Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Jul 16, 2015
Maybe that SlomoRomo guy never played Platinum Demo and don't exactly know what IS unresponsive controls? :D
Besides there is another impressions from a guy at Neogaf:

He said the combat feels amazing. So i don't know who to believe honestly.
It's good to see a great impression from someone at that site honestly lol. He said he played the XBONE version which had rough graphics but that the game was beautiful. I'm glad to hear about how the combat feels so good and that it's a nice improvement over Gamescoms combat. Now we have just a couple months left and we should be playing a gorgeous, fun, and polished FF game. Woohoo!!.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
The only thing that I can think of "unreponsive control" would be the gameplay not having a 1:1 imput delay.
That's exactly what I was thinking. There's a difference between someone trying this out for the first time and not really feeling the controls and a performance issue. No offense to gamers on the internet in general, but I know an individual or two that would rather blame controls than admit they're less than gods at a video game.
Likes: Nova


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
He said the combat feels amazing. So i don't know who to believe honestly.
I think at this point, I'll trust my own take on everything so far. I've seen this game pretty clearly for a long time now, and have a hard time believing that everything suddenly is taking a turn for the worse just since the last build. I feel like we've all known exactly what we're getting for a while and some people are still catching up.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Sep 23, 2016
Long time lurker but I had the chance to get my hands on it at EGX earlier and It was simply marvelous.
The combat has definitely improved, I didn't experience any hick ups during my session.

I was initially only going to think about it for my PS4 but it's gorgeous!
I'll be getting a pro though to experience this in its FULL glory.
I've not played many FF's except 7 & 10 (recently 6 and 5 too).
It's a day 1 purchase for me at this point!


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
That's exactly what I was thinking. There's a difference between someone trying this out for the first time and not really feeling the controls and a performance issue. No offense to gamers on the internet in general, but I know an individual or two that would rather blame controls than admit they're less than gods at a video game.
Yeah me too, if its atleast half better than Platinum demo than im excited.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Long time lurker but I had the chance to get my hands on it at EGX earlier and It was simply marvelous.
The combat has definitely improved, I didn't experience any hick ups during my session.

I was initially only going to think about it for my PS4 but it's gorgeous!
I'll be getting a pro though to experience this in its FULL glory.
I've not played many FF's except 7 & 10 (recently 6 and 5 too).
It's a day 1 purchase for me at this point!
I like this dude :p


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Long time lurker but I had the chance to get my hands on it at EGX earlier and It was simply marvelous.
The combat has definitely improved, I didn't experience any hick ups during my session.

I was initially only going to think about it for my PS4 but it's gorgeous!
I'll be getting a pro though to experience this in its FULL glory.
I've not played many FF's except 7 & 10 (recently 6 and 5 too).
It's a day 1 purchase for me at this point!
Did the textures looks muddy and was there alot of pop up?


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Sep 23, 2016
How far did you get in the demo by any chance? Did you try the car?
Made it as far as the cabin by the guys house who I was suppose to do a job for.

Haha, just posting my experience.
Been awhile since I've been excited for Final Fantasy.
X is the last one I really liked though some people keep telling me to try XII.

Did the textures looks muddy and was there alot of pop up?
I was on the PS4 version no I didn't recognize any muddy textures.
Though it imo still looks like they are polishing things up because I noticed very obvious improvements in the surroundings from when I last played the demo at gamescon.
Especially the grass and rocks.
My biggest issue and concern was/is the camera.
it's not as bad as before, improvements but could still be better.
I just think it'd be a shame for the camera to miss the beautiful fights, it'd be a waste.

Technical issues aside, I'm loving the cast in this game, they are really nailing it there.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Sep 23, 2016
@DivineHalo Nice. One more question, regarding the camera, which areas did it became an issue in your experience?
It was moreso mainly when dealing with multiple opponents.
The camera for me wasn't turning around in combat fast enough for me to see where one went, a bit shaky as well.

May just be me nitpicking but it has improved overall.
Sep 27, 2013
The game didn't crash. A lot of the FFXV haters pray to Bahamut everyday that something bad happens to the game so they can spread it around the net. The stream crashed while showing off the Aranea fight and that's what people were talking about.
I've read a number of impressions online that the game crashed and had to be restarted for people who played it at Gamescom, think APZonerunner had that issue too. It's good to see that what they're having a month later is much more stable.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
We got more information about Shiva, it seems that she creates multiple versions of herself while using Diamond Dust as we've noticed. On top of this, her summoning conditions are completely random, and she will show up whenever she wants, whether you want her to or not.