It will be known as the game that revolutionized its genre, put a new standards for open world games, and returned Final Fantasy as a lead in the entire industry.
Tabata- san will deliver.
It will be known as the game that revolutionized its genre, put a new standards for open world games, and returned Final Fantasy as a lead in the entire industry.
Tabata- san will deliver.
So we're getting a tutorial approximately a month away from the actual release of the demo. To think the game will be here that soon in a playable format. A year ago, that would have been unimaginable.
Ok, i'm getting confused again. Is the demo going to be limited time only(meaning we can play it for a year or more, or is there a cut off date to when the demo expires and is no longer playable) or is the limited time only for the Day 1 pre-order?
Ok, i'm getting confused again. Is the demo going to be limited time only(meaning we can play it for a year or more, or is there a cut off date to when the demo expires and is no longer playable) or is the limited time only for the Day 1 pre-order?
I dont think Square Enix could remove the demo from your system or can they?
Tabata did say “But rather than make it available forever, we’re thinking of a cut-off period. It wouldn’t be a very long period, in order to make its existence feel a little more special.” this could mean two things hes referring to the first run copies of type 0 or a possibility of a limited amount of uses on the demo
I don't see how SE could possibly make it so you couldn't play it anymore once you download it. Even if Tabata did say that previously, I doubt he's going to enforce it. The demo has had a lot of changes with it as well.