The lord hath given me strength to not click on any of those things you guys have posted that probably have tasty morsals of FFXV goodness!
Come on Chinglee, you disabled images and videos on this site for a reason!
Uhm i hope it is... Would be dumb to create such an awesome move and throw it away for no reason. Maybe you will unlock it within the skill tree.. really hope so, it looks badass
Uhm i hope it is... Would be dumb to create such an awesome move and throw it away for no reason. Maybe you will unlock it within the skill tree.. really hope so, it looks badass
We should not come to the conclusion of things not being included for "no reason". Dev's have reasonable reasons why they choose to cut things.
We are not part of the development team to to say they did such and such for no reason.
After all, a lot of things from that clip I posted are not in the game and are completely different. Heck even the events withing that segment are not part of the game.
Even the majority of the assets.
Judging from what you guys have said about the gameplay from what you have seen the biggest 'complaints' from reviewers will be:
-You have to actually put some effort into learning the nuances and intricacies of the battle system to get the most out of it and make it look flashy instead of button mashing
-Prompto is too happy
Pre-ordered the Pro on the week it was announced. I don't really need the money to go towards it but I've no need for a second PS4 in the house so i though I might as well sell it.
The money might go towards a Solid State Drive for the Pro. Just need the good guys at Digital Foundry to confirm if SSD makes much of a difference for loading times with the now SATA III compatible Pro