Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
It was just someone translating the Japanese post, about apparently the devs cramming in Episode Luna and Noctis stuff into Episode Ardyn.

I bet the "mysterious voice" from the Crystal was the first Oracle.

If they really are going to try to still deliver the cancelled DLC as other stuff then if they can't put it in the game then the next best thing imo is to do it as an anime like Ardyn's anime and Brotherhood anime.
Yikes, if that's the case, I hope it's just a non-canon Verse Two-type of deal after beating Episode: Ardyn's main canon route, because I want canon story material, not mixed in with non-canon material.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014

Tabata says his new company is self funded and he never asked for investors to help fund him, and he says that they have a few employees right now.

He talked about wanting to change the way the development process works, where he mentions regarding XV how a typical part would be when development got busy at SE they'd get external help from outsourced studios in Malaysia/Vietnam and also would have to provide high spec PCs and the security protocols they'd have to make themselves. He said that was a really difficult time and wants to try a cloud based development pipeline, and was actually going to try something like that before he decided to leave SE. He says he thinks they can still make a AAA game despite having only a few employees. He mentioned platforms they'd target being for the game include home systems, PC and phones. He says he wants to make a large scale game but doesn't want to hire a lot of developers at one place.

He also again reaffirms that he resigned from SE on his own descision and that he wasn't fired, he states that there was no bad blood or soured relationship with him or SE, and that the XV DLC cancellation had no relation to his decision to leave SE, he said he decided to quit SE to try his own thing without being a burden on the company or anyone there. He also says he was also sad to hear about the cancellation about the XV DLC and is sorry to the fans who were looking forward to those.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Are we sure that japanese tweet isn't actually in relation to the team wanting to persue the cancelled DLCs in some form via other media format? The other person who made the translation pics credited his tweets that said such, which leads me to believe that's what the Japanese tweet itself meant.

The last point in that translated pic confirms the idea, and the only thing we know that's being touched upon from the alternate routes is the entity of the mysterious voice from EP. Ignis' verse 2.
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Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Yikes, if that's the case, I hope it's just a non-canon Verse Two-type of deal after beating Episode: Ardyn's main canon route, because I want canon story material, not mixed in with non-canon material.
I don't think that bit about ep Noct and Luna being in ep Ardyn was something the devs said but just something that person wants them to do. Since the devs said they were looking at different ways to deliver the cancelled DLC which is why they mentioned doing it as an anime or manga or novel or Drama CD or movie etc.

Are we sure that japanese tweet isn't actually in relation to the team wanting to persue the cancelled DLCs in some form via other media format?

The last point in that translated pic confirms the idea, and the only thing we know that's being touched upon from the alternate routes is the entity of the mysterious voice from EP. Ignis' verse 2.

The mysterious voice from the crystal is the only thing currently mentioned as having a connection to stuff in Episode Ardyn, btw they also said the voice is not Bahamut.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I don't think that bit about ep Noct and Luna being in ep Ardyn was something the devs said but just something that person wants them to do. Since the devs said they were looking at different ways to deliver the cancelled DLC which is why they mentioned doing it as an anime or manga or novel or Drama CD or movie etc.


The mysterious voice from the crystal is the only thing currently mentioned as having a connection to stuff in Episode Ardyn, btw they also said the voice is not Bahamut.
I never thought that the voice was Bahamut's, it sounded almost like Lunafreya's, but deeper. As much as I didn't like Episode: Ignis' Verse Two, I am curious about the voice.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
I never thought that the voice was Bahamut's, it sounded almost like Lunafreya's, but deeper. As much as I didn't like Episode: Ignis' Verse Two, I am curious about the voice.
The voice according to the credits is voiced by Luna's VA in all languages, but seeing as it's likely the original Oracle her sharing a VA isn't that weird. The voice itself being in the crystal also doesn't necessarily contradict the canon, as things from the main canon timeline exist in Ep Ignis v2 too, like Ignis and Ardyn and the Crystal and so on, it's rather just the events that happen in Ep Ignis V2 that aren't technically canon to the main timeline, but the characters and who and what things are is still as canon as normally is.

