Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
They said they're looking into a way to still deliver the story that they wanted to tell in the other 3 DLCs via another means that they're going to cover later, which I'll keep looking forward to. If I had to guess, they might take the animation route with them, since they're premiering the Ardyn animation in Japan at a Kingsglaive showing event.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
So basically only EP Ardyn lives, the other three have been canned. There will be (two?) animations; one for EP Ardyn prologue and one for something else from what I understood. Then in December we get the FF14 collab and the Comrades update.

The consolidated sad news are that Tabata quit, S2 of DLCs got canned, no PC tools mention, no grand finale, it doesn’t seem like there’s going to be a big update for the 2nd anniversary, obviously no story changes/new scenes/hard modes, and even that big trailer at the end felt rushed and incomplete with footage that’s not in the game. I also bet tomorrow when the full stream gets translated we’ll learn even more details on stuff/plans that got nuked. Sad day.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 25, 2018
They said they're looking into a way to still deliver the story that they wanted to tell in the other 3 DLCs via another means that they're going to cover later, which I'll keep looking forward to. If I had to guess, they might take the animation route with them, since they're premiering the Ardyn animation in Japan at a Kingsglaive showing event.
I'm damn sick of these animations, I'm a Final Fantasy fan for their games, not their movies


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Oh my god, this fucking sucks. Now I have even less hope for VII:Remake and onwards.

SE have learned almost nothing this gen, goddamn it.
Yeah after seeing that headline today about Nomura thinking about remaking the other parts of the FFVII anthology I have no hope for that project. Feels like we're back in the days of waiting for Versus.
Feb 19, 2018
I read someone say that from what they understood of the stream the DLCs basically got cancelled because the studio's focus shifted away from the DLC and towards a AAA game. This stinks of Square upper management fucking over the dev team all over again by throwing too many projects on them. I'm hoping the negative outcry will cause Square to reconsider.


PSICOM Soldier
Mar 20, 2018
Oh my god, this fucking sucks. Now I have even less hope for VII:Remake and onwards.

SE have learned almost nothing this gen, goddamn it.
I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years we find out the DLC was cancelled because the FFVII remake was behind schedule, so they had to get Luminous staff to help out. Deja vu.
Likes: Dorothy95
Feb 19, 2018
So I just rewatched the stream with the subtitles and yeah they pretty much had to stop producing the other episodes cuz they "wanted to shift their focus towards AAA development for the fans" which pretty much translates to "Square upper management forced us to take on another project and told us to kill FFXV to make room."

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Won't this post-mortem be interesting.

It's entirely possible that SE's management changed their mind on the new studio's priorities. (That ~33M USD writedown means it must have been one hell of a disagreement.) The only leverage Tabata has in that case is to start something up himself. There's no "blame" to be had -- it's just business.

I'm sure Tabata will land on his feet -- if he doesn't already have investors lined up. I will wholeheartedly attest -- it's better to be working for yourself anyway.
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PSICOM Soldier
Mar 20, 2018
Won't this post-mortem be interesting.

It's entirely possible that SE's management changed their mind on the new studio's priorities. (That ~33M USD writedown means it must have been one hell of a disagreement.) The only leverage Tabata has in that case is to start something up himself. There's no "blame" to be had -- it's just business.

I'm sure Tabata will land on his feet -- if he doesn't already have investors lined up. I will wholeheartedly attest -- it's better to be working for yourself anyway.
Opening a new studio costs a lot money. If SE wasn't expecting to take a hit the first year than they shouldn't have made it. They haven't even released a single product yet.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
I feel powerless right now.
I hope Square Enix receive a backlash like Blizzard received for the recent Diablo announcement.
If they're not going to change their mind, then i hope they end up regreting this.
Honestly with how tone deaf Square have proven themselves to be with FFXV time and time again I doubt they'll care about the backlash. I feel bad for the BD2 team though. They seemed pretty frustrated and sad during the whole stream, I would be too if my employer constantly fucked me over on a routine basis like this as well. Anyways I think my hype is pretty much dead until we hear more on Episode Ardyn. I just can't keep following this game like this anymore. Even with the lowest expectations possible Square still found a way to disappoint me.

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Opening a new studio costs a lot money. If SE wasn't expecting to take a hit the first year than they shouldn't have made it. They haven't even released a single product yet.
That writedown was booked as a one-time accounting charge, signalling it's related to the cancellation of the FFXV DLC and potentially the new IP (and any supplemental "universe" tie-ins). Studio openings would be in OPEX/CAPEX.