Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
btw guys, was it ever told if Ardyn's brother name - Somnus - has anything to do with the lead song? You know, this track has been with us since forever, so I would guess they would name only ultra important person same...episode Ardyn I guess?
Feb 19, 2018
btw guys, was it ever told if Ardyn's brother name - Somnus - has anything to do with the lead song? You know, this track has been with us since forever, so I would guess they would name only ultra important person same...episode Ardyn I guess?
No connection has been revealed officially, though some people are speculating there might be a connection. I just took it as being a fun easter egg/reference type thing.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
I see what you're getting at but everyone being happy doesn't necessarily mean all is well. It could be that in their selfish desire for their ideal ending they forsake something else. We don't know whether it's a truly perfect ending in every sense of the word yet or not. Also I wouldn't say that the original ending would be reduced to being something that occurred due to Noctis' own foolishness. It's simply one where the gods and prophecy were valued more.
It's true that the "super happy ending" doesn't have to be treated as an ideal solution and it could require the sacrifice of something else of value. My concern is that that's not how they're selling it. And I don't think that allowing the difference to simply be the amount of value the characters place on the gods and the prophecy really works if there's no practical benefit (whether physical or spiritual) to valuing the gods and the prophecy but plenty of practical benefit to being defiant.

A prophecy that only exists due to their initial failures. If Noctis succeeds or fails by going off on his own the crystal and gods end up wrong either way cuz what they foretold didn't come to fruition and it wouldn't be the first time seeing as Ardyn was their first failed attempt at creating a savior. The crystal told him to go heal everyone only to later demonize him.
Well, my issue is less with the idea that freely willed human actions can interfere with the outcome offered by the prophecy and more with the idea that the solution offered by the prophecy could be one-upped by the characters rejecting the only known solution and succeeding because the rules of the universe literally change to suit their whims (I'm looking at you, FFXIII). If they wanted to make an alternate ending where Noct tried to succeed where Ardyn had failed and caused a catastrophe, I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with that.

The gods also have plenty of other moments of bad decision making and moments where they lack morals in FFXV such as Ifrit giving Solheim technology only to get mad at them later which prompted Bahamut to smite him since he was going to burn humanity to a crisp, Leviathan also wrecked Altissia for no good reason and is the reason Luna was even put in the situation that got her killed or why Ignis had to give up his eyesight at all, then there's Shiva who used to freeze people all the time as well until she fell in love with Ifrit according to her own backstory.

I interpreted the original ending not as something that occurred because the Astrals concocted this perfect plan that would go off without a hitch but as something that happened because this time around they got lucky that they didn't create another Ardyn which I entirely attribute to the bros keeping Noct in line through their unconditional friendship. The gods in this universe aren't infallible or all powerful which puts them more on par with the greek pantheon which is built on the concept of flawed deities. At this point we're just debating our own interpretations I guess but I do personally believe there's far more evidence in XV that proves the gods aren't perfect than there is to prove that they are meaning that it's entirely possible their plan wasn't the only solution after all, just the solution that best worked in their favor.
Bad decision making and lack of morality is true of the elemental Astrals, who basically reflect forces of nature, but Bahamut seems significantly more stable than the rest of them, and he's the one who came up with the King-and-Oracle plan. He's more like an archangel than a theistic god, granted, but I'd much prefer that he remain essentially good and noble within that role, even if he can be wrong (say, in putting his faith in Noct even in an ending where Noct's disobedience leads to catastrophe).

Anyways while I don't agree with it and have my own interpretation I respect your interpretation of what FFXV's ending meant as well. We'll just have to see ultimately how things end up once we get to that point. I also get the feeling you took some of my statements as attacking your faith which was not my intention so I'm entirely sorry for that as well if it came off that way.
You don't have to worry that I took your statements as an attack on my faith. My frustration is entirely with certain cliche ways in which fictional works (particularly JRPGs) set human agency and freedom over against religiously-charged supernatural beings that want to keep them down, not with anything specific to the discussion we've been having.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
one thing makes me curious. how play as luna? she doesn't know how to combat. her episode won't be just walking around and cutscene.
maybe her moveset same like Yuna in dissidia012

well she defended herself from leviathan using a ray of light, and its possible that after

her death

she gained some sort of special blessing to keep supporting noctis


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
spoilers for Ep Aranea

im sorry
OK I can actually get behind this. It's a pretty good pic actually.

It was subtle but, I was thought at the back of my mind that these 2 suited each other. There were times were I thought Aranea had a slight thing for Ignis too going by her comments.

