Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
A wishful thinking, but I'd really want that too (even though I no longer believe they would deliver on that front).
I had high hopes for Armiger Unleashed, but it turned out to be just a better limit break mechanic rather than a full fledged gameplay replacement to the base combat. But considering every major DLC piece introduced a brand new combat mechanic, I imagine they won't just transfer base Noctis without at least adding some quirks to his gameplay.
more than new techniques im looking forward for potential new ring magics and who knows a summonable KoTR; i think its about time.


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Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
So i was thinking about EP. Noctis again and i just realized we could potentially get new techniques soley for him in it, i wouldn't even be shocked if there were more new warp skills in it too.

Interested in how they'll tackle the gameplay in that one.s
To add to what everyone said above, I too would love for them to deepen Noct's combat. Personally, and I'm sure my opinion is in the minority, I enjoyed the Episode Duscae "deck of cards" system where you set a weapon to each type of attack. I think it would be neat if EP Noctis gave us a new accessory similar to Armiger Unleashed - and equipping the new accessory would let us switch to that battle system by choosing which weapons do what.

And if not, then at the very least give us a second (or even third) accessory to equip to Noctis that deepens his Armiger Unleashed. That way the Royal Edition AU is level1, and EP Noctis would bring it up to level2/level3 by giving the player even more skills, combos, and moves (I loved how AU gave us the "pole dancing" move from earlier trailers, would not mind if they deepen AU further and reference old gameplay mechanics from prior trailers even more! maybe more Noctis parry animations?)


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
To add to what everyone said above, I too would love for them to deepen Noct's combat. Personally, and I'm sure my opinion is in the minority, I enjoyed the Episode Duscae "deck of cards" system where you set a weapon to each type of attack. I think it would be neat if EP Noctis gave us a new accessory similar to Armiger Unleashed - and equipping the new accessory would let us switch to that battle system by choosing which weapons do what.

And if not, then at the very least give us a second (or even third) accessory to equip to Noctis that deepens his Armiger Unleashed. That way the Royal Edition AU is level1, and EP Noctis would bring it up to level2/level3 by giving the player even more skills, combos, and moves (I loved how AU gave us the "pole dancing" move from earlier trailers, would not mind if they deepen AU further and reference old gameplay mechanics from prior trailers even more! maybe more Noctis parry animations?)

too good

technically tho you can still play like in Duscae with the auto-swap acc, i think the weapons you equip on the grid affects the order even.
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Feb 19, 2018

too good

technically tho you can still play like in Duscae with the auto-swap acc, i think the weapons you equip on the grid affects the order even.
I kinda want Noctis' combat system to take notes from something like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta. His abilities have tons of potential for fun combo based gameplay. Like maybe even take notes from the style change mechanic for Dante from DMC4. The old combat seemed like it came close to this but I wanna see them go all the way with it in terms of how drastically switching weapons/styles changes gameplay.
Feb 19, 2018
TGS games got announced yesterday, apparently only KH3, DQ10 and XIV are really named. Dunno if they're going to release a full list, since it was just those three and then the usual and more games comment.

Lack of news is killing me, nothing going around anywhere else either.
I'm guessing FFXV just isn't big enough to really be a headliner anymore, if it does pop up at any event it'll be a small sidenote to the yearly triple A rush of fall that's fast approaching. It's been nearly 2 years after all. I'm betting it'll likely get a small reveal when all the post show interviews are happening at the journalist booths like IGN and Gamespot rather than an onstage reveal. Square's gotta start focusing on the new stuff after all, and FFXV just isn't gonna bring in the same type of money as a new release at this point so from a financial and press standpoint it doesn't make sense to devote that much time and money to its promo anymore. Royal Edition may not have been the end of FFXV's content additions but it definitely was the cap off to its big media hype.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
I do have to be upfront and say that it doesn't really help when it seems like PR are doing a really crap job of it.

People keep asking for news and it's just a constant stream of mods, with tools that aren't exactly worth phoning home about. The last update apparently changed things to so however some people were doing mods, now all the rigging is kinda wrong to use because all the sample stuff is now wrong.

What a mess.