Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
In fairness the reaction to the alternative timeline stuff was not well received, even at the announcement. I am bummed about no Episode: Aranea, Luna's would have been interesting but again the idea/ focus was to create an alternate timeline where everyone is happy and Ardyn is an Uncle. I'm fine with just getting a big Ardyn DLC (even if it's retconning that terrible movie) like they kind of planned in the first place. Also we're getting the FFXIV collab with attire for the bros, hopefully the weapons too that were mentioned in the datamine.
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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Apr 6, 2018
what a mess, i guess no more level editor for XV either, that 33m$ loss report connected to luminous production was very weird but now everything make sense with the 3 dlc canned and basically all that was already made wasted

but something tels me it also has to do with the new tomb raider wich didnt perform very well, 33$m seems a bit high for just the dlc's, they should have axed eidos long ago already
Likes: Vallen
Apr 13, 2018
Things what we are not going to get based on the ATR (i guess/my speculation) :

- summonable Bahamut
- Iris The Demon Slayer
- Luna as party member
- Black Chocobo for Ardyn?
- what happened during Noctis's 10 years of sleep
- older main charas with Noctis and Luna's boy and daughter
- hard mode?
- game changing magic?
- summons/monsters in the Bigbang art

Feel free to add guys, and correct me if i'm wrong, thanks!


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 29, 2018
Things what we are not going to get based on the ATR (i guess/my speculation) :

- summonable Bahamut
- Iris The Demon Slayer
- Luna as party member
- Black Chocobo for Ardyn?
- what happened during Noctis's 10 years of sleep
- older main charas with Noctis and Luna's boy and daughter
- hard mode?
- game changing magic?
- summons/monsters in the Bigbang art

Feel free to add guys, and correct me if i'm wrong, thanks!
-Explorable niflheim :(


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
What I’m okay with:
-no alternate ending nonsense
-EP Ardyn getting like a year of development time
-the new guys promising to bring XV to a conclusion (which gives me hope that at least one more patch at the end will come to fix/address whatever they can before closing the book on the game)

What sucks:
-I bet money/resources were put into the other 3 DLCs and some parts were coming along, this all is just sunk money and scrapped efforts (a theme of XV, too much finished work gets scrapped)
-kingsglaive will never be tied to the game
-DLCs forever will be disjointed from the narrative (even worse it seems comrades is being taken out of the main game menu and is now permanently a separate game... even more disjointed)
-they’re making even more movies/anime/“other forms of media” to deliver story, I don’t give a shit to keep up with multiple games, apps, web comics, OVAs ffs
-Little QoL elements and parts of the story that needed work (like the Niffs’ perspective) will never be realized.
You have to remember for the scrapped parts, they were very likely just going to re-use assets, the only new things that would have been scrapped is a playable Luna, Aranea, maybe a unique boss, and weapons. The area's might have been new but would have just been either concepts that were scrapped during the initial production. Oh and it seems the Level Editor for Windows Edition might be gone.

Edit: Comrades was an interesting idea, but ultimately it was poorly executed. Really the missions were hunts version 2.0. Absolutely nothing unique other than a revamped Ifrit and Bahamut fight (which were great. Ifrit's should have been in the main game), and a few mechanics like the truck and a magic system that should have been in the main game. Some of the missions were broken (The defend the god forsaken hut) and the f-ing loading times. The story was pretty minimal and really didn't change or add anything to the main story other than you know that the glaives fought daemons for 10 years.
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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 28, 2018
Very disappointing about the other DLCs. I didn't quite take in the Episode Ardyn trailer because of it but on a second viewing it looks great.
I expect they used their own character creation tool from Comrades to blend Noctis / Ardyn's faces to make Somnus, and added Prompto to Verstael to make the younger model. That crooked, sneering little mouth really sells it.
Likes: Vankwisha


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I really feel mad at what happened when I found out about the other DLC Episodes being cancelled.... I really don't know what to say but other than what the ever loving heck, Square Enix?! I was looking forward to Aranea's Episode as well like Ardyn's, which looks interesting, but why on earth would you cancel it?! I feel really mad about this, I really feel bad for Tabata and BD2, man, I found out about this because I was sleeping, and an hour or so ago, I decided to take a peek, and when I found out about this, I was so mad I was barely able to sleep, what a day to wake up to... I'm still getting Ardyn's Episode, but because I want it, but I don't think I'll ever forgive the company for pulling the rug under FFXV.


Chocobo Knight
Jul 15, 2014
Honestly with how tone deaf Square have proven themselves to be with FFXV time and time again I doubt they'll care about the backlash. I feel bad for the BD2 team though. They seemed pretty frustrated and sad during the whole stream, I would be too if my employer constantly fucked me over on a routine basis like this as well. Anyways I think my hype is pretty much dead until we hear more on Episode Ardyn. I just can't keep following this game like this anymore. Even with the lowest expectations possible Square still found a way to disappoint me.
this....i get up in the morning and first is look at mognetcentral....and see all this posts.
yes a pretty bad start for day for me right? xD
i really expected almost nothing, i was only interested in episode ardyn and like what i see in this episode (didnt watched the stream yet only pictures)

Some of the stuff in the Episode Ardyn trailer was pretty neat. Alot of callbacks to old FFXV stuff. View attachment 1052
View attachment 1053
View attachment 1054
View attachment 1055
Thought that this concept art was meant to be more symbolic than anything but seems like Ardyn was really crucified by his former people. Makes sense that all that talk about judgement on Angelgard was referring to him.
EDIT: It's also interesting that thematically they've stuck to Regis's Armiger being made up of random weapons, rather than those of the previous rulers. I thought this was an inconsistency between the movie, anime, and game's rules for a while but seeing it appear here in the game alongside Ardyn using the Rulers of Yores' weapons confirms it's intentional.
my god that sword technique really looks like the one from versus. really missed that in Nocts new arminger unleashed.
also ardyn is suffering lokks really cool. i want to see him as a human, how hes a normal man and than gets changed.

So yes its pretty diappointed about the chancelled 3 episodes, but if the team had to help other AAA projects than this could probably mean they are strggeling with development. i dont know how i feel right now, im just diappointed.

Now that i think about it, what about my complete edition ?
i didnt bought the royal edition yet becaause i thought we get the 4 episodes with a more completier edition.
hm who knows what SE will decide.
Likes: Cloud_CR


Chocobo Knight
Feb 25, 2018
I'm still wondering how this is supposedly canon. The subbed version confirmed this as being 30 years prior to chapter 1 but again, Regis coming face to face with Ardyn directly conflicts with Kingsglaive. Unless Ardyn's got memory wiping abilities or the ring gave Regis alzheimer's disease this DLC pretty much renders KG non canon or at the least sets itself up as an alternate timeline.
Well it could work, they Empire were on patchy terms for a long time. They were signing a deal in KG, that's not to say they didn't have their history.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Let us just look at this from a less emotive point of view.

Square Enix never expected XV to be a massive success. And it was. They didn't think there would be enough motivation to continue the DLC beyond its initial run, but there was. And this announcement wasn't based specifically on fan feedback or "malice", but on internal structural changes based on the foundation of Luminous Productions, which I think is their first dedicated subsidiary since The Game Designer Studio that created the first Crystal Chronicles.

The Luminous Productions team has apparently been working on both this mysterious new AAA title and XV itself, so they've been split between two duties for the best part of a year. Now SQEX and Luminous Productions has decided to focus its efforts on the new project, which means lower priority stuff which would eat up resources must be put aside or given a different outlet; this meant the end of a set of DLCs that were never planned, took low priority, and were frankly less anticipated than Episode Ardyn is. It also includes the PC version of the standalone Comrades apparently.

Also, this "outlet" for the DLC story needn't be anything related to XV at all. They said that they wanted something to show the kind of story they had. If it's an OVA or something, I'm not that bothered. But alternately could mean they're taking the basic narrative planned for this (which as @Ikkin has pointed out could potentially break the lore and themes) and turning it into a whole new game unencumbered by XV's "reputation" (which is notorious at best and toxic at worst).

