Final Fantasy XIV - General News and Discussion Thread

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You'd have to play through the main story of the entire first game before accessing the expansion's content. You shouldn't just buy the expansion on its own. I don't think it would work anyway. There is a bundle where they're selling both A Realm Reborn and Heavensward together, so if you're going to buy it for a friend, make sure to buy both the original game and the expansion.
Thanks. Unfortunately I'm already a LVL 50 Dark Knight and have a friend in the mid-30s as a White Mage. I'm sorry.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Just finished Heavensward's main scenario. I recommend doing the Heavensward quest totally blind. There aren't any mechanics which you have not seen before. Just look and react. You're definitely going to have a good time with this as your first-time experience.

Seriously, what an end.
Thanks for the heads up! I have been absolutely busy the last month or two I don't even have time to download the extension pack, despite having early access to everything. This week will be the week when I can dive back in, definitely going to try what you said! I can't wait. Let's discuss more after :D
I think you are not using the correct words, FFXIVARR/[Insert expansion here] should be there instead.
The title of the game on my PS4 doesn't have 'A Realm Reborn' anymore ever since Heavensward launched. It's just 'Final Fantasy XIV' for the app and 'Final Fantasy XIV Online' for the launcher.

Thanks for the heads up! I have been absolutely busy the last month or two I don't even have time to download the extension pack, despite having early access to everything. This week will be the week when I can dive back in, definitely going to try what you said! I can't wait. Let's discuss more after :D
Make sure you brush up on your FFVII summons ;) At least one of them is going to be referenced in the game at some point.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
The title of the game on my PS4 doesn't have 'A Realm Reborn' anymore ever since Heavensward launched. It's just 'Final Fantasy XIV' for the app and 'Final Fantasy XIV Online' for the launcher.
I think the relaunch of FFXIV: A Realm Reborn was so successful most people forgotten about 1.0 already. So I think it's a smart move for them to change the name to FFXIV Online now, sort of like FFXI Online. Create less confusion, and slowly phasing out the bad memories.

Make sure you brush up on your FFVII summons ;) At least one of them is going to be referenced in the game at some point.
Between you and @LeonBlade, you guys are making it very difficult for me not able to start the game yet. This weekend is looking to be packed again... I might have to schedule time on weekdays... I can't believe I am THIS busy.
I think the relaunch of FFXIV: A Realm Reborn was so successful most people forgotten about 1.0 already. So I think it's a smart move for them to change the name to FFXIV Online now, sort of like FFXI Online. Create less confusion, and slowly phasing out the bad memories.
Yep. A few people have told me that 1.0 did eventually turn into a good game once things got patched out. It was just that the name was too tarnished for anyone to really come back to it. Apparently combat was a lot more intricate back then, I wouldn't know for sure lol
Between you and @LeonBlade, you guys are making it very difficult for me not able to start the game yet. This weekend is looking to be packed again... I might have to schedule time on weekdays... I can't believe I am THIS busy.
Haha. Hope everything settles down for you. You're making me feel bad for slaving away at this game. I'm almost prepared for Alexander. Then again I could be over prepared at this point...
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Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Yep. A few people have told me that 1.0 did eventually turn into a good game once things got patched out. It was just that the name was too tarnished for anyone to really come back to it. Apparently combat was a lot more intricate back then, I wouldn't know for sure lol
It did. As a matter of fact, there are still part of 1.0 I love a lot. The graphic was honestly the prettiest thing, but also major flawed. But I really mis the running motion, etc. Combat was very fun back then (once it was fixed... sort of), I main'ed Warrior back then and it was a completely different job it felt like.

Haha. Hope everything settles down for you. You're making me feel bad for slaving away at this game. I'm almost prepared for Alexander. Then again I could be over prepared at this point...
Things are settling down now. But as a 36 years old single guy, I'm also trying to find a mate, and sort of seeing a new guy as well, so I diverted a bit of time for him instead of my gaming life. Now, if he can just go to bed earlier... :D
Likes: Lucina


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Working my way through Heavensward finally and having a blast. Will post about my comments when I'm done with the main story quest... but as I was looking for reviews and comments today, I came across this...

According to the description, over 200 people on Excalibur participated in this... Gosh, I love nerds.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
So, I've been gone for a while on XIV mostly because I've been busy in real life. Happy to say I've been back for over a week and finally caught up with at least the main story quests! What a great expansion pack Heavensward was!

Anyway, as I was looking for a photo of the Deputy Delivery Moogle, I found this:


Isn't it gorgeous? I contacted the maker, fellow Balmung resident Lahu Foraz and see if he/she is still making it! I might be one step closer to become a moggle in real life! :D

See her page here -
Likes: LeonBlade


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
no love for FFXIV?
anyone excited for the new patch?

music is pretty hype as always, and finally the story will move us to the expansion.
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Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
no love for FFXIV?
anyone excited for the new patch?

music is pretty hype as always, and finally the story will move us to the expansion.
I very much love FFXIV, the problem is, not many people on here do. Kagari and I both raid, I know DrBretto plays but I'm not sure how often, and there might be a few others.

Trying to clear A8S before the patch, we got to the final phase with J-Storm before we hit the enrage timer with 4% left to go. Hoping to get the clear here soon as a great final hurrah into patch 3.4 and the final raid tier before the expansion.

Sophia's theme is fucking amazing, I love how expansive the new Deep Dungeon looks, and looking forward to the difficulty. I think this could act as the hard mode dungeons that people want if they do it right. Loads of QoL stuff that's awesome and I just can't wait.

Each patch trailer just gets better and better. Also, waiting for my check to clear in the bank so I can get my plane tickets as I'm going to the FFXIV fan festival in October.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
I haven't played in a while. It's a great game, but I have a hard time not seeing the MMO aspects for the time wasters they are anymore (saying more about MMO's in general than FFXIV, I have MMO'd since EQ) and I just can't stick with it for very long anymore. I do break down and buy a month here and there and catch up on the story, though.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
that's great to hear, XIV is one of my favorite titles of the franchise, and that comes from one which barely played MMOs. I think if ppl gave it a try they would fall in love with the world, ost and overall storyline.

Each patch trailer just gets better and better. Also, waiting for my check to clear in the bank so I can get my plane tickets as I'm going to the FFXIV fan festival in October.
have fun, it will be amazing that's for sure.

I haven't played in a while. It's a great game, but I have a hard time not seeing the MMO aspects for the time wasters they are anymore (saying more about MMO's in general than FFXIV, I have MMO'd since EQ) and I just can't stick with it for very long anymore. I do break down and buy a month here and there and catch up on the story, though.
I generally play two months after a new patch and then it's break time.
Likes: LeonBlade


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I´m really interested in playing XIV, I really want with dire passion >.> , I just don´t have a PS4 (I heard Yoshida saying something like "we can´t guarantee that we´ll keep supporting PS3 in the long term") or a decent PC to run it, plus I´m pretty tight on cash until I can get a job.
Likes: Storm