Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Idk honestly, maybe Square thought that the guide became too restricting and decided to disregard it. Wouldn't be the first time an external piece of media has been rendered non canon in a compilation like this. Hell certain series even make actual games within the series non canon if they begin to become too restricting or conflict with future plans.

Star Wars is a really big example of this, the only surefire canon is the movies since that's what started the franchise. Same thing applies to FFXV, the game is the main source of canon and if the devs feel like the guide has limited their creative freedom then I wouldn't be surprised if they ultimately decided that it was expendable in the grand scheme of things. The movie itself doesn't seem to contradict the game since it doesn't mention any really explicit dates and the exact time stamp on the anime is entirely left up to our imagination as well. So I doubt that they'll be rendered non canon but the guide provides a lot of specific info that they never originally intended to put in the game and once you do decide to include that stuff in the game you have to tweak it so that it fits in, in an enjoyable manner.

I doubt people would find it enjoyable if Ardyn's episode was him entirely just walking about non violently scheming and quietly working on his political career within the empire like the guide originally implied. It would work in a movie or in written form sure but within in a game you typically wanna be able to enjoy playing the game. So they likely had to spice it up so that it's fun for people to experience it within the form of media they've ultimately chosen to adapt the story in.

Honestly I'm fine with the game disregarding a guide, in an ideal world they'd disregard all the external media and adapt the entire story into the game even at the cost of changing previously known info for the sake of keeping a consistent and fun experience but yeah Episode Ardyn and the game is more canon in my eyes than a guide book at the end of the day and I won't really be mourning its loss.
I agree, I'm personally fine with them retconning or make stuff like guides non-canon, heck, if they retcon or change of parts or the entirety of Kingsglaive or make Brotherhood's present day segements non-canon as I don't see where that anime takes place at all, I wouldn't miss them at all, since I found them to have hurt the game's story by having the story split across different medias, and I don't like that, and if they want to make a big story event or help the story flow better, through any means, I'm fine with them changing things like that.


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 24, 2016
Previously I was expecting it to be 3-4 hours edging on 5 hours, but now I'm expecting it to be 1 to 2 hours. I don't know if them doing an Anime prologue to Ep Ardyn means they had to do that for whatever stuff they didn't have enough budget to put into it because of the cancellations, or maybe that was always planned, since last year they did say they were looking into doing Ep Ardyn as a manga or an anime or whatever. But I feel like it will probably be around the same length now as the S1 DLC episodes now.

Ofuji said in the stream that the reasoning was that even if they could deliver the new AAA game even 1 day earlier they would do everything they could to do that, which is part of the reason for the cancellations.
to quote the phase time is money.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
How much do you expect the hours of playing in the episode ardyn?

How much do you expect the price of ardyn episode?

Do you expect we will be able to upgrade ardyn like noctis ?
2 hours.

$5, or $15 max.

I suspect the upgrade and customization options will be fairly limited. They will probably want to preserve as much financial resources in developing this game as much as possible.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Now that I had a few days to sleep on the recent news, calm down, and objectively look at the situation - I can say that in all honestly I’m not that surprised, disappointed.. but not surprised.

The Royal Update was the end of XV, I remember even thinking it was too ambitious to do 4 full DLCs in one year from scratch (considering the original 3 episodes and comrades took 1-year and they were planned from the start with high likelyhood of some work already done by the time XV released, and that’s with a full dev team). The 6-month period of silence was another red flag, in hindsight I should’ve taken comments like “it’s amazing how a two year old single player RPG is still supported” as a concern.

The project was never coming together as intended; the delays, cancellations, scarpped concepts, re-branding, fatigued team, poor engine, un-realistic deadlines, angry community, and a director that despite having a good intention is unfortunately incapable of keeping his promises under check (as seen with so many areas, demos, story arcs, and cutscenes that were just scrapped) - it’s frankly amazing we have a game as it is at all.

