Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
Most people wouldn't be against the idea of alternative endings if the core game didn't feel so disjointed and -in some aspects- barebones or unfinished, i.e. if they had actually set-up and developed the Regis-Noctis relation, if we could have actually played in a pre-invasion Insomnia to actually understand what the characters lose when the city falls and have a stronger emotional response once we visit its ruins, if the plot's inciting incident (Insomnia invasion) didn't happen off-screen, if there wasn't a tonal dissonance between the fall of Lucis and the bros going on a mostly cheerful road trip, if Gladiolus and Iris actually showed any resemblance of grief over their dead father instead of her happily going out on a date with Noctis, if the open-world didn't suddenly disappear mid-game, if Luna's character had been set-up and delved into at all before her death, etc. If those core issues had already been worked on, then sure, go ahead, give me 10 alternative endings for all I care. It's the misallocation of resources that is so frustrating and disappointing, even more so considering that -apparently- the development of FF15 will finish once Noctis' alternative happy ending DLC comes out, so there really isn't any hope for them to finally work on the game's core issues after that.
Feb 18, 2018
i'm messing around exploring Niflheim and it's weird how in the area where we follow Ardyn (Prompto) on the train, everything has collision

20180408195701_1.jpg 20180408194520_1.jpg

You can walk on almost every surfaces/buildings and can't go through walls, in Cartanica you'd just go through everything.

Probably doesn't mean anything but it's just weird that so much stuff has collision when it's just supposed to be a background to look at on the train.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
i'm messing around exploring Niflheim and it's weird how in the area where we follow Ardyn (Prompto) on the train, everything has collision

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You can walk on almost every surfaces/buildings and can't go through walls, in Cartanica you'd just go through everything.

Probably doesn't mean anything but it's just weird that so much stuff has collision when it's just supposed to be a background to look at on the train.
Huh, in videos of in Eusciello when that moment is happening, nothing had collision, perhaps it's a debug mode-type of thing.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 18, 2018
Huh, in videos of in Eusciello when that moment is happening, nothing had collision, perhaps it's a debug mode-type of thing.
You sure of that?

When was the video recorded? Perhaps they actually updated the area, doesn't make sense for something to suddenly have collision just because i'm using a debug version of the game lol


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
You sure of that?

When was the video recorded? Perhaps they actually updated the area, doesn't make sense for something to suddenly have collision just because i'm using a debug version of the game lol
This was the video, it was uploaded on March 8th.:

That's weird, though, because no one else had gone there since the Armiger glitch was patched out, so this is odd to me.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Food for thought. Ifrit has Ignis' face and Bahamut has Noctis' face plate.
yeah read something like that once, about ifrit's face being based on ignis; didnt know about bahamut sharing noctis face tho.

so the level editor will be available for use on the second continent as well right? man that will be crazy


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
i'm messing around exploring Niflheim and it's weird how in the area where we follow Ardyn (Prompto) on the train, everything has collision

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You can walk on almost every surfaces/buildings and can't go through walls, in Cartanica you'd just go through everything.

Probably doesn't mean anything but it's just weird that so much stuff has collision when it's just supposed to be a background to look at on the train.
Eusciello/Tenebrae/Ghorovas Rift/Gralea should all be dungeons. Maybe a they'll give us at least 1 free update doing at Eucsciello or Ghorovas (or maybe Cartanica pls lol).

Episode Aranea could cover the other 2 during her fall of Niflheim story. Honestly with that episode, the second half of the game could be 90% fixed and we can stop complaining about it already lol.

And I just want to clarify, I 100% do not want alternative endings for this game. But, since we have no other choice now to go about it, I've just been trying to think of viable explanations to how they can do it.

