If it's 35 years before ff xv then shouldn't regis be like 15 lol ??? he looks 25 at best
This may be very silly, but if you add the ten years of the Long Night to it, the dates sort of work. Maybe the press release is counting from that?
I just realized something. If this is supposed to happen 30 years ago why is Ifrit revived? Ifrit wasn't revived/ under Ardyn's control 11 years prior to the start of the game.
Shiva said Ifrit fell to the Starscourge at that time. Not the same as forming a covenant with him, which is what Ardyn seemingly does.
As to continuity... I think the only issue to date is with this unreleased bit of content, as it's been clearly shown in the main game and other DLC packs that the general continuity is sound, it's just people's interpretation or prioritisation in-universe that causes confusion. Sort of like real history; things get lost, suppressed, or just plain forgotten in the grand scheme of things.
personally, i'm not a big fan of "ardyn wiped out everyone's memory 30 years ago so they don't remember how he looks like and that he was the one to attack". that is just too convenient you know

also they never mention in main game that there was an accident that destroyed insomnia 30 years ago or that citizens got an amnesia. on the other hand i feel that square must have some kind of explanation for that since they decided to show ardyn's attack to be very...open. like him speaking through speakers and showing himself in tv etc.
Oh yes. Well, when you're an absolute monarch at war with a rival nation, wouldn't it be child's play to ensure no-one knew your maximal-times great uncle had orchestrated a single-handed attack on part of the city? Stranger things have happened in fiction and in life.
But, in general, I agree that unless there's some neat story trickery or other such thing, this is likely to be a cool story that completely ruins the overall timeline despite it being canon.