Square Enix never had their shit together in the last decade. All of their projects were poor. The few success stories like FF14 Reboot and Nier Automata are 90% attributable to the unique individuals who made those games success stories, it’s the professional competence of the directors, not due to good guidance from SE. The corporate greed and complete disconnect with their fanbase led to unfinished products launching too early for a quick cash grab, support and post-launch features that were the opposite of what fans were asking for, and premature reveals of projects that will not be releasing within a decade.

At the end of the day what is XV? It’s not a success to SE since I suspect the statement about needing $10M in sales had some merit (they wouldn’t be cancelling stuff now if the game was making them the money they want), it’s a betrayal to the old FF fans that wanted a traditional turn based RPG, it’s a betrayal to XV fans since the story we wanted fixed never got addressed and was sacrificed in favour of pointless crossovers nobody liked, and in the end FFXV is even a betrayal towards itself - it’s not the VersusXIII from 2006 & it’s not the XV from 2013. In the end it’s a rushed mix of ideas that are never fully developed. The game has an identity crisis despite what anyone says. I tried to believe that enough patches and DLCs would fix it, but I realize now that the issues stem from the core - the vision of this game was never clear. No amount of DLCs, movies, anime, books, online novels, ultimanias, mobile games, or artbooks will fix that.

I suppose I can look at the benefits of this cancellation, the major ones being the prevention of further contradicting or unexplained plot threads, further disjointing the new content from the base story, and the avoidance of alternate timelines (when the main one is as messy as it is). I will ride out the XV train up until the end, I might as well at this point, but my interest has shifted to other companies that deliver games in a timely manner and in complete forms.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
It's been so long that I don't exactly remember, but does anyone know for how long they've been working on these DLC?

When were they first announced? I think we can estimate from there when development could have began.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
It's been so long that I don't exactly remember, but does anyone know for how long they've been working on these DLC?

When were they first announced? I think we can estimate from there when development could have began.
If you're talking about the Season 2 DLCs, they were announced at PAX East on April 6th this year.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
If you're talking about the Season 2 DLCs, they were announced at PAX East on April 6th this year.
It's worth pointing out that it seemed highly likely that nothing had been done on anything other than Episode Ardyn at the time that the DLCs were announced.

Come to think of it...

Let's suppose that, given what turned up in the datamine, a standalone Episode Ardyn was planned before the Dawn of the Future concept was added into the mix.

If that was the case, development on Episode Ardyn may have needed to be put on hold while they figured out how to retrofit it into the Dawn of the Future framework. We know very little about what that framework was, but the release spacing on the timeline (i.e. four episodes releasing within a few months of each other after almost a year on hold) suggests that it may have been very odd.

What if they ran into trouble with retrofitting Episode Ardyn into the Dawn of the Future framework and found themselves in a situation where it would have demanded a lot more resources to follow through with that plan than to simply finish the Episode Ardyn they had initially put into development? If the four Dawn of the Future episodes were meant to interlink, maybe implementing the framework for the links turned out to be a lot more complicated than they initially thought and they'd found that they'd gotten nowhere with it after months of development. That could easily explain the way things turned out.

(Even more speculatively... what if the interlocking Dawn of the Future concept was meant as R&D for something Tabata wanted to do on his future project, and its failure wreaked havoc on that project, too? That could have been the trigger for the Tabata-Squenix split -- if Squenix decided that the concept wasn't working but Tabata was set on using it in his next major project, it's easy to see why he would have left.)


SOLDIER Second Class
Apr 12, 2016
i'm sorry about my English
final fantasy xv comrades standalone, what will happen to my save data ?
final fantasy xv comrades standalone will be free ?


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I kind of hope Ardyn is a little more than just an Insomnia section (considering niflheim characters like Verstael are in it), including some others like flashbacks with Somnus. It would be nice if it gave us more opportunities to explore the game, like for example, being able to use Ardyn's car in a small open world section in Niflheim or a new area in Lucis.

