed.
After Stella/Lunagate I had recovered, then seeing the Regis redesign and hearing about the seeming removal of (is it actually removed though?)reaper motifs in Insomnia threw me for a loop all over again...
After my recent compilation analysis though, I think I do tend towards the side of: This game is not as different as people are thinking. Wednesday we will finally find out.

You guys here can join, too, if you like! Just PM or post your Twitch names here for me, so I can invite you!!
I would love to participate a bit via text, if thats possible, I'm going to the event so I will only have my phone.

My Twitch name is the same: RetroPS4
Likes: Koozek


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Yes, fantastic post, Retro. You explained what I was trying to explain on the post that brought me here, only you explained it better and provided more evidence. I am glad to see so many people here who are willing to really look into things in depth and not jumping to conclusions before shouting their opinions.

Is there going to be a FFXV subforum or just this thread? I'd like a place to discuss things we notice as we go through, links to things that can help each other out, etc. There won't be too many concrete guides right off the bat. I suppose this could be done in one thread, but I wonder if it would get too cluttered?
Likes: RetroPS4


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Is there going to be a FFXV subforum or just this thread? I'd like a place to discuss things we notice as we go through, links to things that can help each other out, etc. There won't be too many concrete guides right off the bat. I suppose this could be done in one thread, but I wonder if it would get too cluttered?
This thread was created as a catch them all thread mainly to prevent the FFsub forum from getting cluttered with new FFXV threads each time some kind of news pop up or someone noticed something particular about anything (magazine scans, trailers, trivia, thery, ideas) . Since then we have been doing the same for the FFVIIRemake and the FF franchise as a whole.


Chocobo Knight
Aug 10, 2015
Yes, fantastic post, Retro. You explained what I was trying to explain on the post that brought me here, only you explained it better and provided more evidence. I am glad to see so many people here who are willing to really look into things in depth and not jumping to conclusions before shouting their opinions.

Is there going to be a FFXV subforum or just this thread? I'd like a place to discuss things we notice as we go through, links to things that can help each other out, etc. There won't be too many concrete guides right off the bat. I suppose this could be done in one thread, but I wonder if it would get too cluttered?
Thanks, I appreciate it. It did take a bit to find all those old posts! Please though, don't sell yourself short, your analysis has been great! And it has been really interesting, given you were not a fan before the XV re-reveal. Ive been tracking this game all along (especially via NeoGAF). Interesting side-note, I recently showed all the trailers, starting with E3 2006, to my wife (not a gamer) and she thought similarly to you, that it still looks like a similar game! It is interesting what the impressions of outsiders are. I think for us, maybe we are just too close to the game-so every little change seems like an enormous deal:)

As to the suggestion of another sub-forum thread, I like it, one devoted specifically to the Evolution of FFXV from conception as Versus XIII through to completion as FFXV would be amazing. In fact, I dare say it could almost be a sort of Final Fantasy XV Retrospective.... this may even serve useful for when inevitably, the newly christened @EasyAllies team tackles this wild behemoth (pun intended) to bring their legendary Final Fantasy Retro to current times:D (so elated they are back)!!

Sorry, derailed a bit there, lol! But seriously, if you want to make this thread, you should probably pm Wazi-the-pa first!
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Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Is there going to be a FFXV subforum or just this thread? I'd like a place to discuss things we notice as we go through, links to things that can help each other out, etc. There won't be too many concrete guides right off the bat. I suppose this could be done in one thread, but I wonder if it would get too cluttered?
This is a General News thread. If you want to discuss something specific about XV that's not news, create a thread for it.


Chocobo Knight
Aug 10, 2015
I've seen his posts there for a while. He's usually pretty laid back an devoid of hype. He's been on record as saying that FFXV is the first game (might have been second) that he worked on that he's also going to play. He's really high on FFXV.

That quote was from a thread about the trailer, and specifically Tabata's claim that the new trailer would blow our minds (paraphrased). The thread creator, and myself, both were pretty skeptical that it would beat the E3 2013 trailer. That's when Spiro came in and took over the thread.

