Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Exactly what I've been saying all this time... thanks for posting this, it would have otherwise slipped me by.
Yeah, that was kind of my guess, too, although more focused on the fact that, apparently, the guys who worked on it are now working on XV, so obviously that's something that would affect KH if they want to be fast.

And as much as I'm liking what I'm seeing of UE4, I hope Luminous becomes something they use for big titles in the future. I'm very curious as to what engine they could be developing XVI in. I mean, it's too soon (especially with the remake...), but one would guess that they're, at the very least, on the pre-production stages: two mainline FF for this gen is all I ask for!

Considering that you've only just recently played the demo, you won't have to wait long! Haha.
And I haven't even played it yet :_ Although well, I kind of prefer it this way, thus I'll be more surprised when I first play the final version lol.
Likes: Wazi the pa


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I'm very curious as to what engine they could be developing XVI in. I mean, it's too soon (especially with the remake...), but one would guess that they're, at the very least, on the pre-production stages: two mainline FF for this gen is all I ask for!
Luminous Engine of course, pre-production they probably have a work towards it, but I imagine they are also planning on using LE if not already. The Engine exists as a separate project from the game and so they can easily just work with what they have so far and pull updates whenever the XV team has done work to it. Keep in mind, XV is already completely playable which means the engine can serve a full game at this point on consoles. We probably won't see XVI until 2017 unfortunately... as much as I'd like to see it in 2016, I don't think we will.

And I haven't even played it yet :_ Although well, I kind of prefer it this way, thus I'll be more surprised when I first play the final version lol.
It's for the best honestly. The demo was nice but ultimately the features have changed quite a bit and I think you can get by with just seeing what other people say and experiencing the game fresh when it comes out. It will be a much more rewarding experience comparatively. However, because of the major differences, it will feel very different to us that played the demo as well.

I'm looking forward to the moment when I first get control of Noctis after opening intro and being in complete awe.