Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
"I'm not ready"....

(ominous music) Bahamut: Humans are not worthy of guiding their own fate. The King will give his all...for our world, and humanity's future upon it.

Noctis brainwashed with the Ring's power. Prophecy fulfilled. Light restored. Astrals strike "owned it" pose.

Note: This is clearly not what happened. I think...
The easier solution is for Bahamut to basically just say, "It matters little. By the time the light of the Ring waxes full, you will be."


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Can you guys believe that in a few short months it would have been a year since that big patch last December that gave us character swapping? Wonder what they'll do to celebrate the game's 2nd year.. if they opt out for another big patch based on fan demand, I wonder what is more requested; more cutscenes or the DLC to be chronologically in the story? I don't see as many people talking about XV these days so it's hard to gauge what feature is highly wanted.
I think the game needs 3 major updates to make the Royal Edition feel complete:
-Hard/Challenge mode. With a good ballance in the use of items and a new Ascension menu not focused so much in buffs, instead you get a progression system for the bros so they don't begin overpowered. And also a nerf for the cooking system.
-Implement the 3 characters episodes inside the narrative of the game. I will leave the specifics to them, i've already repeated my dreamed narrative enough xD
-The hability to use the phone, to call Cor, Aranea or Iris for the fifht seat in the car. And also call all the side mission characters so you don't have to backtrack everytime (the dialogue doesn't need to change, they never interact fisically or make reference to being in front of you).

With that we would "only"need more cutscenes in Chapter 1-8 to make the story more clear. But this may be something the Episodes correct.


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
I think the game needs 3 major updates to make the Royal Edition feel complete:
-Hard/Challenge mode. With a good ballance in the use of items and a new Ascension menu not focused so much in buffs, instead you get a progression system for the bros so they don't begin overpowered. And also a nerf for the cooking system.
-Implement the 3 characters episodes inside the narrative of the game. I will leave the specifics to them, i've already repeated my dreamed narrative enough xD
-The hability to use the phone, to call Cor, Aranea or Iris for the fifht seat in the car. And also call all the side mission characters so you don't have to backtrack everytime (the dialogue doesn't need to change, they never interact fisically or make reference to being in front of you).

With that we would "only"need more cutscenes in Chapter 1-8 to make the story more clear. But this may be something the Episodes correct.
I really like that idea of calling people to come! or just calling. it would be fun to just call or text people and hear some funny stuff :>


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
We survived for 6months without any news or major patches, it's timeee! TGS here we come~
I think i'm having the same emotional outburst that Sara Lynn had breaking her house into pieces and snorting it...WELCOME BACK TO MY LIFE, HAHAHAHA!!!

Another feature the game needs is marking the camps where you interact with the Bros as side misions to discover (Yellow questionmark) or make one of your companios say "hey, look at that, i would like to take a rest" like how it happens with Prompto in that motel.

The game lists all the bad sidequests and hides the best interactions that makes the comradery grow...
Likes: Vallen


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
I don't know if the FFXV will hit 10 million life time sales. The only reason I say that is because the number of games that are coming out is a lot more than what there was years prior. I'd love to be proven wrong though, as I feel a lot of people tend to not talk about older games like they once did.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I don't know if the FFXV will hit 10 million life time sales. The only reason I say that is because the number of games that are coming out is a lot more than what there was years prior. I'd love to be proven wrong though, as I feel a lot of people tend to not talk about older games like they once did.
yeah i dont know it either

i think considering they'll be obviously release a complete edition for the game (both for pc and consoles), and in the future a remaster for PS5/Xbox, there's a pretty good chance.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
yeah i dont know it either
i think considering they'll be obviously release a complete edition for the game (both for pc and consoles), and in the future a remaster for PS5/Xbox, there's a pretty good chance.
Speaking of thattt, here's the

Obligatory redundant list of patches/fixes we need - Fall 2018 Edition:
(if we even get 1/3rd of these – I would consider it a win for us)