Basically, go ahead and believe the hype. He's usually pretty damn level headed.
Sorry DrBretto, I meant to include this in my E3 2013 compilation post, L_Spiro is indeed level headed and has to my understanding never unnecessarily hyped anything related to this game so there we go, even more confirmation.
Sep 26, 2013
Anyone here not going to watch the Uncovered event?
*gets weird stares from everyone*
Heh, well I'm pretty much on a media blackout myself :)
I wish I had your strength. I always feel better discovering things for the first time myself, but with XV I just can't help myself. I couldn't skip Uncovered if I tried.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
They said they won't spoil anything.
Even still, I wan't my first hand experience with the retail game to be as fresh as possible.
*sigh*the 'good' ol' days when I didn't have the internet and knew next to nothing about upcoming games from my favourite franchises xD

Heck, I'm not even gonna play the new demo :/


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
I wish I had your strength. I always feel better discovering things for the first time myself, but with XV I just can't help myself. I couldn't skip Uncovered if I tried.
It kinda helps when you're satisfied with what has already been shown and said about the game. The Nifleheim Base footage sealed it for me :D
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Chocobo Knight
Aug 10, 2015
I wish I had your strength. I always feel better discovering things for the first time myself, but with XV I just can't help myself. I couldn't skip Uncovered if I tried.
Yep, this is a different situation to any game I've ever followed before. In a way, the 10 year wait was already such a blackout, I reallly WANT some concrete info! I mean we still know so little about what actually happpens in the story (and yeah, hopefully the story details are not too spoilery), but depending on what has changed and not changed over the years, just the reveal of all that will be something amazing and special. This is a situation that probably never will happen again, so I'm all in!

Btw, anyone else in here going to Uncovered?


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
With FFXIII I couldn't resist! I absorbed every piece of media that came out for it. Even watched to playthoughs of the Japanese version since it came out early in Japan.
It really lessened the enjoyment of XIII for me.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Me personally spoilers don't ruin or dismiss an experience (I admit that going blindly would be a more ideal scenario). Since videogames are an interactive medium each player will experience certain things different from another player.

I can be spoiled how certain mechaniques work and the ideas behind them but I will never be spoiled how said mechaniques feel and are executed once I mput my will in the controller.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
With FFXIII I couldn't resist! I absorbed every piece of media that came out for it. Even watched to playthoughs of the Japanese version since it came out early in Japan.
It really lessened the enjoyment of XIII for me.
XIII wasn't enjoying in general, though.

As for the information about the game, honestly it doesn't take away anything from me. I play a game to experience a finished product, not get bits and pieces of it. Nothing they can do will compare to getting the game in my hands and for me to be able to play it, so I will take any bit of information I can to fuel my excitement for the game.

Also, I always do a lot of research on games before getting invested in them, otherwise you won't know if the game is worth it or not.
Likes: RetroPS4


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Hey, people! Nova Crystallis is holding a giveaway in celebration of Uncovered Final Fantasy XV! All you have to do is guess the release date for the game and you'll get a chance to win a free copy of Final Fantasy XV!
Full details in the article below.

P.S: Make sure you post your guess in the comment section of the article! May luck be on your side for this one!
I´m so tempted to participated, unfortunately I don´t have neither PS4 nor XBX1 :(


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
They said they won't spoil anything.
When'd they say that?
I asked L_Spiro if we had to worry about spoilers, as I was thinking of giving the event a miss. All he said was "You know I can't answer that."

As it stands, I'll not watch the event. I'm completely sold, and even if they introduce a new summon, area or mini-game, that's stuff I want to see with fresh eyes when I play it.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
At the last 20s of the Uncovered FFXV teaser trailer.
Ah, grand. Thanks for that.
I haven't seen that mega-potion spectacular before XD

It doesn't exactly say there won't be spoilers, just that it won't be anything major.
The stuff that has never been seen/heard before is what I wish to avoid.
E.g. I'd have been really pleasantly surprised by fishing, had I not known it existed but knowing it's there won't spoil my experience.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
They wouldn't spoil anything, they haven't so far there's no reason for them to. Something I think a lot of people forget is that we know next to NOTHING about this game really.

Who is the real villain? What other party members will we get? What is the real goal in stealing the crystal? What is Noct's powers? What's the reason the star plague? Tons of other questions that we can't even ask because we don't even have information to ask them! People think that by revealing certain characters or minor introductory plot points it's spoiling, but honestly without context especially nothing can truly be spoiled to you.

People call movie trailers these days spoilers, but how many times have you watched a movie trailer, not realize what you just saw, watch the movie, and realize that nothing was spoiled to you, only to look back at the trailer and see things you could perceive as a spoiler, but without context you realize that it's completely lost on newcomers.

I hope that you who chose to hold out will have enough willpower for it, me... no chance in hell! :cactuar: