Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
IMO that would be a waste, why create what if stories instead of improving the story of the main game? Would much more prefer the alternate verse to be something exclusive for EP Ignis.
You are definitely right haha, just such a nice addition to the DLC that I'd love to see more.

But yea, the main game could use so much more fleshing out


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
A note to everyone who goes on YouTube a lot.

Scroll fast.

Thankfully I didn’t spoil anything for myself but spoilery titles and images are abundant on there.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Wow that was short
Yeah it's a 5 dollar DLC. Some cosmetics in other games cost more than that be happy you got what you got

Edit: honestly I've never seen you satisfied. Like this DLC helped fill in so much story gapping and you are complaining about it being a 2 hour DLC, which is just as long as the last one and twice as long as Gladio


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

"... Anyway I was playing as Ignis and I noticed some stuff the game doesn't tell you about. If you are playing as Ignis and in danger you can hold Triangle or Y to heal yourself from danger this doesn't work on other characters. Ignis can also roll while in danger. This leaves me with a question 'What can't Ignis do?'

Edit: The heal doesn't use a potion."

Ignis can airstep as well

Ignis op


new dlc for comrades, available only for japan users (with PSNplus) at the moment, adds new ancestor faces (Nyx included) and the Kingsglave garb.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
It’s only a matter of time before that becomes available here in the West.

The Behemoth jacket was originally a Japanese exclusive but we have it now - for free too.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
From what I've seen, it's the best of the 3 by far in gameplay and story. It adds at least 2 bossfights people wanted in the main game and expands on those characters. The final boss is satisfying and the alternate ending boss and story is fucking amazing (That is my personal observation).

I do hope future updates follow up on the alternate verse in some way, especially since alternate timeline stuff seems to be important to FFXV, as other people have said in this thread. Hell, id like them to clarify the main games ending a little more too if they could. This looks like the best addition so far.

Here's to another year of actual updates and DLC!
I think it would be cool if they did an alternate timeline (in the same way they did here) related to Omen; just an extra chapter in Ep Luna with Noctis killing her ;p


taken from this months gameinformer:

hard mode?
revamped leviathan fight maybe?

12 years later and still hyped, it really was a journey.
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I've played and beaten Episode Ignis this morning around 1hr and 05 minutes, this DLC is, so far, the best of the FFXV DLC I've played this year, I enjoyed the story and game-play, especially running and grappling across the roof-tops. The best parts of the DLC for me was seeing Titan fighting back against the Nifilheim Empire, tearing apart ships and swatting them away, reminding me of the Altissia segment deeply in the E3 2013 trailer, Caligo chasing Ignis in his Magitek Armor, and Ignis fighting Caligo, teaming up with Ravus, fighting Ravus, and witnessing his change of heart, the main ending, and especially the Extra Verse, that fight with Ardyn was so much fun, especially seeing a little more of his back-story, we now know that the Founder King is Ardyn's brother, a nice teaser for Episode Ardyn for next year, which I'm very, VERY excited for, and the alternate ending was amazing to see, and I was so happy to see Old Ravus, and him going to fight Ardyn with Noctis and his retinue, it could be interesting if we could branch out the main story for a different second half to get to the timeline in which this alternate ending takes place, but oh well, if it doesn't happen, I won't complain. I give Episode Ignis a 10/10. Here's hoping Episode Ardyn surpasses the story and everything Episode Ignis had brought into the fray. :).
Likes: Fireryu


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I think it would be cool if they did an alternate timeline (in the same way they did here) related to Omen; just an extra chapter in Ep Luna with Noctis killing her ;p


taken from this months gameinformer:

hard mode?
revamped leviathan fight maybe?

12 years later and still hyped, it really was a journey.

They also address the missing Comrades stuff too in one of those paragraphs in the second image haha. So we definitely can expect more there as well (higher level cap, more outposts, more gear, the rest of the sigils, etc). Hopefully they include some surprises with new areas too.

And i'm excited about that new experience. I wonder what he means?
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Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
They also address the missing Comrades stuff too in one of those paragraphs in the second image haha. So we definitely can expect more there as well (higher level cap, more outposts, more gear, etc). Hopefully they include some surprises with new areas too.

And i'm excited about that new experience. I wonder what he means?
it could literally mean anything:

new mode
new superboss with crazy mechanics
a new battle system element

and there's still the big climax at the end of the next year, which i'll keep my bet that is something related to Insomnia.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
it could literally mean anything:

new mode
new superboss with crazy mechanics
a new battle system element

and there's still the big climax at the end of the next year, which i'll keep my bet that is something related to Insomnia.
Yeah, I definitely think Insomnia will play a big part in whatever they have at the end, potentially a final update really revamping the final fight and exploration of that area.

Excited for Ardyn and whatever this is at least. Hopefully they pay more attention to Luna as well and fix some of the structure between Chapters 8 and 14


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Man, I can't wait to see how Episode Ardyn could surpass Episode Ignis, which I enjoyed and felt fulfilled with it. Just thinking about it is literally making me even more excited to play as Ardyn and witness his story from his point of view, even if it was just a substantial part of it, as I want to know more about him and connect with him more.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Just finished Episode Ignis 10 minutes ago. What a great DLC. I really enjoyed the boss battles too. OST is amazing as always.

Also.. the ending was a tear jerker. So he knew the whole time... what a man.

The alternate ending is pretty good too. However it doesn't make any sense but it's good fanservice at least lol

As for Ardyn, he's a show stealer yet again. Glad we learned more about him.

his brother stole the throne from him. Even if this was in the alternate ending, I'm guessing this piece of information could be considered canon?
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Just finished Episode Ignis 10 minutes ago. What a great DLC. I really enjoyed the boss battles too. OST is amazing as always.

Also.. the ending was a tear jerker. So he knew the whole time... what a man.

The alternate ending is pretty good too. However it doesn't make any sense but it's good fanservice at least lol

As for Ardyn, he's a show stealer yet again. Glad we learned more about him.

his brother stole the throne from him. Even if this was in the alternate ending, I'm guessing this piece of information could be considered canon?
Yes, I'm pretty sure it is canon, this could be their way of teasing Episode Ardyn for next year instead of using a trailer at the end of the episode.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Seems like 2 separate teams working on updates which is fantastic. Hopefully they can flesh out more of comrades and add to that 10 year gap. Making the 4 bros playable hopefully means that it will be a canon adventure with them during chapter 14. I think there'd have to be some meaning to include them other than just mindlessly putting them in.