Quality of Life Additions
  • put bro interactions at camps as quests on map
  • add DLC monsters to bestiary
  • add a weapon/gear/car skins bestiary
  • patch in more weapon models (from past trailers/demos/mods)
  • patch in more costumes (like Noct's suit from the final battle)
  • patch back some older parries that got removed
  • adjust shop prices or reduce Gil accumulation rate
  • as mentioned, give us the ability to use the cell phone to complete quests remotely (maybe even give us Kings Knight as another mini game since it's being discontinued lol)
  • let us call Iris/Aranea/Cor to add to party in post game
  • change the jump and pick up bottom!
  • make a few cool optional quests as main quests (like the Deadeye Hunt, Iris Forest Dungeon, Zu Hunt etc...)
  • make the summons an equip slot for Noct (maybe even add Bahamut as the 5th summon in post game)
  • modify the random weather in the world to include more effects that are in the game's files as dataminers have found (fogs etc…)
  • fix the bug of resetting half of the open world quests if you do the Ardyn fight after already reaching Ch15 (or just remove the story quests in Ch15 by just making it an open world without throwing you back in time right before the final battle)
  • make fans happy by allowing us to go to Insomnia as young Noct in Ch15 just for fun
Story Additions
  • add DLCs to main game in chronological order with the release of the complete edition
  • patch in the voice lines and extra gameplay from the pocket edition into main game
  • add back some older CG cutscenes that don't need to be altered (Regis holding kid Noct, Umbra running on the road in between cars, a longer voiced montage of Kingsglaive at the start etc..)
  • this is wishful thinking but alter the titan and leviathan chapters (like what they did in Ch12 with Shiva's reveal) to add more lore and fix some awkward dialogue
  • add demon Glauca as another optional boss in Insomnia (maybe even stronger than omega), and defeating him would get the player the invincibility armor
Main Game Screen
  • allow the player to change back the main game screen to night/somnus
  • put past festivals and the Citadel map open combat as an extras option on the main screen
  • add the animated big bang art video as a game opening after the square enix logo, it’s too nice looking to be only featured on youtube lol
Options Menu
  • let us map our own buttons and controls
  • add an option to increase the intensity of particle effects
  • add an option to change the lighting (to the ep duscae version of it, at least on PC)
  • patch in the option to change miles/feet to km/meters
  • add a hard mode


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
I don't know if the FFXV will hit 10 million life time sales. The only reason I say that is because the number of games that are coming out is a lot more than what there was years prior. I'd love to be proven wrong though, as I feel a lot of people tend to not talk about older games like they once did.
I would actually beg to differ on a few counts.

1) The total number of games coming out may, in fact, be higher, but if anything, the number of major games have shrunk due to economic considerations. Back in FFVII's day, games could be made on a much shorter time frame, which allowed for major-but-not-blockbuster games like Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Brave Fencer Musashi, Xenogears, etc. to be released alongside major FF releases. Squenix's output nowadays looks a lot different than classic Square, and most of the other AAA game companies have followed a similar trend.

2) The number of games coming out seems largely irrelevant to the people who buy a game later on in its lifespan, who mostly do so because they want to experience that particular game. FFVII doesn't really compete with, say, the newest Call of Duty in any meaningful sense, and if FFXV gets a reputation as something unique and worth playing in its own right (which I think it deserves), its own long tail will probably exist under similar conditions.

3) FFXV has one major advantage insofar as its current highest settings are unlikely to look outdated even next generation, and even after that, diminishing returns will ensure that the game never actually ends up looking ugly. Neither a full remake nor even a FFX-style remaster should ever be necessary, and the amount of contextualization needed to appreciate it should be far lower than a game like FFVII (which was limited by its era in everything from art and animation to localization and proper conveyance of characterization).
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
XV on Steam already made more money in its 1st month worth of sales than FF7 did in 5 years on Steam.

XV had 300k at $50 in its 1st month. Before any steam sale happened, of which there's only been 3 for XV to date with one in April, July and last week and even at 50% off it still costs more than full price FF7 on Steam.

You can see the exact time periods it went on sale in the graph, and other FFs were on sale during July too.

FF7 has 1m at $12 in 5 years, with $12 as its default full price, with it frequently on sale for $6, with over 13 steam sales it's been through.

FF7 on SteamDB only tracks the graph for it's prices as far back as November 2014, despite it being released in July 2013. So even more Steamsales for FF7 would have happened than what's listed.
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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Yeah if anything I have a hard time not seeing this game hit its personal 10 million goal.

If FFXV could achieve 8.1 mil in less than two years then I can definitely see another boost provided by (again) the new DLCs (which helps that they're releasing back to back instead of months apart), along with BD2 taking advantage of discount sales during the next wave.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Feb 19, 2018
Luna also likes fishing

Modified Versus outfit (with sleeves and even more belts)

Noct's swag jacket

How people want the final battle of the new DLC to go down

If SE won't give us a good open world, we'll put Noct into our own (credit to the talented people on YT for modding him into so many awesome games)
Honestly? I'm not feeling that Versus outfit, looks far too rubbery and stiff, hopefully if we ever get an official version of it, it'll look more cloth-like but that's just me.
Likes: Storm


PSICOM Soldier
Mar 20, 2018
There's this one, but it has some clipping issues. Nobody made a perfect one yet :(

This one IS the official Versus XIII outfit. You can find the data for it in the original retail console disc and also in at least one of the pre-release demos (I can't remember if it was in Episode Duscae, the Platinum Demo, or both, but I do know I've seen it in at least one). Besides the broken physics, the textures for it are low res. You can tell it was designed with PS3 in mind rather than the current generation.
That said, I'd love it if someone was able to fix the clipping issues, it's still a pretty cool outfit.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Because they redesigned Noctis' body type it doesn't look right on his body. Like the neck looks really weird. The clothing geometry would have to be rescaled in certain parts. Also it looks like the sleeves need to be re-weight painted so the underarm makes sense. I have always been on the fence about mods. Some ideas are interesting or funny, yet rarely do they ever look really good or match the game quality, so ultimately it pulls me out of the experience.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork