Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Has Square Enix Destroyed their Consumer Trust with Final Fantasy XV?

Yes yes they did, they obliterated it, they nuked it, they man-slaughtered it
Hey you're back! Figures you'd show up out of nowhere and post clickbait videos from someone who makes nothing but clickbait videos about FF.

Well, this post came out of no where...
Is this spam for views? I've only heard hate from this guy in older videos so i'm not gonna spend any second in this one.

If it's a genuine question:
I will trust at the director of each project.
I don't consider Square Enix higher ups evil. They green light really cool projects and they give time and budget for each thing. I don't remember any case where their influence have ruined a game.

Each title is the result of it's developers and the results that we got are strongly tied at the strenght and weakness of each team.
Night Sky Prince is a terrible click bait youtuber, just a glance at his thumbnails on his channel should give you an idea of the type of person you're dealing with, he's even worse than FF Peasant. If you want poorly researched, poorly thought out and poorly presented videos on top of a click baity title, and more often than not an extra dose of cleavage in the youtube thumbnail for those extra clicks then that's what you get with Night Sky Prince. I don't know what it is with these Facebook "FF communities" but that's where NSP and FFPez get pretty much all of their "info", they basically just regurgitate what people in their Facebook groups say to them.

My guess is Ardyn's red broadsword.

Isn't that just Blade of the Mystic?


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Has Square Enix Destroyed their Consumer Trust with Final Fantasy XV?

Yes yes they did, they obliterated it, they nuked it, they man-slaughtered it
he lost me at FFVersusXV. I agree that if Square messes up FFVII Remake that it will be one more nail in the coffin for the company. Between the Dissidia NT release, the FFXV season 2 cancellation, and what has happened to the Windows Edition is a garbage fire. I do not agree with a FFXV reboot. Like with FFXII and FFXIII: it is what it is at this point. We can hope that they might throw in one major patch that fixes aspects of the gameplay like a hard mode but FFXV is done. It was a good ride, a middle ranking FF at best due to the story hiccups/ gameplay choices (Like having only one playable character at launch). Hopefully with FFVII and FFXVI (Ito is rumored to be the director of it, so there is something) won't fall into the same issues that FFXV did; an amazing concept and could have rivaled VI,VII, IX, and X that turned into something that was middle ground.
Likes: SonOfEtro


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Someone on Reddit asked how we would change the ending.

I'm really happy with what we got, so I don't want to change anything.
But there's a dialogue i would add:

Noctis call's back Iris after you rest in a checkpoint, to ask her what she wanted to say. It won't be an overdramatic scene or tearjerker moment, just him saying he have a little time to spare and that he can't focus thinking on what she wanted to say.

The dialogue would be about Iris asking forgiveness for being inmature and interfering with him and Luna, saying she's sad for Luna and how everything has gone. Noctis would deminish her worries and then they would small talk about what Iris has done with her life and how Noctis missed her train, sharing some laughts.

Once the call is over, Noct asks Gladio "Does she know?", which Gladio would answer with a "Yes. She has grown really strong, I'm proud of her". And Noctis would finish with his classic "Yeah, me too."


Chocobo Knight
Feb 25, 2018
Hey you're back! Figures you'd show up out of nowhere and post clickbait videos from someone who makes nothing but clickbait videos about FF.

Night Sky Prince is a terrible click bait youtuber, just a glance at his thumbnails on his channel should give you an idea of the type of person you're dealing with, he's even worse than FF Peasant. If you want poorly researched, poorly thought out and poorly presented videos on top of a click baity title, and more often than not an extra dose of cleavage in the youtube thumbnail for those extra clicks then that's what you get with Night Sky Prince. I don't know what it is with these Facebook "FF communities" but that's where NSP and FFPez get pretty much all of their "info", they basically just regurgitate what people in their Facebook groups say to them.

Isn't that just Blade of the Mystic?
You don't like pez? Damn, I think he's brilliant.
Oct 26, 2017
Costa Rica
I'm start to think it that they should have make a classic world map with massive cities and towns in FFXV and not what it is now. Of course you can not change it anymore, but it would have been nice. Ni no Kuni is like this and works pretty well.

I hope, or at least I would like, that FFVII Remake take this route.

By the way, in the early stages of development of FF Versus XIII, it had this kind of world map.



Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
I disagree, you can have multiple towns & whatnot fleshed out in an open field without resorting to classic SD world map design. It just depends on budget, expertise, time given to make it work.

And regarding Versus XIII, back then it was stated by Nomura that he technically wanted an open world with as little loading time as possible. Though I will say that image does seem to go in hand with Nomura originally tackling around with a giant Noctis in an SD world map for Versus before he changed it later on.
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