Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Very cool stuff!
Ahh I will be home on monday, can't wait to play ._.
How is that Ravus and Ardyn fight in terms of story? Why do you fight against them? ;0
There's no new story in this update, a random piece of magitch shows up in Lestallum and gives you random (simulation?) quests where you fight the new bosses. They added datalogs on Melusine and Deathgaze to Comrades to explain their personal origins but that's it. It all feels very hollow.


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
Very cool stuff!

There's no new story in this update, a random piece of magitch shows up in Lestallum and gives you random (simulation?) quests where you fight the new bosses. They added datalogs on Melusine and Deathgaze to Comrades to explain their personal origins but that's it. It all feels very hollow.'s square...i don't know what i expected...maybe story -_- thanks for the info!


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Very cool stuff!

There's no new story in this update, a random piece of magitch shows up in Lestallum and gives you random (simulation?) quests where you fight the new bosses. They added datalogs on Melusine and Deathgaze to Comrades to explain their personal origins but that's it. It all feels very hollow.
What are Deathgaze's origins?
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
I don't know... It doesn't seem that unreasonable for the guys not to take the threat seriously. Like, imagine if an Overwatch character showed up and told an FBI agent that someone was building a mini-nuke in a compound previously used by a terror cell. Sure, the threat would be serious if real... but would the agent really believe the Overwatch character?

Given that Noct doesn't say when he and Luna will meet again... isn't that pretty normal language for someone who's confident in the existence of the afterlife?

Like, here's part of one of the last prayers at a Catholic funeral:

"There is sadness in parting, but we take comfort in the hope that one day we shall see N. again and enjoy his (her) friendship."

Noct promising Luna that he'll see her again isn't suicidal or prescient; it just shows that he truly believes in a personal afterlife.

This, I agree is weird. Nyx's fate shouldn't have made it past the imperial media filter. It would have made more sense if Ravus mentioned it when he and Ignis were talking.

Any particular examples, outside of the collaborations with properties that are themselves more anime?
I always chalked up Ignis knowing about that as him learning through Cor who probably heard it through his own network of operatives. It's not hard to imagine that someone helping with the evacuation saw a random Glaive flying around with the full power of the ring when everyone's magic was gone or maybe Libertus let them know about the full details and was on call with Cor considering he shows up in Comrades working alongside Cor and his men.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I see a good point in Noctis speech.

The scenes i see as anime are:
-Royal Ch14: All the scene when Noctis goes to the base for the first time (the reactions of the Kingsglaive to Noctis arival, to his speech and the dialogue of the Bros).
-Ignis in his episode saying he doesn't care if the world is destroyed, he only cares for Noctis.
-Chapter 13 verse 2: Ravus speech toward Iedolas and fake Noctis.
-Comrades: When Noctis see the Glaives in Angelgard.
-Chapter 12 giving a speech to Noctis when we already saw him heartbroke in the old version (I don't dislike the change, the old one was sadder but the new one motivates Noctis to change and look forward, which improves the overall narrative).
-Episode Gladio: his monologue when he suddenly learns he's afraid, being "friendship" the key to inner power.
-All Ignis Verse 2 dialogue since we defeat Ardyn.
-Noctis speech to Ignis when he's told to surrender.
-Cor speech to Noctis after he's hit ny Cerberus.

I feel like i'm being a party pooper saying all this, so i will also say the scenes that touched my heart in the dlcs:
-Ravus speech to Lunafreya in Episode Ignis. Opening to her when is to late (same with Noctis in Chapter 12).
-Prompto conflict with Aranea in the cave.
-Noctis chearing Prompto by telling him he will unite Niffleheim and Lucis.
-Ardyn speech to Ravus in Chapter 13.
-The reunion after the Wall is broken in Chapter 14 and the words the bros say to cheer Noctis.
-The dream secuence with child Prompto.
-Using the flashback of Luna and Noctis from when they where kids where he says " I won't let you down." "I know you won't". To empower him and fight back.


