Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Dec 1, 2013
I have been wondering, where does people get that Nomura/Tabata are the ones in charge of editing the trailers ? I mean does the trailer say "edited by [insert name]", like Kojima does ?
They were the directors, so people automatically associate them with having done so.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Well, much better than the previous one, but still lacking in context and content (not asking for spoilery trailers, obviously, but something meatier or longer). Not perfectly edited, but not as awkard as the 1.0 one.

I actually am, trying to leave aside any kind of attachement I might have for the original concept of the game, really interested about the story, especially now that we know something more of Luna and shows that she doesn't actually seem like a damsel in distress (show, don't tell!).

The Oracle thing looks really cool, as well as the trident (I love spears and Dragoons) and hey, it's Himefu! Hopefully they actually reveal a little more of her, like, you know, a name.

Also, I don't know why, but there are some times (most of them) where I dislike Noctis' design because of the slighty effeminate face, weird clothes and goofy as fuck hair. However, in moments like the ending of this trailer where he walks with a serious look I actually really like it lol. I guess it's the expression, that his hair isn't as goofy when seen up front and the fact that we can't see his lame capris.

Ah, and the music is GOAT. Really excited about that. Hopefully they'll have a different battle song (although I doubt it), as I found the Duscae one repetitive as hell. But I don't think any worries should be placed there: at the very least, it'll be a pretty nice soundtrack.
Likes: StarNox70


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 13, 2015
The story (without spoilers) and bonds with the characters and the characters themselves is what is most important to me with the games i like to play and what they could sound like in english cause i love to hear the different dub voice actors even more so the ones i listen to all the time that i am i love with like i'm in love with that actor voice that's what i look forward to the most it's like the characters for the game will get through anything as long as they have each other that's the most beauitful and important thing to me when i play the game know one asked me but i just wanted to write it out.
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Luna looks like a badass and I love it. I'm fine without more gameplay for now. Between the demo and previous trailers, I already feel like they've presented a clear idea of what it will be like and personally, I don't care to have everything about it spelled out before the game is even released. Leave me some surprises. But of course I'm already sold on the game, so seeing new stuff tends to hype me up no matter what it is.
Jun 7, 2014

This is glorious. Also Luna's dress looks really good in the artwork.

The trailer was just okay, surely better than the previous one. The scenes shown were cool but lacked context. The music was great, though. This and KH3 are gonna be Shimomura's best.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
So in this case, they have created a design which airships doesn't mean much for the main FFXV gameplay..... And yet, he still says he will try to put airships as DLC which I fear it may end up as a pointless gimmick for the game. Unless they can find an awesome way to make those 'supposed' DLCs something worthwhile for FFXV, the DLCs are gonna be nothing but a ploy to try to please everyone. If it happens, it happens.
Airships are a form of travel and it will make for great views. That's not really the same thing as Moogles. Also, the point to mention the Moogles was to just say if people really want them that badly maybe we will put them in, it wasn't solid confirmation they would even put them in. However, given most people don't seem to care they won't be doing it.
May 26, 2014
The funny thing about that ATR was that Tabata was trying to please everyone by putting what the fans want as DLC at a later stage like the Moogles which doesn't make sense. If the Moogles doesn't fit the theme of FFXV, don't try to force it into the game just because loads of fans say so. The same goes for airships; everybody thinks it'd be great if it was in FFXV but Tabata recently said that the game is not entirely influenced over the use of airships.

So in this case, they have created a design which airships doesn't mean much for the main FFXV gameplay..... And yet, he still says he will try to put airships as DLC which I fear it may end up as a pointless gimmick for the game. Unless they can find an awesome way to make those 'supposed' DLCs something worthwhile for FFXV, the DLCs are gonna be nothing but a ploy to try to please everyone. If it happens, it happens.

An FF game can be amazing without some of those particular icons. Sure, some recurring elements like monster types & spells come back as tradition for every FF game but there's some games that's not bothered to use them whether because they either created a design without the need of it or introduced entirely new elements to fit that current FF game
A fantasy based on feedback intesifies
May 26, 2014
Interested to know how you are going to do to tell "this is/isnt based on feedback".
Obviously for some things they're going to come right out and say that they were added due to fan demand. For other things they won't and there won't be any way to know.

Adding things or tweaking things based on fan feedback isn't necessarily a bad thing by the way, but it can be taken too far. It would be nice if they had the confidence to have this game stand on its own merits/own two feet/whatever instead of announcing things they've changed/added because Joe Shmoe said they should. They should have a vision for this game (every game should), and I think they do, but that can be marred by trying to add X, Y, and Z just because they got a lot of tweets about it. And honestly adding X, Y, or Z might be a good thing. Who knows? I don't. But I think what Wazi was talking about was the fact that at this point the development team should do and needs to do what they think is right. You can never please everyone.

Anyway, all the talk about adding things later via DLC is indicative of management coming down hard and saying "It needs to be out by _____." And that was already pretty obviously the case, so it seems the dev team wants to add the things they won't finish in time as (free! :)) DLC. But like I mentioned before, things can be taken too far.

Again, not necessarily a bad thing. Some things that fans apparently want in the game seem to be things the dev team genuinely wants in the game too (air ship). I don't think they've reached the point where they've taken "fan demand" too far, and I don't think they will. But it's the potential for disaster that turns people off here.