I've played and beaten Episode Ignis this morning around 1hr and 05 minutes, this DLC is, so far, the best of the FFXV DLC I've played this year, I enjoyed the story and game-play, especially running and grappling across the roof-tops. The best parts of the DLC for me was seeing Titan fighting back against the Nifilheim Empire, tearing apart ships and swatting them away, reminding me of the Altissia segment deeply in the E3 2013 trailer, Caligo chasing Ignis in his Magitek Armor, and Ignis fighting Caligo, teaming up with Ravus, fighting Ravus, and witnessing his change of heart, the main ending, and especially the Extra Verse, that fight with Ardyn was so much fun, especially seeing a little more of his back-story, we now know that the Founder King is Ardyn's brother, a nice teaser for Episode Ardyn for next year, which I'm very, VERY excited for, and the alternate ending was amazing to see, and I was so happy to see Old Ravus, and him going to fight Ardyn with Noctis and his retinue, it could be interesting if we could branch out the main story for a different second half to get to the timeline in which this alternate ending takes place, but oh well, if it doesn't happen, I won't complain. I give Episode Ignis a 10/10. Here's hoping Episode Ardyn surpasses the story and everything Episode Ignis had brought into the fray.