PSICOM Soldier
Jul 17, 2018
Sardinia, Italy
I'm getting a save file transfer error when booting the standalone Comrades, dunno why.
When I boot Comrades from the main game it still seeminly boots but it tells me to download it now and takes me to PS Store, if I cancel out of that it takes me to the Comrades title screen where I can start as normal, if I press begin it starts it but when I did that it basically treated it as if I started a new game and asked me to create a new avatar, though my old Avatars were still saved there, but I cancelled out of that instead of starting a new game.
So.. I'm not the only one, it seems that the European version have some problems with the save data transfer... We need a update to fix that.
I can't play comrades and I don't want to play again from the beginning :|


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Sorry maybe "origins" was the wrong word but here's the datalog itself
View attachment 1068
I really hope this fight gets patched into the main game. I could see it being in places like where you fight quetzalcoatl, on top of ravatough at night, or leide desert at night. Then again they haven't added in Nidus for chapter 14 Royal Edition or Magic Pot. And I'm still waiting in vain for them to patch in that version of Ifrit that you fight in Comrades. You know, the one fight that was actually interesting and might have made you fight strategically rather than button mash. Also the more I think about the Garuda messenger summon, the more I wish they had added other possible "messengers"/ lower tier summons with a side quest to obtain them like Sylph, Siren, Diabolos, Fenrir, Kirin, Cait Sith, Mauduin, etc. Again that's another reason why FFXV felt half finished, there just isn't that many different options, a lot of it is cut and paste.


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
I really hope this fight gets patched into the main game. I could see it being in places like where you fight quetzalcoatl, on top of ravatough at night, or leide desert at night. Then again they haven't added in Nidus for chapter 14 Royal Edition or Magic Pot. And I'm still waiting in vain for them to patch in that version of Ifrit that you fight in Comrades. You know, the one fight that was actually interesting and might have made you fight strategically rather than button mash. Also the more I think about the Garuda messenger summon, the more I wish they had added other possible "messengers"/ lower tier summons with a side quest to obtain them like Sylph, Siren, Diabolos, Fenrir, Kirin, Cait Sith, Mauduin, etc. Again that's another reason why FFXV felt half finished, there just isn't that many different options, a lot of it is cut and paste.
Deathgaze feels like it would be way more fun to fight with airstep shortsword in the main game. I think based on how the stuff with XV's Garuda played out that the Messengers would have played a big role in Episode Noctis. I feel like at least Garuda, if not the others, would have been Noctis's allies against the Astrals.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
I see a good point in Noctis speech.

The scenes i see as anime are:
-Royal Ch14: All the scene when Noctis goes to the base for the first time (the reactions of the Kingsglaive to Noctis arival, to his speech and the dialogue of the Bros).
-Ignis in his episode saying he doesn't care if the world is destroyed, he only cares for Noctis.
-Chapter 13 verse 2: Ravus speech toward Iedolas and fake Noctis.
-Comrades: When Noctis see the Glaives in Angelgard.
-Chapter 12 giving a speech to Noctis when we already saw him heartbroke in the old version (I don't dislike the change, the old one was sadder but the new one motivates Noctis to change and look forward, which improves the overall narrative).
-Episode Gladio: his monologue when he suddenly learns he's afraid, being "friendship" the key to inner power.
-All Ignis Verse 2 dialogue since we defeat Ardyn.
-Noctis speech to Ignis when he's told to surrender.
-Cor speech to Noctis after he's hit ny Cerberus.
I agree with some of these, but disagree with others.

