Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
You have a point and if the team was bigger or if it was included in the Royal update I could see that happen. Yet the majority of the team that was working on FFXV, from what I read, has been moved to either Luminous Studios or FFVII Remake.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Last year it was at 70%, it could be less by now, especially if FFVII is ramping up for the release date that has been hinted at for the 2020 fiscal year.

When the new studio was founded the article states that creative staff along with Tabata will make up the new team. Hence why FFXV DLC is now being directed solely by Takefumi Terada .

Edit: Also Tabata himself stated after the Royal Update/ Windows Edition that the game was complete, why would they have the majority of the staff continue to work on it? When those DLC episodes are released I doubt there will be major patches like what happened with the first 4. The only thing we'll get with them at most is maybe a Hard mode, a playable Aranea, summonable Bahamut (based on the datamine), and a few attires or weapons.
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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Last year it was at 70%, it could be less by now, especially if FFVII is ramping up for the release date that has been hinted at for the 2020 fiscal year.

When the new studio was founded the article states that creative staff along with Tabata will make up the new team. Hence why FFXV DLC is now being directed solely by Takefumi Terada .
Hmm while the theory of the team's staff being cut down from 2017 isn't dismissable, this still seems like pretty safe speculation at best.

You could also argue that BD2 may have went through a consolidation with other teams while shifting a lot of resources to the new DLC episodes by choice (with spare teams leading Comrades updates & Mod tools for the Window Edition) while putting Terada in charge due to his work on EP. Ignis' being the most well received of the Episodic DLCs & overall confidence.

As for FFVII, i don't think that one has much of in impact on FFXV's team with how BD2 are seemingly more concerned with increasing staff for their new IP within Luminous Studio while simultaneously working on XV's extended post-launch content. With that said, its not entirely improbable for certain staff members to have been shifted to assist the Remake in some capacity (likely the 30% that left in the first place last year, but thats just very theoretical).

Either way, we can only draw possible scenarios without definitive statements at the moment.

Edit: Also Tabata himself stated after the Royal Update/ Windows Edition that the game was complete, why would they have the majority of the staff continue to work on it?
AFAIK wasn't he referring to the core story story rather than the game itself? I know for sure that was stated by Tabata less than a month prior to the PC release. Besides, they have mentioned multiple times of continuing development through 2019 due to feedback from people wanting more DLC. Seems justified enough to me.

When those DLC episodes are released I doubt there will be major patches like what happened with the first 4. The only thing we'll get with them at most is maybe a Hard mode, a playable Aranea, summonable Bahamut (based on the datamine), and a few attires or weapons.
Could be possible, maybe.
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Feb 19, 2018
I'm sure that Square wouldn't waste a slot if characters were just a reskin, they aren't like Capcom. If you think about it Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Ultimecia, and Kuja have maybe one or two unique spells/ moves in their respective games and just use -aga tier spells. Yet Square was able to make them all have gimmicks. If they include Ardyn in Dissidia his moveset might be based around the Starscourge or barraging players with the Royal Arms. Zack will probably have a moveset that was featured in Crisis Core. Remember, technically Zack used the Buster sword sparingly to prevent wear and tear.
True, I forgot Zack only really started heavily using the Buster Sword late game and Ardyn using Starscourge attacks is a good way to differentiate him from Noctis. Still though I kinda hope Ravus gets picked cuz his whole purple lightning infused fighting style in Episode Ignis was glorious to look at.

