Now that E3 isn't about 15, what is the next runner up for more sought-after game that WILL be at E3?
At this point, it's up to the Eidos side to deliver, hopefully with a Deus Ex and Sleeping Dogs sequel, though I also expect Crystal Dynamics' next game, which is likely to be a Tomb Raider followup, to debut as well. I'm a fan of the Tomb Raider franchise, but not enamoured by the direction the reboot(?) game took, but I'm still very eager to see another one.
I think X will make an appearance, and one to make up for no FFXV, as well as the next Zelda, hopefully. Then there are others, like Batman Arkham Knight (one glance at your avatar suggests you probably concur =P), Dragon Age Inquisition, Star Wars: Battlefront, Dishonored 2, Platinum's rumoured new game, etc. Even Project Beast I'm keen to see, even though I'm a rubbish gamer and I've no hope for success in From's other Souls games, haha.
If I can dream, I would dream of Type-0 HD, FFXII HD, Dragon Quest VII, new Mass Effect, Persona 5, a good shooter sequel to something I loved, like an actual new Timesplitters game, and Bulletstorm. I'll even dream of some earlier Dragon Quests for mobile.