Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Clan Centurio Member
Jun 13, 2016
Yeah. He was really, really bad. Way worse than Mat, IMO. Mat didn't do anything fancy, but he at least dodged on time and shit (don't believe me? go back and watch it. He dodged more often than I think people remember). Didn't put on the best show, but he was no where near as bad as whatever monkey they let play that other demo.

Was good to see the ED control setup in action, though! I'm going to need that. I spent too much time in that demo and I can't get used to something totally different.
Yeah, but Mat didn't actually do anything - he just stood there 'defending' and somehow still managed to get his ass kicked.

At least this guy went on the offensive - his goal was to show a super low level run, clearly. The boss and even the mobs were decimating his parties HP bar. It was meant to look difficult - much like the showing of the optional mine or the malboro - only this time he didn't very obviously die on purpose.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
I'd like to ask, what do you guys think of the camera now compared to how it functioned in Duscae/Platinum/E3 2016?

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
I'd like to ask, what do you guys think of the camera now compared to how it functioned in Duscae/Platinum/E3 2016?
I didn't think about it during the outside parts - which is probably a good thing. Indoors there appeared to be some wonky angles, but I'm not sure how much of that was the camera or the player. Either way, it seem passable enough to me.
Likes: Nova
Jul 16, 2015
Speaking of china, I'm very curious on how the game will perform in that region. Do we know how many consoles were sold there?
Not sure how they are doing currently but November last year XBONE and PS4 sales were each 500,000 units sold. Funny enough I just read that Sony said that censorship laws in China are stifling Ps4 sales there.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Funny enough I just read that Sony said that censorship laws in China are stifling Ps4 sales there.
I know this is slightly off topic for this thread, but for the above, I'm entirely not surprised. China today isn't exactly a haven of creativity and social freedom. I haven't heard anything about a Chinese localization of XV.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 25, 2016
Australia M8
Was good to see the ED control setup in action, though! I'm going to need that. I spent too much time in that demo and I can't get used to something totally different.
What what! I was watching the stream as well but I didn't see that (maybe I just didn't notice it, I was doing my Math homework at the same time) but is it really in :D Although I do prefer manual switching, it will be good going back to ED a couple of times.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
What what! I was watching the stream as well but I didn't see that (maybe I just didn't notice it, I was doing my Math homework at the same time) but is it really in :D Although I do prefer manual switching, it will be good going back to ED a couple of times.
Still manual switching, just the button layout from Duscae. You could see it in the button prompts. L1 to dodge, square to attack. I just got so used to it I can't go back.

Speaking of Duscae! Brought back this little ditty tonight. Performance wise, rougher than I remember, but the gameplay was everything I remembered it was. This was the game that got me into this. Nothing can catch Ground Zeroes for greatest demo of all time, but this is a real standout and I will always remember it fondly. Especially Ramuh. Gave me chills even today. The fucking music makes it, too.

I've gotten such a better appreciation for this game since I played ED for the first time, I noticed all kinds of things I never noticed before. I won't list them all here. Mostly because I'm flying higher than a lesbian seagull right now and am not mentally capable of doing so, but also because I'm actually here to recommend anyone else who hasn't played it in a while that you totally should.

Nothing earth shattering btw, before I get someone's hopes up. It's just neat knowing the meaning behind some things that i used to gloss over.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
I'd like to ask, what do you guys think of the camera now compared to how it functioned in Duscae/Platinum/E3 2016?
Playing Duscae literally right now. Standing on a campsite looking at Deadeye and getting ready to throw down.

As wonky as the indoor camera appears in those demos, it's so far ahead of what it was back then that I'm prepared to say, ok, fine.

Above ground, the camera seems excellent now. Close quarters gets pretty messed up. I don't know what I would do to fix it, so I won't be over critical about it.

The camera in Duscae is bad absolutely everywhere, pretty much no matter what you're fighting.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Another (more minor) general question.

What do guys also think of the the game's detail of individually showing each party member (excluding Noctis) collapse/K.O'd when their HP hits 0 during combat?


SOLDIER Second Class
May 25, 2016
Australia M8
Its a good way of making sure the player knows who is out of commission. Like, even in KH2 I had a hard time knowing when Goofy and Donald were KO'd and the health bars were obvious, I would only find out if I saw them collapsed on the ground.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 25, 2016
Australia M8
Yeah I tried to rewatch that Dengeki stream but couldn't. Like...I know they are just Dengeki employees playing the game, but I would assume that they would be better than that. (Also the chatter was a bit much, esp cause I couldn't understand them but that's my own fault not theirs).