Speaking of Ravus and purple lightning, I recently read a pretty interesting post that made a connection between Ravus (and by extension the Fluerets) and Ramuh. Apparently Ravus has an insignia of Ramuh's scepter on his outfit (which you can see via Ansel) and the purple lightning he shoots is identical to Ramuh's own purple lightning whereas Magitek soldiers and machinery only ever emit red lightning. Meaning the lightning may not actually come from the Magitek arm and could be a part of Ravus' own natural abilities. He also says "The power of the Storm surges through me" or something along those lines during his fight with Iggy and guess what Ravus refers to Ramuh as when he first meets Noct in chapter 5? "The Storm." With the exact line being "You receive the Storm's blessing and yet, you know nothing of the consequences." Considering the Fluerets' connection to the Astrals it would be kinda cool if the males were blessed with Ramuh's lightning while the females got the healing powers and vague light magic (see Luna vs Leviathan) from Bahamut in addition to their fire resistance which I assume came from Shiva. Would be neat if the Flueret House was blessed with different aspects of each astral but I guess we'll never truly know unless it's officially covered in the upcoming Episodes Ardyn and Luna which I kinda doubt it will be, but yeah Ravus very possibly gets his lightning from Ramuh which is badass if true.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Yeah, that was actually something brought up months before Episode Ignis came out on the Reddit Discord server. One of the mods was talking abou it, and about how his name means gray too.

Ramuh's staff is also actually Ixion with the design from X/X-2, so that's another thunder summon depiction.

The moderator was also talking about how Ramuh is the judge god, and that he struck people down in the official information and how it was a sort of parallel to Ravus choosing to enact judgment against Noctis repeatedly. However, Ramuh's also the protective god too since back in Duscae it had that the symbols on the havens were Ramuh's for protection.

Something about how it was interesting, because Ifrit in the chapter 12 update was described as being benevolent but fickle and Ignis is kinda like that too. It's an interesting comparison.

Ravus has in other lines for Episode Ignis, that it's apparently like the judgment of the gods instead of just Ramuh in particular. Luna's profiles also say that the Fleurets have special powers, and the Oracles in particular can heal.

So with that and the other conversation on the boat about Ravus having superhuman strength, Ravus should have some sort of powers in general and the other lines seem to shift the focus from one god, but rather to the Fleurets having other powers.
Likes: CloudBuster
Feb 19, 2018
Yeah, that was actually something brought up months before Episode Ignis came out on the Reddit Discord server. One of the mods was talking abou it, and about how his name means gray too.

Ramuh's staff is also actually Ixion with the design from X/X-2, so that's another thunder summon depiction.

The moderator was also talking about how Ramuh is the judge god, and that he struck people down in the official information and how it was a sort of parallel to Ravus choosing to enact judgment against Noctis repeatedly. However, Ramuh's also the protective god too since back in Duscae it had that the symbols on the havens were Ramuh's for protection.

Something about how it was interesting, because Ifrit in the chapter 12 update was described as being benevolent but fickle and Ignis is kinda like that too. It's an interesting comparison.

Ravus has in other lines for Episode Ignis, that it's apparently like the judgment of the gods instead of just Ramuh in particular. Luna's profiles also say that the Fleurets have special powers, and the Oracles in particular can heal.

So with that and the other conversation on the boat about Ravus having superhuman strength, Ravus should have some sort of powers in general and the other lines seem to shift the focus from one god, but rather to the Fleurets having other powers.
Damn, I wish I knew this info sooner then cuz that's cool as hell and makes me excited to see how they approach Luna's gameplay. It would be awesome to learn more of these other powers the House of Fleuret has since it's seemingly confirmed that Ravus does indeed have Ramuh's lightning. Kinda wish the game wasn't so vague about this stuff but I guess that can basically be said for most the background info in the game.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
There is one piece of Episode Ignis artwork where you can see Ramuh in the background. Look at where Ignis's right arm is and you can see Ramuh's head. I always figured that Ramuh was there in "spirit" with Ravus because he says that the power of the storm surges through him in Ep Ignis.

I think if Episode Luna has stuff prior to ch9 in it from the main game, that it's possible it'll have Luna's rite with Ramuh on Angelgard, which is where Luna was during ch5 while the storm was raging around Duscae, then Ravus shows up after Noctis summons Ramuh at the Niflheim base in Duscae. Maybe Ravus was at Angelgard with Luna during her rite with Ramuh before heading to Duscae and seeing Noctis summon Ramuh there.