At this point I'm sure the trailer would have shown it, but ill keep on hoping for now.


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
It's worth pointing out that it seemed highly likely that nothing had been done on anything other than Episode Ardyn at the time that the DLCs were announced.

Come to think of it...

Let's suppose that, given what turned up in the datamine, a standalone Episode Ardyn was planned before the Dawn of the Future concept was added into the mix.

If that was the case, development on Episode Ardyn may have needed to be put on hold while they figured out how to retrofit it into the Dawn of the Future framework. We know very little about what that framework was, but the release spacing on the timeline (i.e. four episodes releasing within a few months of each other after almost a year on hold) suggests that it may have been very odd.

What if they ran into trouble with retrofitting Episode Ardyn into the Dawn of the Future framework and found themselves in a situation where it would have demanded a lot more resources to follow through with that plan than to simply finish the Episode Ardyn they had initially put into development? If the four Dawn of the Future episodes were meant to interlink, maybe implementing the framework for the links turned out to be a lot more complicated than they initially thought and they'd found that they'd gotten nowhere with it after months of development. That could easily explain the way things turned out.

(Even more speculatively... what if the interlocking Dawn of the Future concept was meant as R&D for something Tabata wanted to do on his future project, and its failure wreaked havoc on that project, too? That could have been the trigger for the Tabata-Squenix split -- if Squenix decided that the concept wasn't working but Tabata was set on using it in his next major project, it's easy to see why he would have left.)
I honestly think that they didn't have anything beyond planning done on any of them. The fact that all they showed up with was a piece of key art and a powerpoint slideshow says it all in my eyes. I also think that Ardyn's episode probably has a ways to go in development, and that we'll probably see a fair bit more in the final product than what the trailer lets on to. Simply because I don't think too much time or work has been put into it yet.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
I hope it's the project Tabata was working on when he was still with Luminous Productions, because I know what it is and it sure is exciting.
It probably was. They said it was the same AAA title that they started producing when they were founded. So, yeah. And if things are going alright there as they say, then it's probably not been changed to FF??? yet. It's probably still a new IP.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
I hope it's the project Tabata was working on when he was still with Luminous Productions, because I know what it is and it sure is exciting.

Look forward to it guys. :)
Lol if true then you should have kept it to yourself, some people might dog you for info. Sounds exciting though. Hopefully Square does't handle it the way FFXV was handled.
Feb 18, 2018
Lol if true then you should have kept it to yourself, some people might dog you for info. Sounds exciting though. Hopefully Square does't handle it the way FFXV was handled.
Haha, I won't say anything.

I'm not the only one to know about it, even saw some people tweeting about it lately.
I know what it is since last year. :p

Just... look forward to it!


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
Haha, I won't say anything.

I'm not the only one to know about it, even saw some people tweeting about it lately.
I know what it is since last year. :p

Just... look forward to it!
I reaaaaaally don't like when people start talking about something interesting, and then they're all "oh i can't tell more guys it's a My St ErY":rolleyes: if they tweet about it, then i guess it's not and you could give a source...


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Seeing the new Comrades trailer I don't think we're gonna be getting anything other than the 10 new boss fights. I'm guessing the stuff like raids were dropped too? I'm not expecting them to have addressed and revamped the party queing system now either. It's really weird that they even still kept going with making it standalone for the console version given the other cancellations, and also making it so it's not even accessed through the main game anymore but a separate launcher now, but on PC it's still gonna be accessed through the main game even though it's getting the same update content.


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 24, 2016
FFXV sales are now at 8.4 million worldwide as of October 2018.
Final Fantasy XV the game didn't lose Square any money and actually made money. however Kingsglaive did as it had a budget of 100 million and didn't break even .

what does this mean for the future of Final Fantasy well for starts Final Fantasy XVI probably won't have a tie in movie giving Kingsglave's bad performance.