Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
The stuff on the tweet is just talking about business and public days for it.

Reddit has that the theater and stream are two different things, the mods also quoted the press stuff about it too. Someone brought up one of the news sites, don't remember what one it was but the point was that the news site made a comment about DLC and other stuff and from what was quoted on discord, that there's nothing known or said so far about what's to be shown.

So the news site seems kinda wrong or just being hopeful and people are taking it the wrong way, I dunno. It's probably a general trailer in the theater and something for the stream. For what's being shown in either one, dunno but most of the footage from the business day photos online seems to be older trailers.

Pretty certain the reddit mods are right on this, I can't find anything else either.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
The stuff on the tweet is just talking about business and public days for it.

Reddit has that the theater and stream are two different things, the mods also quoted the press stuff about it too. Someone brought up one of the news sites, don't remember what one it was but the point was that the news site made a comment about DLC and other stuff and from what was quoted on discord, that there's nothing known or said so far about what's to be shown.

So the news site seems kinda wrong or just being hopeful and people are taking it the wrong way, I dunno. It's probably a general trailer in the theater and something for the stream. For what's being shown in either one, dunno but most of the footage from the business day photos online seems to be older trailers.

Pretty certain the reddit mods are right on this, I can't find anything else either.
did they ever used before only old content in a trailer for high-tier events?

i think if it was just a big "its fu**** nothing" they wouldnt be hyping the mega-theater, but yeah wait and see approach...
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PSICOM Soldier
Jul 17, 2018
Sardinia, Italy
"big emotions".... Mmh wait, I was wondering (as always) if Episode Ardyn took place in chapter 14 (or world of ruin in general) there's any chances to see Iris daemon slayer version?

PLOT TWIST: she's Ardyn's partner lol

Anyway, we have to wait just 2 days to see something aah.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
Honestly not expecting anything more than a FFXV Universe trailer that will show off the promised Comrades stuff and a small snippet of Episode Ardyn at most and even then I'm not assuming Episode Ardyn is guaranteed. Probably best to go in with tempered expectations especially since this is Square we're talking about and they happen to be masters of building hype only to blue ball you. If we get something substantial then great, if not then at least I personally won't be disappointed much.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
did they ever used before only old content in a trailer for high-tier events?

i think if it was just a big "its fu**** nothing" they wouldnt be hyping the mega-theater, but yeah wait and see approach...
They have before with only showing the Universe sort of trailers.

Like what is on the screen in what seems to be the theater area seems to just be from the Royal Edition trailer.

There's photos of the other screens around the side showing Luna in chp 9 too.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Man diving into wayback machine looking at Squaresoft era sales figures for FFVII and FFVIII in particular is pretty neat. Looking online on English sites I couldn't find any data for them anywhere beyond US or just Japanese numbers, so I had to look at the Japanese sites using wayback machine which actually lists the worldwide sales numbers. Honestly I'm surprised that none of this is even properly documented on any of the wiki or sales tracking sites. All the PDF links are pretty much dead on wayback but some press releases posted directly to the Squaresoft website still live.

FFVII ssales exceeded 5 million worldwide, specifically 5.16 million worldwide as of December 24th 1997. It released in January 31st 1997.

FFVII sales were at approximately 6 million worldwide as of April 27th 1998.

FFVII sales were at 6.57 million worldwide as of end of January 1999.

So 2 years since its initial release in Jan 1997, FFVII had sold 6.57 million worldwide.

FFVIII sold 6 million worldwide as of December 1999, which Squaresoft stated was the fastest selling FF at the time. It released February 11th 1999.

FFVIII sales were at 6.19 million worldwide as of March 13th 2000.

FFVIII sales were at 6.6 million worldwide as of 17th May 2000.

So 1 year and 3 months from its initial release in Feb 1999, FFVIII had sold 6.6 million worldwide.

After a certain point in the 2000/2001 dates the links to different pages are dead, so the next useable data is from the 2003 Square Enix financial report which I've posted previously, which had FFVIII at 8.1 million as of March 2003, and FFVII at 9.3 million as of March 2003.

In comparison, FFXV had 6.6 million worldwide after 11 months, and then 8.1 million worldwide after 1 year 10 months.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
New pretty interesting interview with Tabata.

He mentions one of the concepts he planned but was dropped in XV was it to be online where different people play as each bro online. Also confirms that the upcoming DLC stuff is all new story content.

Also once again confirms that Nomura did want to turn FFXV into a musical after seeing Les Mis in 2012.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Tabata says what interests him most now is the idea of taking his games beyond the confines of consoles and computers. “We want to take Final Fantasy 15 outside the screen,” he says. “We want to liberate the game from the confines of the screen and try to somehow make it playable inside the real world, if that makes sense.” While that might suggest an augmented reality an experience along the lines of Pokémon Go, Tabata says that’s not the case, even if he thinks highly of Niantic and Nintendo’s creation. “One thing I’ve learned from Pokémon Go is that it’s so simple, yet it shows what a simple game can do — all that buzz, all those users. I tried it myself because of this fever!”

But if 15’s next evolution isn’t an AR-based experience, what precisely does Tabata have in mind? He won’t say precisely, but he is willing to offer some hints. Surprisingly, those hints point in the exact opposite direction of his avowed love of cutting-edge tech.

“We have physical collaborations with Square Enix Café where the whole café becomes decorated with Final Fantasy 15 paraphernalia and goods and figures and stuff,” he muses, “but that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s more like: how can you enjoy the game in real world, not on the screen? That’s the direction I’m thinking.

I personally have an interest in what’s called live-action role-playing. When you see the general user base of live-action RPGs increasing, it’s kind of exciting. There’s a lot of settings with these as well, not just fantasy but all these other themes. So there’s a lot of room for exploration there, I think. I’ve never heard of anyone playing a live-action RPG version of Final Fantasy 15, so maybe that’s a cause for concern. Or the entire Final Fantasy franchise, for that matter.”
creepy, hope its good.

that sounds like the new "gameplay" experience he teased a year ago, maybe.

not particularly interested in role-playing in real life either way lol

Also once again confirms that Nomura did want to turn FFXV into a musical after seeing Les Mis in 2012.
"toying with the idea" isnt exactly "ok we're totally going to do this", more like he imagined that way at one point i think.
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
creepy, hope its good.

that sounds like the new "gameplay" experience he teased a year ago, maybe.

not particularly interested in role-playing in real life either way lol

"toying with the idea" isnt exactly "ok we're totally going to do this", more like he imagined that way at one point i think.
Nomura in 2013 said he was vetoed from turning it into a musical, he was actually serious about it.