Tbh though Aranea's default mode is flirtatious no matter who she's talking to and no matter what mood she's in so it's why I've never taken her interactions with anyone to be anything more than her just going about her day. Probably got half the cast just as confused too. lmao
For me, she struck me as being snarky yet playful to everyone else. For Ignis, it was a bit different for some reason. I don't know how to describe it other than one of those things that you pick up on yet you can't explain why without refering to intuition as a reason.

I'm not usually one for shipping too.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
OK I can actually get behind this. It's a pretty good pic actually.

It was subtle but, I was thought at the back of my mind that these 2 suited each other. There were times were I thought Aranea had a slight thing for Ignis too going by her comments.

For me, she struck me as being snarky yet playful to everyone else. For Ignis, it was a bit different for some reason. I don't know how to describe it other than one of those things that you pick up on yet you can't explain why without refering to intuition as a reason.

I'm not usually one for shipping too.
I've always though Ignis is gay. He never shows his sexual preferences but i see him more with a man than a women.
But if he's made oficially gay some people would mistake his devotion to his dutties and Noct as something romantic, and that's clearly not the intention for the developers.
Likes: Jubileus


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 4, 2018
I've always though Ignis is gay. He never shows his sexual preferences but i see him more with a man than a women.
But if he's made oficially gay some people would mistake his devotion to his dutties and Noct as something romantic, and that's clearly not the intention for the developers.
please don't go there. they are brother.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
We could see if they release a video sneak peek of Episode: Ardyn, if it has has 'Extra Verse' or something similar beneath 'Continue', like they sneak previewed Episode: Ignis' opening back in the ATR in November 29th, or a trophy list if it mentions a 'Verse Two', I think we should be able to calm down and relax about whether the DLC's main routes will be canon or not.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
We've been talking about not wanting an alternative ending, but during months people has been asking for the return of Versus XIII, so maybe with this expansion (season pass 2) the game will add to the lore everything related to Fabula Nova Cristalis. The time travel, dreams of Noctis and the Cristal using the power of the dead.

With this three elements we have all the peaces necesary to learn about events where Noctis wasn't there, a motive to refuse the power of the Cristal and a tool to go against the gods.

All this elements work well with what we already have, so this way in a single playthrough we play as all the other characters/dlc and once Noctis awakes from the Cristal you decide if follow the rules of the ambiguous gods or defy them by using Umbra.
Having two separate endings tied with the same story and lore.

That's what i can see as "something everyone wished for".
We can even have a final version of the game called "Final Fantasy XV: Versus"
Due the new content being about defying what has been imposed to us or defeating every challenge for a better future for the rest"

PD: Maybe in the new ending we time travel to the origin of the starscourge, destroying it with older Noctis, but because that, having a future were everyone is happy but with noticable changes.
"Save the world or rebuild it".

Maybe the starcouge was caused by the Astral War and we have to kill them in that moment.
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Likes: Cloud_CR


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
The aspect of ffxv’s aesthetic that got me the most excited was all the Insomnia footage. And then we never really got anything more than the citadel, pre-invasion
the setting of FFXV is massively underused

"underused" is actually a fitting word for the game's main problems.

it just feels like a great game that missed the opportunity to become a masterpiece (im talking about FFXV, not Versus), hopefully we get closer to the ideal version next year.
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
the setting of FFXV is massively underused

"underused" is actually a fitting word for the game's main problems.

it just feels like a great game that missed the opportunity to become a masterpiece (im talking about FFXV, not Versus), hopefully we get closer to the ideal version next year.
Yeah, and while the state of FFXV's story is a lot better/getting better than it was at launch, and gaps in the story I wanted filled are filled/getting filled, the ones in my priorities that I posted earlier, I have to say that there are some presentation problems, and the pacing does feel a little wonky, and Ardyn and Aranea's Episodes will be the final steps completing the story for me in my eyes, but I understand that there are issues with the state with the game, don't get me wrong, I would've loved to get to explore a portion of Cartanica, but I feel the story is more important than an area, no matter how beautiful it is, a part of me feels, in my opinion.
Feb 19, 2018
I'm honestly very curious as to how early the changes in Noctis' episode take place. Does the road diverge at around the end when he gets out of the crystal as he says "fuck you" to Bahamut? or perhaps with Umbra playing a greater story role we get Noctis deciding to stick around during the invasion, save Insomnia, confront Ardyn who we know was there, and end the tragic journey before it even begins? That's something I'm curious to know. I'm really interested as to how they plan to set this alternative apart from the canon finale in terms of setting, scope, and execution.