Square and BD2 know the lore of the game way more than any of us do. I'm sure with the way they will accomplish this, it won't break lore and has the possibility to connect deeply to the game over other DLC like Tabata has said plenty of times about it. And I'm sure he's not lying about his description of what's happening here.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
i think if theres any opportunity to explore tenebrae that will be with Ep Luna

Ep Aranea could end up a very scripted dlc since it happens in the mid of an chaotic event
I wouldn't mind if Episode: Aranea is scripted, as it's set in an important event want to delve into, so I'd be okay with that, even if it's linear, linearity isn't always a bad thing, and as a matter of fact, I prefer the linear second half over the first half.
Feb 19, 2018
Why in the world do you think I'd want the DLC to make Ardyn more evil? All I really expect out of him in that timeframe, canonically, is for him to be sympathetic but rebellious and wrong... much like Ravus, really, but without anyone to pull him back from the consequences of his worst impulses.

As for saving Ardyn, that was already part of the launch game and expanded upon in the Royal Edition. In fact, implying that Noct didn't canonically save Ardyn's soul would be one nasty retcon.

The problem is, adding in options that didn't exist in canon and destroy the themes of canon can't meaningfully be called "following canon." That's the very definition of breaking canon.

That's exactly why I think the path they've chosen for this DLC is a huge mistake.

Only in the retcon... which is why I really wish they wouldn't base the DLC on major retcons. -_-

Because allowing the heroes to succeed more completely than in the main ending by thumbing their nose at the themes of the main ending implies that preferring the main ending is wrong, especially when the option canonically existed all along.

That's absolutely not what I'm looking for. If they want to expand the main ending in a way that makes it clear that Noct and Luna are now divine protectors of the world and the world itself has been reborn in a better form, I'm perfectly fine with that. What I want to preserve is exactly what you seem to want to change -- the theme of obedience.

And therein lies the rub. The theme that I want to preserve is exactly what you want to be undone. The devs seem to be giving in to the people who want the game to be something that it's not.

Which isn't to say, mind you, that I wouldn't mind getting answers. The thing is, they have to be answers for why things had to happen the way they did in the main ending. Giving Noct a better option doesn't explain why he did what he did in the main ending. All it does is say that he was foolish for not being more inquisitive and willing to rebel in the first place. =/

Which matters naught if the outcome that we know about causes as many problems for the OG game's theme as it seems likely to do. =/
I see what you're getting at but everyone being happy doesn't necessarily mean all is well. It could be that in their selfish desire for their ideal ending they forsake something else. We don't know whether it's a truly perfect ending in every sense of the word yet or not. Also I wouldn't say that the original ending would be reduced to being something that occurred due to Noctis' own foolishness. It's simply one where the gods and prophecy were valued more.

A prophecy that only exists due to their initial failures. If Noctis succeeds or fails by going off on his own the crystal and gods end up wrong either way cuz what they foretold didn't come to fruition and it wouldn't be the first time seeing as Ardyn was their first failed attempt at creating a savior. The crystal told him to go heal everyone only to later demonize him. The gods also have plenty of other moments of bad decision making and moments where they lack morals in FFXV such as Ifrit giving Solheim technology only to get mad at them later which prompted Bahamut to smite him since he was going to burn humanity to a crisp, Leviathan also wrecked Altissia for no good reason and is the reason Luna was even put in the situation that got her killed or why Ignis had to give up his eyesight at all, then there's Shiva who used to freeze people all the time as well until she fell in love with Ifrit according to her own backstory.

I interpreted the original ending not as something that occurred because the Astrals concocted this perfect plan that would go off without a hitch but as something that happened because this time around they got lucky that they didn't create another Ardyn which I entirely attribute to the bros keeping Noct in line through their unconditional friendship. The gods in this universe aren't infallible or all powerful which puts them more on par with the greek pantheon which is built on the concept of flawed deities. At this point we're just debating our own interpretations I guess but I do personally believe there's far more evidence in XV that proves the gods aren't perfect than there is to prove that they are meaning that it's entirely possible their plan wasn't the only solution after all, just the solution that best worked in their favor. Anyways while I don't agree with it and have my own interpretation I respect your interpretation of what FFXV's ending meant as well. We'll just have to see ultimately how things end up once we get to that point. I also get the feeling you took some of my statements as attacking your faith which was not my intention so I'm entirely sorry for that as well if it came off that way.