  • Ignis in his episode saying he doesn't care if the world is destroyed, he only cares for Noctis. -- This is, like, a classic instance of the anime trope where the hero's best friend is so determined to protect someone that he ends up going dark, except that Ignis' outburst is treated as a good thing. It's really weird. >_>;
  • Episode Gladio: his monologue when he suddenly learns he's afraid, being "friendship" the key to inner power. -- I didn't really mind this, since I was waiting for some kind of payoff for Gladio, but I totally get what you're saying.
  • All Ignis Verse 2 dialogue since we defeat Ardyn. -- To be honest, practically all of Verse 2 felt way more anime than the game proper. That's part of the reason I prefer thinking of it as the product of Ignis' survivor's guilt.
  • Cor speech to Noctis after he's hit ny Cerberus. -- I didn't have a problem with the speech, per se, but the way it was handled was... odd. I don't think Cor should have gotten up and walked away on his own strength.
  • Royal Ch14: All the scene when Noctis goes to the base for the first time (the reactions of the Kingsglaive to Noctis arival, to his speech and the dialogue of the Bros). -- I actually liked this speech a lot. Yeah, it's cheesy, but that makes sense in context; Noct doesn't seem like the type to have taken public speaking classes, so he pulled as many inspirational-sounding phrases as possible from his memories of Regis' speeches.
  • Chapter 13 verse 2: Ravus speech toward Iedolas and fake Noctis. -- Ravus has always been super formal and as high fantasy as FFXV gets, so those speeches seemed pretty natural for him.
  • Comrades: When Noctis see the Glaives in Angelgard. -- I don't see what's particularly anime about this, though I'd agree it's not a particularly necessary retcon.
  • Chapter 12 giving a speech to Noctis when we already saw him heartbroke in the old version (I don't dislike the change, the old one was sadder but the new one motivates Noctis to change and look forward, which improves the overall narrative). -- Yeah, the two versions definitely did different things, though I think the added lore more than makes up for the shift.
  • Noctis speech to Ignis when he's told to surrender. -- I actually liked that a lot. Ray Chase did an incredible job with his lines, and the physical acting done by Noct's character model was really good, too.
I feel like i'm being a party pooper saying all this, so i will also say the scenes that touched my heart in the dlcs:
-Ravus speech to Lunafreya in Episode Ignis. Opening to her when is to late (same with Noctis in Chapter 12).
-Prompto conflict with Aranea in the cave.
-Noctis chearing Prompto by telling him he will unite Niffleheim and Lucis.
-Ardyn speech to Ravus in Chapter 13.
-The reunion after the Wall is broken in Chapter 14 and the words the bros say to cheer Noctis.
-The dream secuence with child Prompto.
-Using the flashback of Luna and Noctis from when they where kids where he says " I won't let you down." "I know you won't". To empower him and fight back.
I agree with almost all of these. I also loved Luna's summoning of five of the Six, which was super anime, but in the best way possible. xD


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Whoa... we're in for something special with this animation for sure. It seems like this will focus on 2000 years ago while his DLC is closer to the present. You're right Ikkin, Ardyn's outfit here reminds me alot of Ravus's from the trailer where him and Noctis face off in the crystal's room. It's fitting too since we've seen that Regis and Ardyn will mirror their fight thanks to this shot from the trailer:


Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Deathgaze feels like it would be way more fun to fight with airstep shortsword in the main game. I think based on how the stuff with XV's Garuda played out that the Messengers would have played a big role in Episode Noctis. I feel like at least Garuda, if not the others, would have been Noctis's allies against the Astrals.
I'm not sure if that would have been the case, in the sense the messengers would have been apart of Episode Noctis, only because that new Garuda model was definitely recycled from the main FFXIV Garuda model, just heavily tweaked and a new (questionable) texture put on. Like the quality is way lower than the other summons and creature designs/ the doesn't match the general esthetic of the game. So overall it feels like they just shoe horned it in just because the the event existed and used because they had an idea that had a quick work flow, rather than it actually being a story element that would have been used for Episode Noct.
Apr 13, 2018
Garuda is summoned once per day, at least that's what her "Mark of the Vortex" key item states. I've gotten her pretty frequently though for the FFXIV Event rematches. Her a choice.

There are four attires, one per Bro. Noctis- Miqo'te, Gladio- Roegadyn, Ignis- Elezen, Prompto- Hyur. They actually dont look terrible. better than the AC attire. Weapons there are 4 upgradable weapons, "Garuda's ___" then upgraded into "___ of the Vortex" version. Sword is Gaze, Greatsword is Pain, Daggers are Plumes, and Gun is Abandon. The designs are really great and they are OP.
Ayy super thanks for the info.. Just finished the quest. Damn Garuda lvl 120 kept blowing me out of battle area, do u have any strategy for this? Best food for buffs? I'm at level 120, thanks! :)