So even though we never hear the voice in the main timeline it doens't necessarily mean it wasn't always there, same way as in EpIv2 Ardyn specifically mentions being the brother to the founder king, but in the main timeline to Noctis he doesn't say that the jealous king was his brother, though people naturally just assumed it was given the context.
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Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Keyblade Master
Oct 28, 2013
I would like to see Tabata take a stab at handhelds again. That's where his best work lies IMO. It would be wonderful if he could develop a Switch exclusive. Hopefully Nintendo throws him a bone. His unique approach to outsourcing is also very interesting. Always the pragmatic one.
Feb 19, 2018
Anime or movie are my top choices for how to present the remaining DLC. Anime is probably more feasible from a financial standpoint but I feel like a movie would be the best way to visually showcase the remaining story. As a compromise though maybe they could do an anime movie. "FFXV: Dawn of The Future" has a nice ring to it for a movie title.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
If 10 years down the road a new team at SE will be tasked to release an “HD collection” of FFXV on the PS6 - compiling all these different pieces of media for the complete experience will be a bitch! I pray for those guys lol
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 7, 2018
It was just someone translating the Japanese post, about apparently the devs cramming in Episode Luna and Noctis stuff into Episode Ardyn.

I bet the "mysterious voice" from the Crystal was the first Oracle.

If they really are going to try to still deliver the cancelled DLC as other stuff then if they can't put it in the game then the next best thing imo is to do it as an anime like Ardyn's anime and Brotherhood anime.
Is this guy a reliable source? Not you Bazztek (i trust you for FFXV news), but the guy telling they`re trying to put a lot of content in Ep. Ardyn
Apr 13, 2018
Armiger Unleashed. Get at least Gaze of the Vortex. It's doable with the Garuda's Gaze. You can find 3 sets 30 Allagan stones items in the area. They are a bit hidden and can be a tricky to get to because this game was not mean for platforming. Just make a strength set up (Sword of the father, Axe, and Mace) and accessories should be Founder's Sigil, Dark Matter, and Magitek V2. That should be OP enough that you should be able to destroy her in a few minutes. I didn't use any buffs.
Duly noted, alrite super thankss!! :D


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Wow. :/

I really can't understand SE nowadays.

Btw Tabata says there was no correlation between him leaving SE and the XV DLC being cancelled.
I got an (additional) proper translation of this article provided for me if anyone is interested:

Mr. Tabata, who was asked what were this year's three major pieces of news, firstly said that they could not release all of the DLC of "Final Fantasy XV ", causing a participating guest to retort "Is that okay?". In addition, pointed questions were hurled at Mr. Hiroshi Matsuyama of Cyber Connect 2 about Mr. Tabata being asked to quit because he couldn't make the DLC.

Regarding this, Mr. Tabata said that he considered separating from Square Enix to become independent prior to the cancellation, commenting that he had decided what to do about the DLC while he was handing over his work. Mr. Yosuke Saito, who was drinking next door, also said that the DLC "seemed to be in order". According to Mr. Tabata, there was truly no relationship between his leaving the company and the DLC development being canceled.

On the other hand, with regards to the reason for his resignation, Mr. Tabata confesses that his vision and the nature of his work had deviated, and that "the spot I'm aiming for is a little different". He's also suggesting that Luminous Productions, launched in March this year, was a plan to personally to take on work that doesn't take as much time. Mr. Tabata also conveyed that he is not burning bridges with Square Enix. In addition, in November of this year, Mr. Tabata announced his departure in a televised broadcast, explaining the reason was that "there are jobs that I want to realize, no matter the cost, as my next challenge, and for that reason I'm going to leave my current position and set up my own business to face new challenges".