I noticed that thunder stuff too, especially since all the thunder magic that Noctis, Ignis, Regis and the kingsglaive use is different in colour to Ramuh and Ravus's thunder magic.
Likes: CloudBuster
Feb 19, 2018
There is one piece of Episode Ignis artwork where you can see Ramuh in the background. Look at where Ignis's right arm is and you can see Ramuh's head. I always figured that Ramuh was there in "spirit" with Ravus because he says that the power of the storm surges through him in Ep Ignis.

I think if Episode Luna has stuff prior to ch9 in it from the main game, that it's possible it'll have Luna's rite with Ramuh on Angelgard, which is where Luna was during ch5 while the storm was raging around Duscae, then Ravus shows up after Noctis summons Ramuh at the Niflheim base in Duscae. Maybe Ravus was at Angelgard with Luna during her rite with Ramuh before heading to Duscae and seeing Noctis summon Ramuh there.

I noticed that thunder stuff too, especially since all the thunder magic that Noctis, Ignis, Regis and the kingsglaive use is different in colour to Ramuh and Ravus's thunder magic.
Pretty cool detail, and yeah I'm really hoping for more elaboration on this stuff in Episode Luna. Also I agree, Ravus' lightning is definitely unique amongst all the magic users we've scene in XV that can summon it.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

apparently there's a new update on steam (maybe thats how you enter the character creator?)


"Gotta create your character from scratch, my Comrades character wasnt selectable. None of your Comrades outfits carry over either, looks like we're going to have to collect them in game. Also, it looks like a lot of the new online features are tied to unlocking this, so better get straight to it after your update downloads."

"All the items for single player customization seem to be tied to finding treasures with the new online system and doing things like getting likes from players on photos you share in game."

nice great stealth update!
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Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018

apparently there's a new update on steam (maybe thats how you enter the character creator?)


"Gotta create your character from scratch, my Comrades character wasnt selectable. None of your Comrades outfits carry over either, looks like we're going to have to collect them in game. Also, it looks like a lot of the new online features are tied to unlocking this, so better get straight to it after your update downloads."

"All the items for single player customization seem to be tied to finding treasures with the new online system and doing things like getting likes from players on photos you share in game."

nice great stealth update!
They are still really trying to make this an MMO. I'm hoping this type of idea doesn't carry over into every future FFs or FFVII Remake. I like the fact that Final Fantasy for the most part has stayed a single player experience minus FF6 and FF9 that attempted a 2 player battle system and obviously FF14/FF11.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Well that finally came, though still waiting for the console version of the update since afaik that's only for the PC version right now.

In other news don't know if anyone else saw this, but a guy on Resetera pointed out that some FFXV environment artists are doing a presentation on the game and FF at his university, and that those FFXV artists are location scouting for their (new?) game in Alaska.

On Friday, Aug. 17, artists Naomi Savoie and Norihito Ueno from video game company Square Enix will present their work on the Fairbanks campus. Savoie is the concept artist and Ueno is the senior environment artist for the video game series “Final Fantasy,” a well-known game from Japan.
They will discuss the development of the game environment from concept art through production.

The talk will also cover the latest title, “Final Fantasy XV.” The artists are coming to Fairbanks to present and take photographs of Alaska to use when building environments in the game.

I'm guessing it's location scouting for a Luminous Productions game?


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Gonna dive in and check out the character creation right now, if it's compatible with story mode I'll probably stream myself playing through as my character this weekend!
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Yikes so far it's uhhhh....

Not good

Whenever a game with character creation makes me unlock glasses we're off to a bad start... at least the timed quests were fun, not really looking forward to hunting down user treasures and fishing for likes on my photos.
this is not too bad

this is tho lol

anyway, seems the characters work really well on cutscenes.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork