Final Fantasy XIV - General News and Discussion Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I'm interested in entering FFXIVARR and my main concernd is finishing the main campaing and then update to heavensward but as far as i know before heavensward there some(kinda) little expantions, questions :
1-do those add some new storylines ?
2-if yes, how do i not mix those with the original ARR storyline while playing?

In case i were to get ARR&Heavensward (cause reasons), i ask Qnº2 but applied to this expantion.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
How does an expansion work by the way? Say someone buys the expansion on its own. Would it be incompatible if they didn't own the original game? Does the new area get accessed through a side quest or would you have to be up to date with 2.55's main scenario?

Asking because I want to get someone into the game, but I'm worried about Heavensward's high barrier to entry.
You will need to purchase FFXIV as well as the expansion, the Mac version will come with both as it has never released on Mac before.
The new areas are gated by the story quests, yes. You cannot enter Ishgard until you complete the 2.5

I'm interested in entering FFXIVARR and my main concernd is finishing the main campaing and then update to heavensward but as far as i know before heavensward there some(kinda) little expantions, questions :
1-do those add some new storylines ?
2-if yes, how do i not mix those with the original ARR storyline while playing?

In case i were to get ARR&Heavensward (cause reasons), i ask Qnº2 but applied to this expantion.
Heavensward is an expansion in the same way expansions are for many MMOs. There is plenty of new content as well as storyline content. The story will be updated in subsequent patches of the 3.x series for free if you bought Heavensward. The storyline in the expansion picks up from where the current version has left off. There will be no conflict in any way with your current progress.

To rephrase this entirely, if you bought Heavensward and ARR brand new and made a new character, you wouldn't be able to play any of the Heavensward content until you get through all of the ARR story.
The new race should be available from the beginning, no?

I'm slowly working my way through the content. Given my pace, I could probably finish the main scenario by the time Heavensward launches, and then some. I'm thinking of going Astrologian for my first job. A blend of pure healing and damage mitigation is interesting, and I'm curious to see how well this job would synergise with the existing ones.
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Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
The new race should be available from the beginning, no?
I am pretty sure the new race will be available right from the get go, that shouldn't be in any conflict. With a few hours each week, you still have about two months to get through the main story, that should be plenty even if you're being a bit relax over it. Happy gaming! :D
Likes: Lucina
I am pretty sure the new race will be available right from the get go, that shouldn't be in any conflict. With a few hours each week, you still have about two months to get through the main story, that should be plenty even if you're being a bit relax over it. Happy gaming! :D
Thankfully once the Poetics cap resets in the next few hours I'll be able to obtain my Ironworks Magitek Weapon. I think I'm more than ready to breeze through the main story from there on. A little daunting to trudge through months worth of content, but I hope the story will keep me interested.

Also, side note. It's been about half a year or so since I've replayed XIV, and I used to make quite a lot of money crafting Boar Leather and Velveteen as a Weaver. However, I understand that a lot of new items were introduced to the game as of late, so consumers' priorities have probably shifted in such a way that the economy is unfamiliar to me now. I had to make a new character when I switched to PS4 and I don't have any DoH classes right now, so I was wondering if someone could point me to a class which offers a stable income before I actually get started.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I'm not sure how Au Ra is gated if it's like Ishgard is, but it shouldn't matter either way if you play through the game.

Thankfully once the Poetics cap resets in the next few hours I'll be able to obtain my Ironworks Magitek Weapon. I think I'm more than ready to breeze through the main story from there on. A little daunting to trudge through months worth of content, but I hope the story will keep me interested.

Also, side note. It's been about half a year or so since I've replayed XIV, and I used to make quite a lot of money crafting Boar Leather and Velveteen as a Weaver. However, I understand that a lot of new items were introduced to the game as of late, so consumers' priorities have probably shifted in such a way that the economy is unfamiliar to me now. I had to make a new character when I switched to PS4 and I don't have any DoH classes right now, so I was wondering if someone could point me to a class which offers a stable income before I actually get started.
Honestly, it would take a lot of time and money to catch back up with crafting for higher level stuff, but in terms of what people just buy a shit ton of, your best bet is to just scan the marketboard and find stuff with hearts that shows people buy it. Look at market history and find how much things are going for and see if you can't flip something or somehow obtain it and sell it.

That's the best advice I have unfortunately...
Likes: Lucina


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
When i saw that, at first i was like OMG something to play until DISSIDA (or XV) comes here....until i read the title.
{sigh} ok CAPCOM when are you making your VS game with SE ?
Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I would make a thread about XIV 3.0 benchmark creations, but not many people on here play the game, so I will post here instead. This is my Au Ra I created, I really like her a lot, I will make an alt with her design!
Likes: buddhafied


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Awesome, if you make any Au Ra male or female I'd like to see, I'm sure that this thread can serve for Heavensward as well as ARR.
Oh absolutely. I'll try out Au Ra male, as traditionally I always only make male characters anyway... I tend to make characters that I will have a crush on :D

I've changed the thread title to reflect this. Originally I named it FFXIV:ARR so people won't confused with the original version, but by now, no one remembers that disaster anymore, no need to distinguish between the two :D

By the way, who else is in the game? May I add you and your server on the OP?


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Alright everyone, "tonight" is the night! 2:00am PDT/5:00am EDT/9:00 GMT and we are ready to rock on! I will likely start this weekend as I'm still tired from last month of busy life... What will be the first thing you're gonna do in Heavensward?
Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Alright everyone, "tonight" is the night! 2:00am PDT/5:00am EDT/9:00 GMT and we are ready to rock on! I will likely start this weekend as I'm still tired from last month of busy life... What will be the first thing you're gonna do in Heavensward?
First thing I will be doing is getting the FC crafting basement! After that... ugh I don't even know... So many things to do.
Likes: buddhafied


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jun 21, 2015
How does an expansion work by the way? Say someone buys the expansion on its own. Would it be incompatible if they didn't own the original game? Does the new area get accessed through a side quest or would you have to be up to date with 2.55's main scenario?

Asking because I want to get someone into the game, but I'm worried about Heavensward's high barrier to entry.
You'd have to play through the main story of the entire first game before accessing the expansion's content. You shouldn't just buy the expansion on its own. I don't think it would work anyway. There is a bundle where they're selling both A Realm Reborn and Heavensward together, so if you're going to buy it for a friend, make sure to buy both the original game and the expansion.