And as for Tabata leaving, I can't say I'm surprised. He's dedicated nearly eight years to this highly troublesome project, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if the parting was quite amicable and based on a wish to take his next project at his own pace (likely at his own studio or new division based on his wording).

But now I will conclude with saying something I've been thinking for the best part of a year:...... I'M SICK AND TIRED OF XV, AND REALLY WANT FINAL FANTASY XVI. There. It's out.
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Likes: Fireryu


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
From the sounds of reports from Eurogamer and VG24/7 they're basically saying Tabata did in fact resign on his own accord and it was confirmed internally towards the end Summer and that there had been rumblings about Tabata resigning a while ago, and that he was given multiple options to continue at SE he decided to instead resign from SE. I may be misreading but it sounds like they would have folded Luminous Productions back into a Business Division as one of the options they gave to Tabata?

Eurogamer understands that Tabata was presented with the option to have Luminous Productions turn into one of Square Enix's regular business divisions, a course it now seems set on, or spin it off as his own company with Square Enix investment, though he chose to leave altogether. The departure was confirmed internally towards the end of this summer.

VG247 has been led to believe that Tabata’s departure is a direct result of these shifts at his new studio, and that he was provided with several options for the future of both himself and Luminous Productions at Square Enix and found none of them attractive.

If you remember the last interview Tabata did regarding Lumionous Productions for future plans and mentioning the XV DLC with him saying they're still doing them was in September, which would be just before the end of Summer.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
The only bright sides to this are that Episode: Ardyn looks very interesting from the footage we got, in addition to the animation that's set to come out with it, as well as the story it's telling in the DLC, as well as a portion of pre-destroyed Insomnia, even if there's re-used assets, and that it would make my replay come closer for me with this sequence of events.:

Episode: Ardyn Prologue Animation(If it comes digitally.)

Episode: Ardyn (DLC): The animation for this, if it comes digitally, and this DLC Episode would serve as a 'prologue' of sorts for the game for me.)

Chapters 1-8

Episode: Gladiolus: I would play this DLC in Chapter 8 at a campfire in Leide or Duscae.

Chapter 9 and Episode Ignis: I would play Episode: Ignis right after Chapter 9.

Chapters 10-13

Episode: Prompto: I would play this at a bunk bed in Chapter 13.)

Final Fantasy XV: Comrades: I might watch the cutscenes of this on YouTube, but it being here is debatable for now.)

Chapter 14 with Royal Pack

And that's all she wrote, the journey with this game was unique, but despite what happened lately in regards to the stream yesterday, this game, with the flaws it has, will still have a place in my heart, and I'm looking forward to Episode: Ardyn, and playing it out multiple times because I wanted it.


Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
So with them saying that the Windows version support being ceased, it means no extensive modding tools will be available either? If so, this hurts more than anything in this whole situation.

The community's passion could uplift so many of the game's flaws if given proper means to do that. But now not only do we not have the modding support, but with the implemented anti-debug measures, it will practically be impossible to do anything about the game in its current version.
Yet another unkept promise to the book..
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Episode: Ardyn Prologue Animation(If it comes digitally.)

Episode: Ardyn (DLC): The animation for this, if it comes digitally, and this DLC Episode would serve as a 'prologue' of sorts for the game for me.)

Chapters 1-8

Episode: Gladiolus: I would play this DLC in Chapter 8 at a campfire in Leide or Duscae.

Chapter 9 and Episode Ignis: I would play Episode: Ignis right after Chapter 9.

Chapters 10-13

Episode: Prompto: I would play this at a bunk bed in Chapter 13.)

Final Fantasy XV: Comrades: I might watch the cutscenes of this on YouTube, but it being here is debatable for now.)

Chapter 14 with Royal Pack
Also don’t forget Kingsglaive. But looking at this, I’ll say that it’s not normal to have to pay for so much “other media” to enjoy a single game’s story. Throw the brotherhood anime in there and this disjointed project ends up being nothing but a mess that’s impossible to follow without online guides and a large investment of cash.

Well done SE, this is one hell of an anniversary update, you sure got me excited..
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork