I have several problems with putting the words "visionary" and "narrative quality" together (I´ll be leave it at that before I ramble).....that aside, him changing the game from how Nomura envisioned it to how he thought would work better is more than enough to label him as "visionary" for me.
Hm, what do you mean?^^ Maybe "visionary" wasn't the right English word, I actually wasn't sure myself. What I meant was "someone who has a strong sense for artistic coherence and consistency".
To be fair, it is a wonder he managed to make something even decent out of a project with such a messy history at all. It's easy for us to criticize everything from the outside, but I wouldn't have wanted to swap places with Tabata and his team, especially during the formative years of 2013 and 2014 where a lot of the very difficult decisions on the rewrites and restructuring of the game's story and scope including pre-production of Kingsglaive had to be made. So, not exactly the fairest circumstances to be judged under. That's why I should probably reserve judgement on his directorial capabilities until his next game. Not that there'd be anything wrong with him not being a good director anyway, as he clearly has talent as a producer and it's very rare that one person combines well both skill sets of a creative and a leader. Having a good team leader and manager is extremely important. You can have the best people on your team, but if there's no one who can pull them together, motivate them, present clear goals etc. nothing will be done. See
the recent amazing Polygon piece on FFVII's development where the former Square staff members praise Sakaguchi's unique leadership skills and emphasize how quickly after his departure from Square everything suddenly changed for the worse because of the lack of clear guidance causing infights everywhere in the company (
"I shouldn’t be saying this, but hmm, how to put this? It was like Sangokushi [the Chinese literary series “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”]. You know, where the king dies, and then a civil war erupts and everyone starts fighting each other.").
Indulge me on this, Koozek, but direction-wise, despite past efforts of storytelling flaws outside of KH, how exactly is Nomura ahead of Tabata in the narrative and visionary department of a director? To me that honestly feels like singling out one from the other.
Fair point, lol. I definitely didn't mean to make it sound like I'm praising Nomura's directing qualities that much. In fact, I regularily make fun of his hilariously non-sensical work on KH (though, I should probably shut up as a Metal Gear Solid fan

) and because of this my biggest worry even during Versus times back in the days was the overall story. What I meant was that Nomura is more artistically-driven (obviously because he's an artist himself, directs trailers himself, directed Advent Children, writes base stories/concepts/story boards like for FFVII, Versus, and KH etc.) and
perfectionist, while Tabata seems more pragmatic and goal-oriented, and that would complement each other.
I know his track record isn't the best, but I think Nomura might have the potential in him if given the right opportunity. I mean, even though I still think he was way too overambitious and, may I say, delusional with his original Versus trilogy-plans, it was still his original concepts and ideas that made me so excited in the first place. Of course, I know ideas alone don't make a good game and I respect Tabata and his team for actually
realizing a lot of Nomura's concepts. I'm also quite liking Nomura's mentality regarding FFVIIR's approach of reimagining instead of just pandering to nostalgia and when he said "
I think that love for FF alone isn’t enough to make FF. Someone who isn’t satisfied with FF can make it. A creator has to be someone who wants to change FF, to surpass it.". So, I'm giving him the benefit of doubt until FFVIIR is done.
People with known connections to the game have confirmed that the 4chan leaker was wrong about things, so I wouldn't take anything that guy mentioned about the state of the game behind the scenes as a given. Most likely, it was some QA tester using the plot details he knew to make himself look like an insider. =P
Tabata definitely has a producer-like skill set, though I think even a co-director scheme like the one Naughty Dog had going where there was one director who handled story and one who handled technology could go a long way to working around his weaknesses. I wouldn't want him to be divorced from the creative elements completely, in any case, because he seems like the likely source of the neat indie-like gameplay/story integration systems (like Prompto's photographs and Zack Fair's DMW) and moments (like FFXV's Chapter 10 and Crisis Core's ending) in his games.
AFAIK only the part about FFXVI not already being in development was wrong.
And yeah, the Naughty Dog set-up sounds good.
@Koozek Tabby has done a Final Fantasy from the ground up. Type-0. That was all him from the beginning.
I mean a mainline FF. Haven't played Type-0, but it doesn't seem to be that good either.