From January 2019, Mr. Tabata is scheduled to start up a new company called JP Games. According to Mr. Tabata, although there will be several employees from his current company, he wants to embrace his ambition to "evolve the way games are made". Mr. Tabata commented that he's considering changing the scale of the studio flexibly while contrasting it with the development structure of "Final Fantasy 15". In addition, he talked about plans of cloud-based development, an almost virtual image that doesn't hire a lot of developers from a single place.

While his first title is causing him some anxiety and he "cannot talk about it", he reported he is considering several genres and is not considering hardware exclusivity.
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Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Wow. :/

I really can't understand SE nowadays.

I got an (additional) proper translation of this article provided for me if anyone is interested:
That's his interpretation and I take it with a grain of salt. For my own feelings him "losing motivation" doesn't make sense and a bullshit reason to quit. FFXV is considered the fastest selling FF and despite mine and many other's complaints the game, for the most part, is an upper tier FF, was well received, and he was given his own studio. You would think that things like that would have the opposite effect. There's something missing in this story. I would like to know who came up with the idea of doing a second season of DLC, which when it was announced was a mixed reaction. As a side note: he also made it clear with an interview with Sakaguchi a few months after the game's release that he didn't want to do another FF ever again. I would like to hear from some lowly worker in BD2's side of all of this. Someone that's not going to save face for Square or Tabata. Yet, let this be a lesson for Square and the fan base. This is why you never hand over one person's passion project to someone else. In this case two different people.
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Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016

I feel sad for the devs. I hope they have time/resources to finish E.Ardyn as they planned and even add something more.
How strange! The DLC cancellation would have been understandable if the project ran into issues that would have required more resources than had been originally allocated, but it makes little sense to cancel something that's going smoothly and offers an effectively-guaranteed return on investment. If the point was just to reconfigure Luminous to work on bigger projects, they could have done that when the DLC was finished and not even lost that much time.

I really hope we eventually figure out what actually went down.


Actually, this Gematsu article provides more context!

  • I made the decision to leave Square Enix, and in our various discussions regarding duties and position hand-offs, the fate of Final Fantasy XV‘s downloadable content was decided.
  • Personally, ceasing the development of Final Fantasy XV‘s downloadable content was a disappointment. I am truly sorry to all the people who were looking forward to it.
  • I am disappointed that I was not able to release all of the Final Fantasy XV downloadable content myself and am truly sorry. But there is no relationship between that and my leaving the company.
So, it's not that the DLC cancellation and Tabata's departure are unrelated; it's that Tabata didn't leave because of the cancellation. According to the Gematsu article, it sounds like the decision to cancel the DLC came about during the process of Tabata handing over the reins of his various responsibilities to other employees, with Squenix Corporate deciding not to have Tabata's successor in handling the DLC continue it past Episode Ardyn.

In that case... I wonder if it might have been a matter of Tabata's responsibility for the DLCs simply being passed into the hands of someone who was more interested in making a new game than continuing a DLC project that he wasn't personally invested in.
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Feb 19, 2018
How strange! The DLC cancellation would have been understandable if the project ran into issues that would have required more resources than had been originally allocated, but it makes little sense to cancel something that's going smoothly and offers an effectively-guaranteed return on investment. If the point was just to reconfigure Luminous to work on bigger projects, they could have done that when the DLC was finished and not even lost that much time.

I really hope we eventually figure out what actually went down.
I think the problem is that Square's upper management has lost sight of what's important, they're in too much of a hurry to rush into the next big thing that will alter the future of gaming forever rather than focusing on something smaller like crafting a well made and memorable experience with what they currently have. Their ambitions have gotten too grand and are getting in the way of their work at this point. Only thing that can save Square at this point is a change in leadership that understands the importance of making do with what you currently have while not being so blinded by the future. Either that or the current leadership needs a very rude awakening though idk what that would be exactly.
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