Perhaps the major selling point of this new generation has been the graphics. When most of the promises for a console are gorgeous looking games in 1080p at 60 frames per second, you can expect people to get upset when they don't get that. Let's also not forget about games like Watch Dogs, which had a final graphics quality that was a bit of a far cry from their initial reveals. Of course, this isn't the first time this has happened (remember the 'real time' Killzone 2 E3 footage?). I'm not saying I support those outcries from the "downgraded" soles of a character's shoes, but it's just to put some things into perspective. Like I said, if you watch the HQ trailer, you'll see the game looks great in motion. Some things look better than before, some things don't, but let's not forget this isn't the final version and that it'll probably look better in the end.