Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Ayy super thanks for the info.. Just finished the quest. Damn Garuda lvl 120 kept blowing me out of battle area, do u have any strategy for this? Best food for buffs? I'm at level 120, thanks! :)
I was able to beat it with Armiger Unleashed and no food buffs, just get your AU up before the fight, pop it at the start, and do as much damage as you can before it runs out. Then pop back on the Armiger Accelerator and go to town until it's ready again.
Feb 19, 2018
It's interesting that, who I assume must be the first Oracle, is featured so prominently here. Wonder part she played in all this since up until now we only knew of Ardyn, Somnus, and the Crystal's roles in this story of Ardyn's downfall. She looks a lot like Luna but I guess that's on purpose much like how Somnus looks a lot like older Noct. Would certainly make it easier for Ardyn to hate the two even more.

Edit: Just noticed this random detail but damn Somnus got some guns on him, this man's royal arm should've been his killer biceps.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Ayy super thanks for the info.. Just finished the quest. Damn Garuda lvl 120 kept blowing me out of battle area, do u have any strategy for this? Best food for buffs? I'm at level 120, thanks! :)
Armiger Unleashed. Get at least Gaze of the Vortex. It's doable with the Garuda's Gaze. You can find 3 sets 30 Allagan stones items in the area. They are a bit hidden and can be a tricky to get to because this game was not mean for platforming. Just make a strength set up (Sword of the father, Axe, and Mace) and accessories should be Founder's Sigil, Dark Matter, and Magitek V2. That should be OP enough that you should be able to destroy her in a few minutes. I didn't use any buffs.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
It's interesting that, who I assume must be the first Oracle, is featured so prominently here. Wonder part she played in all this since up until now we only knew of Ardyn, Somnus, and the Crystal's roles in this story of Ardyn's downfall. She looks a lot like Luna but I guess that's on purpose much like how Somnus looks a lot like older Noct. Would certainly make it easier for Ardyn to hate the two even more.
My guess? Ardyn and Somnus both had feelings for the Oracle, and they both realized that her duties would eventually demand her life. Somnus accepts her willingness to fulfill her destiny; Ardyn decides that he's not going to let her sacrifice herself and comes up with the absorb-the-daemons scheme to try to prevent it. Things go horribly wrong from there.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
A little strange, but something struck me.

Garuda's speech at the end of the XIV crossover has her as a messenger who was "defeated" by the gods of XV's world. Has me wondering in a strange way; could there be a succession of deities similar to Greek mythology, with the Messengers being an earlier generation or defeated lesser versions of even earlier Astrals. Just a wild thought when I saw XV Garuda and went through her dialogue.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Man still aren't able to transfer my save from Comrade over to the standalone, apparently people in EU countries and Australia get the save transfer error so it's probably something with the PAL region distributed version of the game itself.

the art of Ardyns prologue reminds me of Castlevania's anime made by netflix, I dig it.
I get more of a Fire Emblem vibe from it.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
A little strange, but something struck me.

Garuda's speech at the end of the XIV crossover has her as a messenger who was "defeated" by the gods of XV's world. Has me wondering in a strange way; could there be a succession of deities similar to Greek mythology, with the Messengers being an earlier generation or defeated lesser versions of even earlier Astrals. Just a wild thought when I saw XV Garuda and went through her dialogue.
I kind of figured that
Ifrit wasn't alone in his rebellion, with some of the Messengers taking his side. The art showing the War of the Astrals appears to show Messengers fighting each other.
Feb 19, 2018
My guess? Ardyn and Somnus both had feelings for the Oracle, and they both realized that her duties would eventually demand her life. Somnus accepts her willingness to fulfill her destiny; Ardyn decides that he's not going to let her sacrifice herself and comes up with the absorb-the-daemons scheme to try to prevent it. Things go horribly wrong from there.
That's a pretty good theory, Ardyn wanted the best for everyone and didn't want any sacrifices meanwhile Somnus was more of the "necessary sacrifices must be made" type. In the end both meant well but Ardyn's method lead to ruin while Somnus's choice to make the hard decisions lead to a better outcome on his end even if it was at a price. I'm honestly expecting Somnus' personality to be kind of like Spock's from Star Trek just with more emotion. He cares for the noble cause but he doesn't put feelings before duty which would explain his decision to lock Ardyn up and why he'd still feel bad about it later. It's also easier to see how from Ardyn's perspective Somnus would come off as an asshole this way.


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
My guess? Ardyn and Somnus both had feelings for the Oracle, and they both realized that her duties would eventually demand her life. Somnus accepts her willingness to fulfill her destiny; Ardyn decides that he's not going to let her sacrifice herself and comes up with the absorb-the-daemons scheme to try to prevent it. Things go horribly wrong from there.
as much as I love this theory it would make the whole game more complicated and disconnected. If he wanted the best for girl who looks like Luna why stab Luna in the guts later lol? T _ T I think that's a bit too romantic...
Anyway, tomorrow is coming only trailer or whole anime? every source says different...
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
as much as I love this theory it would make the whole game more complicated and disconnected. If he wanted the best for girl who looks like Luna why stab Luna in the guts later lol? T _ T I think that's a bit too romantic...
Anyway, tomorrow is coming only trailer or whole anime? every source says different...
Possessive love turns to hate quickly when spurned. If the Oracle of his time took Somnus' side and helped lock him away... it's not hard to imagine twisted-by-Starscourge Ardyn finding it satisfying to stab her in the guts. >_>;


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
Possessive love turns to hate quickly when spurned. If the Oracle of his time took Somnus' side and helped lock him away... it's not hard to imagine twisted-by-Starscourge Ardyn finding it satisfying to stab her in the guts. >_>;
Somehow of course I think that Ardyn is twisted, but also most of his reasoning is quite logical. I doubt it will be a love story but we will see.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
Btw. I really hope they won't name her Stella.U know. Since Ardyn is darkness here, she is chosen by the light..oh god
Honestly that would be a funny troll on Square's part if they did name her Stella. Seriously speaking though, as long as she's a good character that adds to the story I'll be fine with her even if they name her Fred. I just want as much lore and story as they can deliver out of these last pieces of content without raising new question or muddling up unknown information even further. Whoever she is and whatever her name is I just hope she brings answers rather than more questions with her when we meet her.


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Honestly with how many things from Versus XIII trailers they seem to be adding into Episode Ardyn (Ardyn's outfit resembling Ravus's old one, Ardyn vs Regis looking alot like Noctis vs Ravus, traveling around Insomnia like we were supposed to in Versus, etc) I really would not be surprised to see her name be Stella. Especially after they named Ardyn's brother Somnus. Makes me wonder how much other Versus XIII stuff we would have gotten seeing as one of the taglines for the cancelled DLC was something like "what everyone longed for." Seems like their way of giving the fans that wanted Versus a little something.